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Created March 4, 2012 18:21
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import std.string;
import std.stdio;
import std.range;
import std.lowercase;
mixin template delegates( alias instance, methods... ){
static if( methods.length > 0 ){
static if( hasmembers(instance, methods[0]) ){
alias ReturnType!(methods[0]) type; // function/method type returned for first method
alias ParameterTypeTuple!(methods[0]) ptt; // All parameter for first method
alias ParameterStorageClass STC; // shorten the enum name
alias ParameterStorageClassTuple!(methods[0]) pstc; // All parameter storage class for first method
enum currentIndexForParameterName = 0;
assert( ptt.length <= 26u, "Unsuported method "~methods[0]~" who has more than 26 parameters" );
enum code = type.stringof ~" "~ typeof(instance).stringof ~" ( ";
code ~= getFunctionParameterString!(typeof(ptt), typeof(pstc))(ptt, pstc ) ~" ){";
code ~= typeof(instance).stringof~"."~methods[0]~ mixin getParameterString!typeof(ptt), typeof(pstc))(ptt, pstc ) ~";";
code ~= "}";
code = "";
assert(false, "Method: "~methods[0]~" is not a member of "~typeof(instance).stringof )
static if( methods.length > 1 )
mixin delgates!( instance, methods[1 .. $] );
template getFunctionParameterString(T, S)( T ptt, S pstc ){
enum getFunctionParameterString = "",
static if( ptt.length > 0 && pstc.length > 0 && ptt.length == pstc.length){
getFunctionParameterString = ptt[0].stringof ~" "~ pstc.stringof ~" ";
static if( ptt.length > 1 )
getFunctionParameterString ~= ~", "~ getFunctionParameterString!(typeof(ptt), typeof(pstc))( ptt[1 .. $], pst[1 .. $] );
template getParameterString(T, S)( T ptt, S pstc ){
enum getParameterString = "",
static if( ptt.length > 0 && pstc.length > 0 && ptt.length == pstc.length ){
getParameterString = pstc.stringof ~" ";
static if( ptt.length > 1 )
getParameterString ~= ~", "~ getParameterString!(typeof(ptt), typeof(pstc))( ptt[1 .. $], pst[1 .. $] );
class C{
size_t[] array;
mixin delegates!(array, "opIndexAssign", "opIndex", "length");
this( size_t[] a ){
array = a;
void main( ){
C c = new C( [0u, 1u, 2u, 3u] );
writeln( c[2] );
c[2] = 4u;
writeln( c[2] );
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