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Last active November 24, 2016 11:09
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PocketCHIP text mode setup on 4.3
PocketCHIP 4.3 on text mode
EDIT: Also available on CHIP community wiki:
This guide includes the steps I needed to go through to get the PC to work properly in text mode, from a clean 4.3 firmware.
[On GUI terminal, when connected to WiFi]
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
[Enable ssh server for easier config/troubleshooting]
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
[Check ip]
ip addr
[Disable graphical login]
sudo systemctl set-default
[Assure that the ssh server starts at boot in the new systemd target]
sudo systemctl enable ssh.socket
sudo reboot
[Getting the keyboard to work, I prefer copypasting the config to nano over SSH terminal on my laptop]
sudo apt-get install kbd
[Get keymap from here: > put it to ~/pocketchip.kmap]
[Check that it works]
sudo loadkeys ~/pocketchip.kmap
[We need to dump the keymap to get full configuration and load that one on boot]
keydump > ~/keydump.kmap
sudo mv ~chip/keydump.kmap /usr/share/keymaps/pocketchip.kmap
[To make this persistent, add "/usr/bin/loadkeys /usr/share/keymaps/pocketchip.kmap" to /etc/rc.local before "exit 0"]
[Now it's a good time to change the password, when you can type all the letters]
sudo reboot
[Install locales]
sudo apt-get install locales
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
[I selected en_US.UTF8, do as you wish]
[Change the console font, I recommend the smallest variant of Terminus]
sudo apt-get install console-setup
sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
[Add additional stuff that you would want to have]
sudo apt-get install bash-completion openssh-client
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