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Forked from jeremycflin/d3-tip.js
Last active May 26, 2016 17:27
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world population
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
/*border: 1px solid silver;*/
<div class="map-container"></div>
<div class="legend-component">
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" xmlns:xlink="" height="50" width="600">
<g class="panel" transform="translate(50, 0)">
<defs><linearGradient id="legend-gradient"></linearGradient></defs>
<rect height="30" width="500" class="color-band" fill="url(#legend-gradient)" />
<g class="axis"></g>
<text class="unit"></text>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var margin = {top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 30, left: 30},
width = 1300 - margin.left - margin.right,
height = 1000 - - margin.bottom;
var colors = ['#eaf8ff', '#beedfe', '#4bd0ff', '#05a5de', '#2882be']; // colors to tweak
var estoniaColor = '#004568';
var colorScale = d3.scale.linear()
var path = d3.geo.path();
var svg =".map-container")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.attr('class', 'map');
var projection = d3.geo.mercator()
.translate( [width / 2, height / 1.6]);
var path = d3.geo.path().projection(projection);
.defer(d3.json, "world_countries.json")
.defer(d3.csv, "world_population.csv")
function ready(error, world, _population) {
var populationByCode = {};
var population = _population.sort(function(a, b){ return b.population - a.population; });
console.log(, i){ return + ',' + d.population; }).slice(1, 11).join('\n'));
population.forEach(function(d) {
d.population = +d.population;
populationByCode[d.code] = d.population;
var populationValues =, i){ return d.population; });
populationValues.sort(function(a, b){ return a - b; });
var populationMin = populationValues[0];
var populationMaxMinusBiggest = populationValues[populationValues.length - 2];
var populationMiddle = populationMin + (populationMaxMinusBiggest - populationMin) / 2;
console.log(populationMin, populationMiddle, populationMaxMinusBiggest);
// get as many data stops as you have color stops
colorScale.domain([populationMin, populationMin + 100, populationMin + 4000, populationMiddle, populationMaxMinusBiggest]);
var allColors = [];
.attr("class", "continents")
.attr('d', path)
// .style({stroke: 'none', fill: '#dff7ff'}); // continents color
.style({stroke: '#dde', 'stroke-width': 2, fill: 'none'}); // continents color
.attr("class", "countries")
.data(topojson.feature(world, world.objects.countries).features)
.filter(function(d){ return populationByCode[]; })
.attr('d', path)
.style("fill", function(d) {
var color = === 233 ? estoniaColor : colorScale(populationByCode[]);
return color;
.style({stroke: 'none', 'stroke-width': 1.5})
.text(function(d){ return populationByCode[]; });
var stops ='#legend-gradient')
offset: function(d, i){ return i*(100/(colors.length-1)) + '%'; },
'stop-color': function(d){ return d; }
var labelValues = colorScale.domain();
var labels ='.axis')
.enter().append('line').classed('tick-line', true)
x1: function(d, i){ return i*(500/(labelValues.length-1)); },
y1: 30,
x2: function(d, i){ return i*(500/(labelValues.length-1)); },
y2: 35,
stroke: 'black'
var labels ='.axis')
.enter().append('text').classed('tick-label', true)
x: function(d, i){ return i*(500/(labelValues.length-1)); },
y: 50
.text(function(d){ return d; })
dx: function(d, i){ return -(this.getBBox().width / 2); }
var uniqueColors = allColors.reduce(function(prev, cur) {
return (prev.indexOf(cur) < 0) ? prev.concat([cur]) : prev;
}, []);
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name code population
Afganistan 4 5
Albaania 8 2
Ameerika Ühendriigid 840 3913
Andorra 20 1
Angola 24 1
Araabia Ühendemiraadid 784 49
Argentina 32 147
Armeenia 51 23
Aserbaidžaan 31 8
Austraalia 36 2661
Austria 40 283
Bahrein 48 4
Belgia 56 522
Belize 84 2
Bermuda (Gbr) 60 4
Boliivia 68 3
Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina 70 1
Brasiilia 76 582
Brunei Darussalam 96 1
Bulgaaria 100 39
Colombia (Kolumbia) 170 8
Costa Rica 188 3
Dominikaani Vabariik 214 3
Ecuador 218 7
Eesti 233 1120642
Egiptus 818 20
Fidži 242 2
Filipiinid 608 9
Ghana 288 1
Gibraltar (Gbr) 292 1
Gruusia 268 56
Guatemala 320 5
Hiina 156 32
Hispaania 724 719
Holland 528 650
Honduras 340 42
Hongkong (Chn) 344 13
Horvaatia 191 13
Iirimaa 372 2277
Iisrael 376 579
India 356 22
Indoneesia 360 11
Iraak 368 9
Iraan 364 1
Island 352 48
Itaalia 380 541
Jaapan 392 57
Jersey (Gbr) 832 3
Jordaania 400 1
Kaimanisaared (Gbr) 136 1
Kambodža 116 1
Kamerun 120 3
Kanada 124 3075
Kasahstan 398 18
Katar 634 5
Kenya 404 4
Kongo DV 178 1
Korea Vabariik 410 3
Kosovo 1
Kreeka 300 61
Kuveit 414 1
Kõrgõzstan 417 5
Küpros 196 105
Leedu 440 218
Liechtenstein 438 1
Liibanon 422 6
Liibüa 434 1
Luksemburg 442 239
Läti 428 715
Lõuna-Aafrika Vabariik 710 64
Malaisia 458 10
Mali 466 3
Malta 470 25
Mehhiko 484 18
Moldova 498 39
Monaco 492 25
Montenegro 499 2
Määramata 1
Namiibia 516 3
Nigeeria 566 9
Norra 578 1148
Omaan 512 6
Pakistan 586 1
Palestiina 275 9
Panama 591 4
Peruu 604 10
Poola 616 53
Portugal 620 90
Prantsusmaa 250 687
Rootsi 752 4503
Rumeenia 642 5
Réunion (Fra) 638 1
Saksamaa 276 4506
Saudi Araabia 682 10
Senegal 686 2
Serbia 688 4
Singapur 702 24
Slovakkia 703 18
Sloveenia 705 15
Somaalia 706 1
Soome 246 50865
Suurbritannia 826 8105
Svalbard ja Jan Mayen (Nor) 744 1
Süüria 760 1
Taani 208 583
Tai 764 25
Taiwan (Chn) 158 10
Tansaania 834 1
Tonga 776 1
Türgi 792 60
Tšehhi 203 99
Tšiili 152 6
Ukraina 804 483
Ungari 348 57
Uruguay 858 1
Usa Neitsisaared (Usa) 92 1
Usbekistan 860 4
Uus-Meremaa 554 140
Valgevene 112 178
Vanuatu 548 2
Venemaa 643 17044
Venezuela 862 250
Vietnam 704 9
Wallis ja Futuna (Fra) 876 1
Ühendriikide Hajasaared (Usa) 581 4
Šveits 756 450
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