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Last active April 26, 2020 05:22
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Creating Plots

Plotting in Gnuplot

Suppose you want to plot your data in the file name 'data.dat' and fit it with linear regression then add the code below in a file say 'plot.gnuplot'

	set terminal png
	set output 'image.png'

	set title 'Plot' font 'Hack,12'
	set xlabel 'x-axis with Greek symbol alpha {/Symbol a}' font 'Hack,11'
	set ylabel 'y-axis_{subscript}^{superscript}' font 'Hack,11'
	set tics font ',9'

	f(x) = a + b*x

	fit f(x) 'data.dat' via a,b

	plot 'data.dat' title 'data points', f(x) title 'fitted curve'

to run the file just run the command in the terminal

  gnuplot 'plot.gnuplot'
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