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Last active November 7, 2016 22:57
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  • Save birarda/258623664a9976613f1f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save birarda/258623664a9976613f1f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// loadTestServers.js
// examples/utilities/diagnostics
// Created by Stephen Birarda on 05/08/15.
// Copyright 2015 High Fidelity, Inc.
// Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
// See the accompanying file LICENSE or
// This script is made for load testing HF servers. It connects to the HF servers and sends/receives data.
// Run this on an assignment-client.
var count = 0;
var yawDirection = -1;
var yaw = 45;
var yawMax = 70;
var yawMin = 20;
var vantagePoint = {x: 10, y: 0.5, z: -5};
var isLocal = false;
// set up our EntityViewer with a position and orientation
var orientation = Quat.fromPitchYawRollDegrees(0, yaw, 0);
"url": "",
// "url": "", // alternative example
"startFrame": 0.0,
"endFrame": 300.0,
"timeScale": 1.0,
"loopFlag": true
var pianoInjector = null;
Avatar.position = vantagePoint;
Avatar.orientation = orientation;
Avatar.skeletonModelURL = ""
Agent.isAvatar = true;
Avatar.startAnimation(ANIMATION_DATA.url, 30, 1.0, ANIMATION_DATA.loopFlag, false, ANIMATION_DATA.startFrame, ANIMATION_DATA.endFrame);
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
function randFloat(low, high) {
return low + Math.random() * (high - low);
function keepLooking(deltaTime) {
if (count % getRandomInt(5, 15) == 0) {
yaw += yawDirection;
orientation = Quat.fromPitchYawRollDegrees(0, yaw, 0);
if (yaw > yawMax || yaw < yawMin) {
yawDirection = yawDirection * -1;
Avatar.position = { x: randFloat(5, 10), y: 0.5, z: randFloat(0, 5) - 6 };
Avatar.orientation = orientation;
// approximately every 5s, consider stopping
if (count % 600 == 0) {
print("considering stop....");
var stopProbability = 0.25; // 50% chance of stopping
if (Math.random() < stopProbability) {
// register the call back so it fires before each data send
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