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Created April 21, 2016 23:02
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// reset.js
// Created by James B. Pollack @imgntn on 3/14/2016
// Copyright 2016 High Fidelity, Inc.
// This cleanups up and creates content for the home.
// To begin, it finds any entity with the home reset key in its user data and deletes it.
// Next, it creates 'scripted entities', or objects that have scripts attached to them.
// Then it creates 'kinetic entities', or objects that need to be reset but have no scripts attached.
// Finally it sets up the 'dressing room' - an area that turns small models into big models on collision with a platform.
// The code is organized into a folder for each scripted entity containing a 'wrapper' file that instantiates the entity at a given location and rotation;
// The rest of the folder contains the scripts needed for that entity.
// Additionally, there is a folder for the kinetic entities that contains JSON files describing their content, and a single 'wrapper' file that contains constructors for each the various objects.
// A utilities file and the virtualBaton are included at the root level for all scripts to access as necessary.
// Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
// See the accompanying file LICENSE or
(function() {
var _this;
function Reset() {
_this = this;
var utilsPath = Script.resolvePath('utils.js');
var kineticPath = Script.resolvePath("atp:/kineticObjects/wrapper.js");
var fishTankPath = Script.resolvePath('atp:/fishTank/wrapper.js');
var tiltMazePath = Script.resolvePath("atp:/tiltMaze/wrapper.js")
var whiteboardPath = Script.resolvePath("atp:/whiteboard/wrapper.js");
var plantPath = Script.resolvePath("atp:/growingPlant/wrapper.js");
var cuckooClockPath = Script.resolvePath("atp:/cuckooClock/wrapper.js");
var pingPongGunPath = Script.resolvePath("atp:/pingPongGun/wrapper.js");
var musicBoxPath = Script.resolvePath("musicBox/wrapper.js?" + Math.random());
var transformerPath = Script.resolvePath("atp:/dressingRoom/wrapper.js");
// Script.include(musicBoxPath);
var TRANSFORMER_URL_ROBOT = 'atp:/dressingRoom/simple_robot.fbx';
var TRANSFORMER_URL_BEING_OF_LIGHT = 'atp:/dressingRoom/being_of_light.fbx';
var TRANSFORMER_URL_WILL = 'atp:/dressingRoom/will_T.fbx';
var TRANSFORMER_URL_STYLIZED_FEMALE = 'atp:/dressingRoom/stylized_female.fbx';
Reset.prototype = {
tidying: false,
preload: function(entityID) {
_this.entityID = entityID;
showTidyingButton: function() {
var data = {
"Texture.001": "atp:/Tidyguy-7.fbx/Tidyguy-7.fbm/Head-Housing-Texture.png",
"button.tidy": "atp:/Tidyguy-7.fbx/Tidyguy-7.fbm/Tidy-Up-Button-Orange.png",
"button.tidy-active": "atp:/Tidyguy-7.fbx/Tidyguy-7.fbm/Tidy-Up-Button-Orange.png",
"button.tidy-active.emit": "atp:/Tidyguy-7.fbx/Tidyguy-7.fbm/Tidy-Up-Button-Orange-Emit.png",
"button.tidy.emit": "atp:/Tidyguy-7.fbx/Tidyguy-7.fbm/Tidy-Up-Button-Orange-Emit.png",
"tex.button.blanks": "atp:/Tidyguy-7.fbx/Tidyguy-7.fbm/Button-Blanks.png",
"tex.button.blanks.normal": "atp:/Tidyguy-7.fbx/Tidyguy-7.fbm/Button-Blanks-Normal.png",
"tex.face.sceen": "atp:/Tidyguy-7.fbx/Tidyguy-7.fbm/tidy-guy-face.png",
"tex.face.screen.emit": "atp:/Tidyguy-7.fbx/Tidyguy-7.fbm/tidy-guy-face-Emit.png"
Entities.editEntity(_this.entityID, {
textures: JSON.stringify(data)
showTidyButton: function() {
var data = {
"Texture.001": "atp:/Tidyguy-7.fbx/Tidyguy-7.fbm/Head-Housing-Texture.png",
"button.tidy": "atp:/Tidyguy-7.fbx/Tidyguy-7.fbm/Tidy-Up-Button-Green.png",
"button.tidy.emit": "atp:/Tidyguy-7.fbx/Tidyguy-7.fbm/Tidy-Up-Button-Green-Emit.png",
"tex.button.blanks": "atp:/Tidyguy-7.fbx/Tidyguy-7.fbm/Button-Blanks.png",
"tex.button.blanks.normal": "atp:/Tidyguy-7.fbx/Tidyguy-7.fbm/Button-Blanks-Normal.png",
"tex.face.sceen": "atp:/Tidyguy-7.fbx/Tidyguy-7.fbm/tidy-guy-face.png",
"tex.face.screen.emit": "atp:/Tidyguy-7.fbx/Tidyguy-7.fbm/tidy-guy-face-Emit.png"
Entities.editEntity(_this.entityID, {
textures: JSON.stringify(data)
playTidyingSound: function() {
toggleButton: function() {
if (_this.tidying === true) {
} else {
_this.tidying = true;
Script.setTimeout(function() {
_this.tidying = false;
}, 2500);
Script.setTimeout(function() {
}, 750)
clickReleaseOnEntity: function(entityID, mouseEvent) {
if (!mouseEvent.isLeftButton) {
startNearTrigger: function() {
findAndDeleteHomeEntities: function() {
print('HOME trying to find home entities to delete')
var resetProperties = Entities.getEntityProperties(_this.entityID);
var results = Entities.findEntities(resetProperties.position, 1000);
var found = [];
results.forEach(function(result) {
var properties = Entities.getEntityProperties(result);
if (properties.userData === "" || properties.userData === undefined) {
print('no userdata -- its blank or undefined')
var userData = null;
try {
userData = JSON.parse(properties.userData);
} catch (err) {
print('error parsing json in resetscript for: ' +;
//print('properties are:' + properties.userData);
if (userData.hasOwnProperty('hifiHomeKey')) {
if (userData.hifiHomeKey.reset === true) {
print('HOME after deleting home entities')
createScriptedEntities: function() {
var fishTank = new FishTank({
x: 1099.2200,
y: 460.5460,
z: -78.2363
}, {
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0
var tiltMaze = new TiltMaze({
x: 1105.5768,
y: 460.3298,
z: -80.4891
var whiteboard = new Whiteboard({
x: 1104,
y: 460.5,
z: -77
}, {
x: 0,
y: -133,
z: 0
var myPlant = new Plant({
x: 1099.8785,
y: 460.3115,
z: -84.7736
}, {
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0
var pingPongGun = new HomePingPongGun({
x: 1101.2123,
y: 460.2328,
z: -65.8513
}, {
x: 97.3683,
y: 179.0293,
z: 89.9698
var cuckooClock = new MyCuckooClock({
x: 1105.267,
y: 461.44,
z: -81.9495
}, {
x: 0,
y: -57,
z: 0
// var musicBox = new MusicBox();
print('HOME after creating scripted entities')
createKineticEntities: function() {
var blocks = new Blocks({
x: 1097.1383,
y: 460.3790,
z: -66.4895
var fruitBowl = new FruitBowl({
x: 1105.3185,
y: 460.3221,
z: -81.2452
var livingRoomLamp = new LivingRoomLamp({
x: 1104.6732,
y: 460.3326,
z: -81.9710
var upperBookShelf = new UpperBookShelf({
x: 1106.2649,
y: 461.5352,
z: -80.3018
var lowerBookShelf = new LowerBookShelf({
x: 1106.2725,
y: 460.9600,
z: -80.2837
var deskChair = new Chair({
x: 1105.2716,
y: 459.7251,
z: -79.8097
var blueChair = new BlueChair({
x: 1100.4821,
y: 459.9147,
z: -75.9071
var stuffOnShelves = new StuffOnShelves({
x: 1105.9432,
y: 461.095,
z: -80.7894
var junk = new HomeJunk({
x: 1102.5861,
y: 460.1812,
z: -69.5005
var trashcan = new Trashcan({
x: 1103.9034,
y: 459.4355,
z: -82.3619
var books = new Books({
x: 1106.1553,
y: 461.1,
z: -80.4890
var cellPoster = new PosterCell({
x: 1103.78,
y: 461,
z: -70.3
var playaPoster = new PosterPlaya({
x: 1101.8,
y: 461,
z: -73.3
print('HOME after creating kinetic entities')
setupDressingRoom: function() {
print('HOME setup dressing room')
createRotatorBlock: function() {
var rotatorBlockProps = {
name: 'hifi-home-dressing-room-rotator-block',
type: 'Box',
visible: false,
color: {
red: 0,
green: 255,
blue: 0
dimensions: {
x: 1.0000,
y: 0.0367,
z: 1.0000
collisionless: true,
angularDamping: 0,
angularVelocity: {
x: 0,
y: 0.10472,
z: 0
dynamic: false,
userData: JSON.stringify({
'hifiHomeKey': {
'reset': true
position: {
x: 1106.9778,
y: 460.2765,
z: -74.5842
userData: JSON.stringify({
'hifiHomeKey': {
'reset': true
var rotatorBlock = Entities.addEntity(rotatorBlockProps);
print('HOME created rotator block')
createTransformingDais: function() {
var DAIS_MODEL_URL = 'atp:/dressingRoom/Dressing-Dais.fbx';
var COLLISION_HULL_URL = 'atp:/dressingRoom/Dressing-Dais.obj';
x: 1.0654,
y: 0.1695,
z: 1.0654
x: 1107.0330,
y: 459.2782,
z: -74.5704
var daisProperties = {
name: 'hifi-home-dressing-room-transformer-collider',
type: 'Model',
dimensions: DAIS_DIMENSIONS,
position: DAIS_POSITION,
dynamic: false,
userData: JSON.stringify({
'hifiHomeKey': {
'reset': true
var dais = Entities.addEntity(daisProperties);
print('HOME created dais : ' + dais)
createTransformers: function() {
var firstDollPosition = {
x: 1107.61,
y: 460.6,
z: -77.34
var dollRotation = {
x: 0,
y: -55.86,
z: 0,
var rotationAsQuat = Quat.fromPitchYawRollDegrees(dollRotation.x, dollRotation.y, dollRotation.z);
var dolls = [
var dollDimensions = [{
//stylized female artemis
x: 1.6323,
y: 1.7705,
z: 0.2851
}, {
x: 1.4439,
y: 0.6224,
z: 0.4998
}, {
//being of light
x: 1.8838,
y: 1.7865,
z: 0.2955
}, {
x: 1.6326,
y: 1.6764,
z: 0.2606
dollDimensions.forEach(function(vector, index) {
var scaled = Vec3.multiply(vector, TRANSFORMER_SCALE);
dollDimensions[index] = scaled;
var dollLateralSeparation = 0.8;
dolls.forEach(function(doll, index) {
var separation = index * dollLateralSeparation;
var left = Quat.getRight(rotationAsQuat);
var distanceToLeft = Vec3.multiply(separation, left);
var dollPosition = Vec3.sum(firstDollPosition, distanceToLeft)
var transformer = new TransformerDoll(doll, dollPosition, dollRotation,
unload: function() {
// this.findAndDeleteHomeEntities();
return new Reset();
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