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Last active October 21, 2015 23:12
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// baseball.js
// examples/toys
// Created by Stephen Birarda on 10/20/15.
// Copyright 2015 High Fidelity, Inc.
// Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
// See the accompanying file LICENSE or
var BAT_MODEL = "atp:07bdd769a57ff15ebe9331ae4e2c2eae8886a6792b4790cce03b4716eb3a81c7.fbx";
var BAT_COLLISION_SHAPE = "atp:1211ee12bc8ab0bb744e8582e15e728a00ca70a808550fc46d7284799b9a868a.obj";
var BAT_POSITION = { x: -0.54, y: 1.21, z: 2.57 }
var lastTriggerValue = 0.0;
function checkTriggers() {
var rightTrigger = Controller.getTriggerValue(1);
if (rightTrigger == 0) {
if (lastTriggerValue > 0) {
// the trigger was just released, swing the bat with an angular velocity
var newSwing = MAX_SWING_DEGREES_PER_SEC * lastTriggerValue;
Entities.editEntity(bat, {
angularVelocity: { x: 0.0, y: newSwing, z: 0.0 }
} else {
// the trigger is being held, set the rotation of the bat to show the wind up
var MAX_ROTATION = -75.0;
// add a rotation to the bat depending on the current value of the trigger
var newRotation = Quat.fromPitchYawRollDegrees(0.0, MAX_ROTATION * rightTrigger, 0.0);
Entities.editEntity(bat, {
rotation: newRotation,
angularVelocity: { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0 }
// add the fresh bat at home plate
var bat = Entities.addEntity({
name: 'Bat',
type: "Model",
position: BAT_POSITION,
// hook the update so we can check controller triggers
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