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Getting started with Openscreen node SDK and create your first dynamic, trackable QR Code
// Run the following code to test that you have successfully created a project and installed the Openscreen SDK.
// Initiate the Openscreen node SDK
const{ Openscreen }=require("@openscreen/sdk");
const os = new Openscreen().config({key: process.env.OS_API_KEY, secret: process.env.OS_API_SECRET});
// Insert the project ID that you received using the Openscreen dashboard
const projectId ='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx';
async function main(){
// Create an asset and generate a QR Code
const asset =await os.project(projectId).assets().create({
name:'Hello World',
// Returns the asset object you just created
// Note: The qrCodeId within the asset object can be accessed through asset.asset.qrCodes[0].qrCodeId
const{ qrCodeId }= asset.asset.qrCodes[0];
// Returns a scannable QR Code and saves the png file in your project folder
const qrCode =await os.qrCode(qrCodeId).get({format:'png', dataUrl:true});
await os.saveQrImageDataToFile(qrCode,'my-first-qr-code.png');
// Returns the Openscreen qrCode object
console.log("QR Code:",JSON.stringify(qrCode,'',2)
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