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Created May 18, 2012 14:49
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Tycho Gradle Build Script
apply plugin: 'base'
tychoVersion = "0.14.1"
workspacePath = workspacePath
}catch(MissingPropertyException e){
workspacePath = "../"
dependencyFolder = dependencyFolder
}catch(MissingPropertyException e){
dependencyFolder = "lib/dependencies/" // Folder in each subproject where
groupID = groupID
}catch(MissingPropertyException e){
// workspace nach releng durchsuchen
def folderNames = []
def folders = []
println "folders:"
new File(workspacePath+".").listFiles().each{ dir ->
if( dir.isDirectory() ) folders << dir.getName()
folders.each(){ it ->
it = (String)it.replaceFirst(/\.\//, "")
if( !( ( it ==~ /\..+/ ) || (it ==~ /.*.repository/) || (it ==~ /.*.parent/) ) ) folderNames << it // subProjects eventuell unnötig settings.gradle datei stattdessen benutzen
groupID = "group"
for( i = 0; i < folderNames.size(); i++ ){
if( folderNames[i] ==~ /.*\.[rR]eleng/ ){
groupID = folderNames[i]
groupID = groupID.replace( ".releng", "")
groupID = groupID.replace( ".Releng", "")
features = features
}catch(MissingPropertyException e){
features = []
for( i = 0; i <; i++ ){
if([i] ==~ /.*\.[fF]eature/ ){
features.add([i] )
repositoryName = repositoryName
}catch(MissingPropertyException e){
repositoryName = groupID+".repository"
parentID = parentID
}catch(MissingPropertyException e){
parentID = groupID+".parent"
targetRepositories = targetRepositories
}catch(MissingPropertyException e){
targetRepositories = [""]
def projects(int i){
// returns the name of a subproject listed in the settings.gradle file
def numberOfProjects(){
// returns the number of projects listed in the settings.gradle file
/* -- Return ParentId -- */
def parentId(){
return parentID
* This is the project of the parent Pom
* The Tycho Maven Build is triggered from
* this project's pom
/* -- Return Group Id -- */
def groupId(){
return groupID
* This Group ID will be used in every sub project
// -- !!! DEFINING SUB PROJECTS !!! -- //
subprojects {
apply plugin: 'base'
apply plugin: 'java'
task deleteArtifacts(type: Delete) {
delete 'target','pom.xml'
///// Copy Dependencies into subprojects DependencyFolder /////
task collectDependencies(type: Copy){
from configurations.compile
into "../""/${dependencyFolder}"
task deploy() <<{
description = "\tGenerating the Tycho Poms. Please remember to add a '.qualifier' to the version numbers!"
String versionNumber = 'Version Number Error:\tcheck Manifest for Bundle-Version Number and make sure to add a ".qualifier" to the version numbers!\n'
String artifactId = 'Could not find Bundle-SymbolicName in Manifest.file'
/* -- In case of changed Manifest File in Eclipse:
* Version Numbers of the projects are collected via
* regular expressions in the Manifest.MF File.
* Versionnumber of the projects are equal to their
* Bundle-Version Number
if(features.every{ it != }){ // Generating Poms for sub projects except features
content = new File(workspacePath+"${}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF").getText("UTF-8")
printFileLine = {
if( it ==~ /Bundle-Version.+qualifier/ ){
versionNumber = it.substring(16) // possibile error: cuts off first 16 chars
/* Version Number is taken from Bundle-Version in Manifest.MF
* If there is no Bundle-Version or the versionnumber needs to
* be taken from a different key word, please change the
* regular expression and the substring above
if( it ==~ /Bundle-SymbolicName:.+/ ){
artifactId = it
artifactId = artifactId.replace("Bundle-SymbolicName:", '');
artifactId = artifactId.replace(";",'')
artifactId = artifactId.replace(" ",'')
artifactId = artifactId.replace("singleton:=true",'')
/* Artifact ID is taken from Bundle-SymbolicName minus the
* 16 chars ';singleton:=true'
content.eachLine( printFileLine )
println artifactId
println "\t"+versionNumber
def f = new File(workspacePath+artifactId+'/pom.xml')
// ---- Test Cases ------ //
if( ==~ /.*\.[tT]ests*/){
f << start()+elder()+testArtifact(artifactId, versionNumber)+end()
// ---- Normal Plugin ----- //
f << start()+elder()+artifact(artifactId, versionNumber)+end()
* old pom.xml files are deleted and replaced by new auto generated Tycho pom.xml files
}else{ // if subprojects aren't a feature
// -- Features -- //
if(features.any{ it == } ){
def parsedXml = new XmlParser().parse(workspacePath+"${}/feature.xml")
artifactId = parsedXml.attribute("id")
versionNumber = parsedXml.attribute("version")
println artifactId
println "\t"+versionNumber
def f = new File(workspacePath+artifactId+'/pom.xml')
f << feature(artifactId, versionNumber)
}// defining subprojects
clean {
dependsOn += subprojects.deleteArtifacts
task createParent() << {
// --------- define Parent --------- //
new File(workspacePath+"${parentID}").mkdir()
String versionNumber = '1.0.0.qualifier'
String artifactId = parentId()
def f = new File(workspacePath+artifactId+'/pom.xml')
f << parentPom(artifactId)
for(int i = 0; i < targetRepositories.size(); i++){
f << repos(targetRepositories[i], i)
f << endRepos()
f << moduleStart()
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfProjects(); i++){
f << module(projects(i))
f << module(repositoryName)
f << endParent()
task createRepository() << {
// ------------ define Repository --------- //
new File(workspacePath+"${repositoryName}").mkdir()
descriptions = [ [:],[:] ] // label and descriptions of the features
String versionNumber = '1.0.0.qualifier'
String artifactId = repositoryName
String featureVersionNumber = '1.0.0.qualifier'
String featureArtifactId
def f = new File(workspacePath+artifactId+'/category.xml')
f << categoryHead()
for(int i = 0; i < features.size(); i++){
def parsedXml = new XmlParser().parse("${workspacePath}${features[i]}/feature.xml")
featureVersionNumber = parsedXml.attribute("version")
featureArtifactId = parsedXml.attribute("id")
descriptions[0].put( features[i], parsedXml.attribute("label") )
descriptions[1].put( features[i], parsedXml.description.text() )
f << categoryFeatures(featureArtifactId.replace(workspacePath,''), featureVersionNumber)
}// for
for(int i = 0; i < features.size(); i++){
f << categoryDescription(features[i], descriptions[0][features[i]] ,descriptions[1][features[i]] )
// featureName, label, description
f << categoryEnd()
def pom = new File(workspacePath+artifactId+'/pom.xml')
pom << reposi()
}// end of repository definition
task createPoms(dependsOn: [createParent, createRepository, subprojects.deploy])
task install(dependsOn: [createPoms] , type:Exec) {
description = "\tExecutes a 'mvn install' of the parent pom.xml and auto-generates Tycho Poms"
commandLine 'mvn', 'install', '-f', workspacePath+parentID+'/pom.xml'
task completeInstall(dependsOn: [subprojects.collectDependencies, createPoms], type:Exec ){
description = "\tCopies dependencies into dependencyFolder of each subproject and executes a 'mvn install' of the parent pom.xml and auto-generates Tycho Poms"
commandLine 'mvn', 'install', '-f', workspacePath+parentID+'/pom.xml'
//--- Defining Tycho POM parts --//
def artifact(artifactId,versionNumber) { """
""" }
def testArtifact(artifactId,versionNumber) { """
""" }
def start() { """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
def elder() {"""
def end() {"""
// -- defining Parent Pom -- //
def parentPom(artifactId) { """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- this is the parent POM from which all modules inherit common settings -->
<!-- configure p2 repository to resolve against -->
def repos(String targetRepo, int i) {"""
def endRepos() {"""
<!-- enable tycho build extension -->
def moduleStart(){"""
<!-- the modules that should be built together -->
//for(int i = 0; i < numberOfProjects(); i++)
def module(String project){""" <module>../${project}</module>
def endParent() {"""
// end of defining parent pom.xml
// repository Pom
def reposi() { """
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
// creates a category in
def categoryHead() { """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
def categoryFeatures(artifactId, versionNumber){"""
<feature url="features/${artifactId}_${versionNumber}.jar" id="${artifactId}" version="${versionNumber}">
<category name="${artifactId}.category"/>
def categoryDescription(artifactId, categoryName, categorydescription){"""
<category-def name="${artifactId}.category" label="${categoryName}">
def categoryEnd(){"""
// end of category definition
// feature pom
def feature(artifactId, versionNumber) { """
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
// end of feature pom
// Build Script can be executed via gradle install
// Pom Generation can be executed via gradle deploy
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