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Last active May 18, 2017 19:45
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django/etc infrastructure todo list


Although this info is accurate for python 2.7x projects, I've begun using python3 exclusively, and will need to make a few changes to this to reflect some differences.

(for reference, this is the last python2.7x version of the todo list)


  • main

    • make 'stuff' dir

    • make env

        /path/to/python3 -m venv /path/to/project_x_stuff/env_x
      • source new env, and run: pip install --upgrade pip
    • git clone existing app, or...

      • git clone ./project_x
        • remove the .git/ dir
      • set up in SourceTree (git init)
      • push to GitHub
    • make sublime project

    • update names

      • change all django_template_project references to name of project
      • change all app_x references to actual name of app
      • include in above app_x and app_x_templates directories
      • change all DJANGO_TEMPLATE__ settings references to name of project-settings prefix
      • change all env_min_djng references to name of env
    • with new env activated, pip update it from requirements.txt

      • update requirements.txt with versions
  • path

    • in some cases it may be useful to add the project to the python_path, to be able to write:

        from this_project import a_module
    • if so, add a file:

    • that file should contain one line: a path to the directory enclosing this_project.

    • but try not to do this if possible

  • log

    • make log dir, ensuring permissions are correct
    • touch a project_x.log file, and update 'owner/group', and update group-permissions
    • add log to system's logrotate
    • add dir to sublime project
    • Note: initial run may create an empty logfile with an incorrect owner, causing an error. If this happens, simply update the owner -- the subsequent system's logrotate will ensure the log-file's permissions remain correct.
  • settings

    • make settings dir and .sh file
    • update and/or (like this)
    • add needed items along the way; eg, in django:
      • one way to see what needs set: source the environment and run python ./ check
      • new secret-key (helpful code)
      • db
      • project's django_media directory
    • add dir to sublime project
  • update

    • add git-pull script (w/set-permissions) & run it
    • once this works, source the env and try a python ./ check
  • other

    • webapp
      • create db if necessary

        • django:
          • run python ./ migrate to create tables
            • if expected tables aren't created, may need to run python ./ migrate --run-syncdb
          • run python ./ createsuperuser for the admin user prompt
      • django:

        • test with python ./ check and then...

        • python ./ runserver host:port, and hit host/port with browser or curl

        • add session-clearance crontab entry in format:

            random_minute 01 * * * cd /path/to/project_stuff/project/; source ../env_prj/bin/activate > /dev/null; ../env_prj/bin/python ./ clearsessions
      • https-ify project & shib-ify admin & login urls

      • setup apache handoff to python

      • restart apache if web-app

    • site-checker entry
    • software-tracker entry
    • cron work if necessary (besides possible django session work listed above)
      • update crontab via (one-line):

          cd /to/main/dir; source ../env/bin/activate; ../env/bin/python ./

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