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Last active September 30, 2022 11:51
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Save birkir/4707265 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Twitter Bootstrap helper module for Kohana 3.3 (DRAFT)
* Twitter Bootstrap Kohana helper
* example of use:
* <?=Bootstrap::grid($grid, Bootstrap::FLUID);?>
* <?=$grid->span($view, 4);?>
* <?=Bootstrap::icon('download', TRUE);?>
* <?=Bootstrap::button('Button'); ?>
* <?=Bootstrap::button(array('Google', '')); ?>
* @copyright Birkir Rafn Gudjonsson
* @licence
class Bootstrap {
* @const LAYOUTS
const FIXED = 100;
const FLUID = 101;
* @const DIRECTION
const HORIZONTAL = 200;
const VERTICAL = 201;
* @const STATES
const PRIMARY = 300;
const INFO = 301;
const SUCCESS = 302;
const WARNING = 303;
const ERROR = 304;
const INVERSE = 305;
const LINK = 306;
const BLOCK = 307;
const DISABLED 308;
* @const SIZES
const MINI = 400;
const SMALL = 401;
const MEDIUM = 402;
const LARGE = 403;
* @var Grid sum
private $_grid_sum = 0;
* Get class attribute from attributes and attach more classes to it
* @param array $attributes HTML anchor attributes
* @param array $classes Class(es) wanted
* @return string
public static function class($attributes, $classes)
// extract class from attributes (if any)
$classes = (isset($attributes['class']) ? explode(' ', $attributes['class']) : array());
// split classes by whitespace
foreach (explode(' ', $classes) as $class)
// check if not already exists
if ( ! in_array($class, $classes))
// attach class to its context
$classes[] = $class;
// re-attach class attribute to attributes
$attributes['class'] = implode(' ', $classes);
// return attributes
return $attributes;
* Extract HTML node name and attributes
* @param string $html Element in html string
* @return array
public static function extract($html = NULL)
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement((string) $html);
return array($xml->getName(), $xml->attributes());
* Bootstrap flag parser
* @param integer $flag Flag to parse
* @param string $prefix Prefix to attach
* @return string
public static function parse($flag, $prefix)
// array mapper
$conv = array(
100 => 'fixed',
101 => 'fluid',
200 => 'horizontal',
201 => 'vertical',
300 => 'primary',
301 => 'info',
302 => 'success',
303 => 'warning',
304 => 'success',
305 => 'inverse',
306 => 'link',
307 => 'block',
308 => 'disabled',
400 => 'mini',
401 => 'small',
402 => 'medium',
403 => 'large'
// no prefix for disabled flag
if ($flag === 308)
return 'disabled';
// return prefix-flagname
return $prefix.'-'.$conv[$flag];
* Create grid row instance
* @param variable $grid Output new Bootstrap object
* @param integer $layout Fixed or fluid
* @param array $attributes HTML anchor attributes
* @return string
* @uses Bootstrap::class
* @uses HTML::attributes
public static function grid(&$grid, $layout = 0, $attributes = array())
// add class
$attributes = Bootstrap::class($attributes, $type === Bootstrap::FIXED ? 'row' : 'row-fluid');
// return new Bootstrap
$grid = new Bootstrap;
// echo new row
return '<div'.HTML::attributes($attributes).'>';
* Create grid span in row
* @param mixed $view View object or string
* @param integer $width Width number
* @param integer $offset Offset number
* @param array $attributes HTML anchor attributes
* @return string
* @uses Bootstrap::class
* @uses HTML::attributes
public static function span($view, $width = 0, $offset = 0, $attributes = array())
// add class
$attributes = Bootstrap::class($attributes, 'span'.$width.' offset'.$offset);
// set grid sum
if (isset($this))
$this->_grid_sum += $width + $offset;
// echo span div
return '<div'.HTML::attributes($attributes).'>'.$view.'</div>'
. (isset($this->_grid_sum) AND $this->_grid_sum > 12) ? '</div>' : NULL;
* Close any open div element
* @return string
public static function close()
return '</div>';
* Build icon with italic element
* @param string $icon Bootstrap icons name
* @param boolean $white Use white icons
* @return string
* @uses HTML::attributes
public static function icon($icon = NULL, $white = FALSE)
// setup class attribute
$attributes = array(
'class' => 'icon-'.$icon.($white ? ' icon-white' : NULL)
// return HTML element
return '<i'.HTML::attributes($attributes).'></i>';
* Group buttons or form controls
* @param string $type Group type prefix
* @param array $items Items to append
* @param array $attributes HTML anchor attributes
* @return string
* @uses Bootstrap::class
* @uses HTML::attributes
public static function group($type, $items = array(), $attributes = array())
// add class
$attributes = Bootstrap::class($attributes, $type.'-group');
// return div
return '<div'.HTML::attributes($attributes).'>'.implode(NULL, $items).'</div>';
* Generate buttons by the use of flags and attributes
* @param mixed $text Title as string, HTML::anchor, Form::button or Form::submit
* @param array $flags Flags for button
* @param array $attributes HTML anchor attributes
* @return string
* @uses HTML::anchor
* @uses HTML::attributes
* @uses Bootstrap::extract
* @uses Bootstrap::parse
* @uses Arr::merge
public static function button($text, $flags = array(), $attributes = array())
// set element type
$el = 'button';
// check if text is array
if (is_array($text))
$text = HTML::anchor($text[0], $text[1]);
// check if text is instance of HTML::anchor or Form::button
if ($text instanceof HTML OR $text instanceof Form)
// list element type and attributes
list($el, $attrs) = Bootstrap::extract($text);
// merge attributes
$attributes = Arr:merge($attributes, $attrs);
// set classes array
$classes = (isset($attributes['class']) ? explode(' ', $attributes['class']) : array());
// loop through set flags
foreach ($flags as $item)
// check if item is button and disabled
if ($item === Bootstrap::DISABLED AND ($el === 'button' OR $el === 'input'))
// set disabled attribute
$attributes['disabled'] = 'disabled';
// attach class
$classes[] = Bootstrap::parse($item, 'btn');
// set attribute classes
$attributes['class'] = implode(' ', $classes);
return '<'.$el.HTML::attributes($attributes).($el === 'input' ? ' /' : '></'.$el).'>';
* Breadcrumbs anchor list
* @param array $items Breadcrumb items as [[URL, TITLE], ...]
* @param array $attributes HTML anchor attributes
* @return string
* @uses Bootstrap::class
* @uses HTML::anchor
public static function breadcrumb(array $items, $attributes = array())
// setup attributes with class
$attributes = Bootstrap::class($attributes, 'breadcrumb');
// begin return
$ret = '<ul'.HTML::attributes($attributes).'>';
// loop breadcrumbs items
foreach ($items as $i =>$item)
// check if last item
if ($i === count($items))
// return active list item
$ret .= '<li class="active">'.$item[1].'</li>';
// return list item with anchor
$ret .= '<li>'.HTML::anchor($item[0], $item[1], isset($item[2]) ? $item[2] : NULL).'<span class="divider">/</span></li>';
// return list, items and end of list
return $ret.'</ul>';
* Progress bars for loading, redirecting or action status.
* @param mixed $percentage One or many percentage as integers
* @param array $attributes HTML anchor attributes
* @return string
* @uses Bootstrap::parse
* @uses Bootstrap::class
* @uses HTML::attributes
public static function progress(array $percentage, $attributes = array())
// setup attributes with class
$attributes = Bootstrap::class($attributes, 'progress');
// begin return
$ret = '<div'.HTML::attributes($attributes).'>';
// check if percentages are not many
if ( ! is_array($percentage))
// act as many percentages
$percentage = array($percentage);
// loop through percentages
foreach ($percentage as $item)
// check if item is array
if ( ! is_array($item))
// set default info state
$item = array($item, Bootstrap::INFO);
// attach attributes
$ret .= '<div'.HTML::attributes(array(
'style' => 'width: '.$item[0].'%;',
'class' => 'bar '.Bootstrap::parse($item[1], 'bar')
// echo progress bars
return $ret.'</div>';
class BS extends Bootstrap {
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birkir commented Feb 4, 2013

  • Safe and readable

    <?=Bootstrap::progress(array(array(10,Bootstrap::WARNING), array(20,Bootstrap::INFO)));?>
  • Safe and short

    <?=BS::progress(array(array(10, BS:WARNING), array(20, BS::INFO)));?>
  • Very short and PHP 5.4.0

    <?=BS::progress([[10, BS::WARNING],[20, BS::INFO]]);?>

<div class="progress">
  <div class="bar bar-warning" style="width: 10%;"></div>
  <div class="bar bar-info" style="width: 20%;"></div>

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birkir commented Feb 4, 2013

How to make grid for example search results:


$params = View::factory('search-form')->set('params', $this->request->post());
$results = View::factory('search-results')->set('items', ORM::factory(...)->find_all());


<?=Bootstrap::grid($grid, Bootstrap::FLUID, array('id' => 'search-results'));?>
   <?=Bootstrap::span($params, 3);?>
   <?=Bootstrap::span($results, 9);?>


<div class="row-fluid">
   <div class="span3"> ... form with search params ... </div>
   <div class="span9"> ... search results list ... </div>

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maddes commented Jun 5, 2013

You have an error on line 69.
Exploding an an already exploded array :-)
Just replace explode(' ', $classes) for $classes
Wait.. that's not the solution...

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maddes commented Jun 5, 2013

const IMPORTANT = 309; and 309 => 'important',

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