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Created April 18, 2019 21:59
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Torque OBD2 Parser in JS
000_Airbag H/wire Duty Airbag 0x220105 w 50 100 7E4
000_Auxillary Battery Voltage Aux Batt Volts 0x220101 ad*0.1 11 14.6 V 7E4
000_Available Charge Power Max REGEN 0x220101 ((f<8)+g)/100 0 98 kW 7E4
000_Available Discharge Power Max POWER 0x220101 ((h<8)+i)/100 0 98 kW 7E4
000_Battery Cell Voltage Deviation V Diff 0x220105 u/50 0 0.5 V 7E4
000_Battery Current Batt Current 0x220101 ((Signed(K)*256)+L)/10 -230 230 A 7E4
000_Battery DC Voltage Batt Volts 0x220101 ((m<8)+n)/10 268.8 403.2 V 7E4
000_Battery Fan Feedback Batt Fan SPD 0x220101 ac 0 120 Hz 7E4
000_Battery Fan Status Batt Fan MOD 0x220101 ab 0 9 7E4
000_Battery Heater 1 Temperature Heater Temp1 0x220105 Signed(X) 0 30 C 7E4
000_Battery Heater 2 Temperature Heater Temp2 0x220105 Signed(Y) 0 30 C 7E4
000_Battery Inlet Temperature Batt InletT 0x220101 Signed(W) -40 80 C 7E4
000_Battery Max Temperature Batt MaxT 0x220101 Signed(O) -40 80 C 7E4
000_Battery Min Temperature Batt MinT 0x220101 Signed(P) -40 80 C 7E4
000_Battery Module 01 Temperature Batt Temp01 0x220101 Signed(Q) -40 80 C 7E4
000_Battery Module 02 Temperature Batt Temp02 0x220101 Signed(R) -40 80 C 7E4
000_Battery Module 03 Temperature Batt Temp03 0x220101 Signed(S) -40 80 C 7E4
000_Battery Module 04 Temperature Batt Temp04 0x220101 Signed(T) -40 80 C 7E4
000_Battery Power Energy Draw 0x220101 val{000_Battery Current}*val{000_Battery DC Voltage}/1000 -90 90 kW 7E4
000_BMS Ignition BMS Ignit. 0x220101 {ay:2} 0 1 7E4
000_BMS Main Relay BMS Relay 0x220101 {j:0} 0 1 7E4
000_Cumulative Charge Current CCC 0x220101 ((ae<24)+(af<16)+(ag<8)+ah)/10 0 1000000 Ah 7E4
000_Cumulative Discharge Current CDC 0x220101 ((ai<24)+(aj<16)+(ak<8)+al)/10 0 1000000 Ah 7E4
000_Cumulative Energy Charged CEC 0x220101 ((am<24)+(an<16)+(ao<8)+ap)/10 0 1000000 kWh 7E4
000_Cumulative Energy Discharged CED 0x220101 ((aq<24)+(ar<16)+(as<8)+at)/10 0 1000000 kWh 7E4
000_Drive Motor Speed 1 Motor RPM 1 0x220101 (Signed(BB)*256)+BC -10100 10100 rpm 7E4
000_Drive Motor Speed 2 Motor RPM 2 0x220101 (Signed(BD)*256)+BE -10100 10100 rpm 7E4
000_HV_Charging Charging 0x220101 {j:7} 0 1 7E4
000_Inverter Capacitor Voltage BMS Capacitor 0x220101 ((az<8)+ba) 0 500 V 7E4
000_Isolation Resistance Surge Resistor 0x220101 ((bf<8)+bg) 0 1000 kOhm 7E4
000_Maximum Cell Voltage Max Cell V 0x220101 x/50 2.8 4.2 V 7E4
000_Maximum Cell Voltage No. Max Cell V No. 0x220101 y 0 96 7E4
000_Maximum Deterioration Cell No. Max Det Cell No. 0x220105 ab 0 96 7E4
000_Minimum Cell Voltage Min Cell V 0x220101 z/50 2.8 4.2 V 7E4
000_Minimum Cell Voltage No. Min Cell V No. 0x220101 aa 0 96 7E4
000_Minimum Deterioration Min Det 0x220105 ((ac<8)+ad)/10 0 100 % 7E4
000_Minimum Deterioration Cell No. Min Det Cell No. 0x220105 ae 0 96 7E4
000_Normal Charge Port J1772 Plug 0x220101 {j:5} 0 1 7E4
000_Operating Time OpTime 0x220101 ((au<24)+(av<16)+(aw<8)+ax)/3600 0 1000000 hours 7E4
000_Rapid Charge Port Chademo Plug 0x220101 {j:6} 0 1 7E4
000_State of Charge BMS SOC BMS 0x220101 e/2 0 100 % 7E4
000_State of Charge Display SOC Display 0x220105 af/2 0 100 % 7E4
000_State of Health SOH 0x220105 ((z<8)+aa)/10 0 100 % 7E4
const toposort = require('toposort');
const math = require('mathjs');
const fs = require('fs');
const csv = require('csv');
const data = fs.readFileSync('./data.csv', 'utf8');
const formulas = [];
const parser = csv.parse(data, {
trim: true,
skip_empty_lines: true,
columns: ['name','shortName', 'mode', 'equation', 'min', 'max', 'units', 'header'],
let record;
while (record = formulas.push(record);
const graph = formulas.reduce((acc, formula) => {
const deps = formula.equation.match(/val\{.*?\}/g);
if (deps) {
acc.push( => [, dep.substr(4, dep.length - 5)]));
} else {
return acc;
}, []);
const processEquation = (equation) => {
return String(equation)
.replace(/signed\s*\(/ig, 'sign(')
.replace(/</g, '<<')
.replace(/val\s*\{(.*?)\}/g, (a, b) => `val("${b}")`)
.replace(/\{\s*([a-zA-Z]{1,2})\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*\}/g, (a, b, c) => `bit(${b},${c})`);
const sortedFormulas = toposort(graph).reverse().map((name) => formulas.find(f => === name)).filter(n => !!n);
const processFrame = (frame, formulas) => {
const result = {};
const val = (name) => result[name];
const bit = (a, b) => {
const bits = (a >> 0).toString(2).padEnd(8, '0');
return Number(bits[b]);
formulas.forEach(({ name, equation }) => {
const eq = processEquation(equation);
try {
result[name] = math.eval(eq, {
} catch (err) {
result[name] = 0;
return result;
// Example frame
const raw = 'FF F7 E7 FF BC 16 AE 43 08 00 00 00 0F CF 09 08 08 08 08 09 00 00 0A CE 30 CE 4A 00 00 78 00 00 15 B2 00 00 12 F4 00 00 08 40 00 00 06 D1 00 05 F7 06 09 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 E8';
const frame = raw.split(' ').reduce((acc, value, i) => {
let key = String.fromCharCode(97 + i);
if (i > 25) {
key = String.fromCharCode(96 + Math.floor(i / 26)) + String.fromCharCode(97 + (i % 26));
acc[key.toUpperCase()] = parseInt(value, 16);
acc[key.toLowerCase()] = parseInt(value, 16);
return acc;
}, []);
console.log(processFrame(frame, sortedFormulas));
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