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Created December 26, 2023 12:07
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class RomanNumeral:
def __init__(self, value):
if isinstance(value, int):
self.value = value
elif isinstance(value, str):
self.value = self._from_roman(value)
raise TypeError("Value must be an integer or a string representing a Roman numeral.")
def as_roman(self):
return self._to_roman(self.value)
def as_arabic(self):
return self.value
def _to_roman(number):
roman_numerals = {
1000: 'M', 900: 'CM', 500: 'D', 400: 'CD', 100: 'C', 90: 'XC',
50: 'L', 40: 'XL', 10: 'X', 9: 'IX', 5: 'V', 4: 'IV', 1: 'I'
result = ""
for value, numeral in sorted(roman_numerals.items(), reverse=True):
while number >= value:
result += numeral
number -= value
return result
def _from_roman(roman):
roman_numerals = {
'M': 1000, 'CM': 900, 'D': 500, 'CD': 400, 'C': 100, 'XC': 90,
'L': 50, 'XL': 40, 'X': 10, 'IX': 9, 'V': 5, 'IV': 4, 'I': 1
index = 0
number = 0
while index < len(roman):
if (index + 1 < len(roman)) and (roman[index:index+2] in roman_numerals):
number += roman_numerals[roman[index:index+2]]
index += 2
number += roman_numerals[roman[index]]
index += 1
return number
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