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Created September 16, 2019 07:14
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Tibber Pulse - Home energy monitor
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"name": "Get Home Id",
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"name": "Transform payload",
"func": "let p = msg.payload;\n\nif (!p.voltagePhase1)\n return null;\n\nfor (var prop in p) {\n if (!p[prop])\n p[prop] = 0;\n}\n\n// Meassurement\nlet data = \"power\";\n\n// Tag set\ndata += \",location=test\";\ndata += \",currency=\" + p.currency;\n\n// Field set\ndata += \" power=\" + p.power;\ndata += \",lastMeterConsumption=\" + p.lastMeterConsumption;\ndata += \",accumulatedConsumption=\" + p.accumulatedConsumption;\ndata += \",accumulatedProduction=\" + p.accumulatedProduction;\ndata += \",accumulatedCost=\" + p.accumulatedCost;\ndata += \",accumulatedReward=\" + p.accumulatedReward;\ndata += \",minPower=\" + p.minPower;\ndata += \",averagePower=\" + p.averagePower;\ndata += \",maxPower=\" + p.maxPower;\ndata += \",powerProduction=\" + p.powerProduction;\ndata += \",minPowerProduction=\" + p.minPowerProduction;\ndata += \",maxPowerProduction=\" + p.maxPowerProduction;\ndata += \",lastMeterProduction=\" + p.lastMeterProduction;\ndata += \",powerFactor=\" + p.powerFactor;\ndata += \",voltagePhase1=\" + p.voltagePhase1;\ndata += \",voltagePhase2=\" + p.voltagePhase2;\ndata += \",voltagePhase3=\" + p.voltagePhase3;\ndata += \",currentPhase1=\" + p.currentPhase1;\ndata += \",currentPhase2=\" + p.currentPhase2;\ndata += \",currentPhase3=\" + p.currentPhase3;\n\nmsg.payload = data;\n\nreturn msg;\n",
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"y": 180,
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"id": "425b3d0d.8f10d4",
"type": "inject",
"z": "683fd7.e63da028",
"name": "Daily energy prices",
"topic": "",
"payload": "{ viewer { homes { currentSubscription { priceInfo { today { total energy tax startsAt currency level } } } } } }",
"payloadType": "str",
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "30 00 * * *",
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"id": "9f49c320.526db",
"type": "function",
"z": "683fd7.e63da028",
"name": "Transform energy price",
"func": "let pl = msg.payload;\n\nlet prices =[0];\n\n// Meassurement\nlet data = \"\";\n\nfor(let i = 0; i < prices.length; i++)\n{\n let p = prices[i];\n data += \"energy\";\n\n // Tag set\n data += \",location=test\";\n data += \",currency=\" + p.currency;\n \n // Field set\n data += \" total=\" +;\n data += \",energy=\" +;\n data += \",tax=\" +;\n data += \",level=\\\"\" + p.level + \"\\\"\";\n data += \" \" + new Date(p.startsAt).getTime() / 1000 + \"\";\n data += \"\\n\";\n}\n\nmsg.payload = data;\n\nreturn msg;",
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"queryUrl": "",
"apiKey": "d1007ead2dc84a2b82f0de19451c5fb22112f7ae11d19bf2bedb224a003ff74a",
"name": "Demo"
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