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Last active July 10, 2024 21:16
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get version of any TASTy file
//> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using dependency "com.lihaoyi::os-lib:0.10.2"
//> using dependency "com.lihaoyi::sourcecode:0.4.2"
//> using dependency "io.get-coursier:coursier_2.13:2.1.10"
//> using buildInfo
// run scala-cli with --power and -with-compiler flags
import scala.sys.process.*
import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths, Path}
import as cpSep
import scala.annotation.threadUnsafe as tu
import coursier.*
import scala.util.CommandLineParser
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType
import scala.annotation.static
import scala.util.Using
import java.util.jar.JarInputStream
import java.util.jar.JarFile
lazy val out = os.Path(sourcecode.File()) / os.up / "out"
/** Usage example: `scala-cli tastyUtils.scala --power -with-compiler -M printTastyVersion -- 3.1.1` */
@main def printTastyVersion(compiler: String): Unit =
def blue(str: String) = Console.BLUE + str + Console.RESET
def red(str: String) = Console.RED + str + Console.RESET
def green(str: String) = Console.GREEN + str + Console.RESET
/** Usage example: `scala-cli tastyUtils.scala --power -with-compiler -M canReadTasty -- 28.4-experimental-1 28.3` */
@main def canReadTasty(read: TastyVersion, file: TastyVersion): Boolean =
val res = file <:< read
val op = if res then "✅" else "❌"
val verb = if res then green("can read") else red("cannot read")
println(s"$op ${blue(} $verb ${blue(}")
/** Usage example: `scala-cli tastyUtils.scala --power -with-compiler -M cleanup */
@main def cleanup(): Unit =
/** Usage example: `scala-cli tastyUtils.scala --power -with-compiler -M canReadCompiled -- 3.3.3 3.4.2` */
@main def canReadCompiled(read: String, file: String): Unit =
val readTasty = getTastyVersion(read)
val fileTasty = getTastyVersion(file)
val res = canReadTasty(readTasty, fileTasty)
val op = if res then "✅" else "❌"
val verb = if res then green("can read") else red("cannot read")
println(s"$op ${blue(read)} $verb ${blue(file)}")
/** Usage example: `scala-cli tastyUtils.scala --power -with-compiler -M printTastyOfLibrary -- com.lihaoyi::utest:0.8.3 3.4.2` */
@main def printTastyOfLibrary(coord: String, compiler: String): Unit =
val compilerTasty = getTastyVersion(compiler)
val libTasty = tastyOfLibraryImpl(coord, compilerTasty)
println(s"TASTy ${green(}, read by Scala ${blue(compiler)}")
class Invoker
object Invoker:
@static private val tastyCore = fetchTastyCore(
@static private val cp = new URLClassLoader(
@static private val TastyFormat = cp.loadClass("")
@static private val lookup = MethodHandles.lookup()
@static val compare2 =
lookup.findStatic(TastyFormat, "isVersionCompatible", MethodType.methodType(classOf[Boolean], classOf[Int], classOf[Int], classOf[Int], classOf[Int], classOf[Int], classOf[Int]))
case class TastyVersion(major: Int, minor: Int, exp: Int):
def suffix: String = if exp == 0 then "" else s"-experimental-$exp"
def show: String = s"$major.$minor$suffix"
object TastyVersion:
val Format = raw"(\d+).(\d+)(?:-experimental-(\d+))?".r
extension (file: TastyVersion)
def <:< (compiler: TastyVersion): Boolean =
Invoker.compare2.invokeExact(file.major, file.minor, file.exp, compiler.major, compiler.minor, compiler.exp): Boolean
given CommandLineParser.FromString[TastyVersion] = s =>
parse(s).getOrElse(throw IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid TastyVersion: $s"))
def parse(string: String): Option[TastyVersion] = string match
case Format(maj, min, exp) => Some(TastyVersion(maj.toInt, min.toInt, if exp == null then 0 else exp.toInt))
case _ => None
def tastyOfLibraryImpl(coord: String, compilerTasty: TastyVersion): TastyVersion =
import scala.util.boundary, boundary.break
import{TastyHeaderUnpickler, TastyReader}
val tastyconfig: UnpicklerConfig = new UnpicklerConfig with Scala3CompilerConfig:
override def minorVersion: Int = compilerTasty.minor
override def experimentalVersion: Int = compilerTasty.exp
override def majorVersion: Int = compilerTasty.major
val s"$org::$name:$version" = coord: @unchecked
val lib = fetchLibrary(org, s"${name}_3", version)
val jar = lib.find(f => f.getName().contains(name) && f.getName.endsWith(".jar")).get
// TODO: look inside jar for first .tasty file and parse it
val tastyBytes =
Using.Manager: use =>
val jarFile = use(JarFile(jar))
val entries = jarFile.entries()
// val jarStream = use(JarInputStream(jar.toURI().toURL().openStream()))
while entries.hasMoreElements() do
val e = entries.nextElement()
if e.getName().endsWith(".tasty") then
val in = use(jarFile.getInputStream(e))
.get.getOrElse(throw IllegalArgumentException(s"No .tasty file found in $jar"))
end tastyBytes
val reader = TastyReader(tastyBytes)
val header = TastyHeaderUnpickler(tastyconfig, reader).readFullHeader()
TastyVersion(header.majorVersion, header.minorVersion, header.experimentalVersion)
end tastyOfLibraryImpl
def getTastyVersion(compiler: String): TastyVersion =
@tu lazy val tastyCore = fetchTastyCore(compiler)
val PrintTastyClass = out / "PrintTastyFromClasspath.class"
if !os.exists(PrintTastyClass) then writePrintTastyClass(out, tastyCore)
val versionStringOut = Java((out +: tastyCore).mkString(cpSep), "PrintTastyFromClasspath")
val Some(version) = versionStringOut.linesIterator.toList.headOption.flatMap(TastyVersion.parse): @unchecked
def writePrintTastyClass(out: os.Path, tastyCore: Seq[]) =
val temp = Files.createTempDirectory("tasty-version")
try {
val srcFile = temp.resolve("")
Files.write(srcFile, PrintTastyFromClasspath.getBytes)
Javac(out.toString, tastyCore.mkString(cpSep), srcFile.toString)
} finally {
def deleteRecursively(f: Unit =
if (f.isDirectory)
def fetchTastyCore(compiler: String) = fetchLibrary("org.scala-lang", "tasty-core_3", compiler)
def fetchLibrary(org: String, name: String, version: String) = Fetch()
Module(Organization(org), ModuleName(name)),
object Javac:
def apply(dir: String, classpath: String, source: String): Unit =
val javac =, null, null, "-d", dir, "-classpath", classpath, source)
object Java:
def apply(classpath: String, clazz: String): String =
val javaHome = Paths.get(System.getProperty("java.home"))
val java = javaHome.resolve("bin").resolve("java")
Seq(java.toString, "-cp", classpath, clazz).!!
val PrintTastyFromClasspath = """
public class PrintTastyFromClasspath {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int maj = TastyFormat.MajorVersion();
int min = TastyFormat.MinorVersion();
int exp = TastyFormat.ExperimentalVersion();
String suffix = exp == 0 ? "" : "-experimental-" + exp;
System.out.println("" + maj + "." + min + suffix);
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