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Instructions for generating and comparing against baselines for E3SM Land Developer testsuite
# Switch to your branch
>git checkout bishtgautam/lnd/emi-example
# Let's look at the graph
>git log --oneline --decorate --graph
* 9a2cd8459 (HEAD -> bishtgautam/lnd/emi-example, origin/bishtgautam/lnd/emi-example) Updates the Stub EM code
* d11fb8c52 Adds a readme and makefile for EMI Demo code
* 15a0e4b8d Minor update to the EMI demo code
* 63e2f6dcd Minor fix to ELM configure script
* 551fc79cc Updates ELM stub and demo code to use CNCarbonStateType
* 8c9d41f87 Adds code to exchange CNCarbonStateType
* 0000ded51 Minor fix
* 2baa4ebec Adds fixes to cmake
* f77ae2cea Rename few cmake files
* b48b66dd6 Adds a demo for a Stub EM
* fa94aea0d Fixes length of variable to store name of EMI data
* cca0e0be1 Adds capability to print all EMI Data in a list
* beb1fe9ee Adds .gitignore files for EMI
* 301acfe7a Renames ExternalModelInterfaceDataMod.F90
* f0eb5b40b Renames ExternalModelInterfaceDataDimensionMod.F90
* 076100882 Restructures ELM's EMI directory
* cfb7fc2b2 Merge branch 'qzhu-lbl/lnd/ch4_inundation_bugfix' (PR #2814)
| * ec99b1cb4 (origin/qzhu-lbl/lnd/ch4_inundation_bugfix) - fix ch4 inundatation parameter read in bug
* | c59c98116 Merge branch 'darincomeau/mpaso/enable_eddystats' (PR #2821)
|\ \
| * | c21bb46a4 Turn on eddy stats for oEC60to30v3 and oEC60to30v3wLI ocn grids by default
* | | a2dd2fce5 Merge pull request #2811 from E3SM-Project/jayeshkrishna/pio2_cime_changes
# From the graph above, bishtgautam/lnd/emi-example started with cfb7fc2b2 tag on master.
# So, one should do the following:
# Step-1: Generate the baselines using the tag cfb7fc2b2, and
# Step-2: Checkout bishtgautam/lnd/emi-example and make comparison against baselines generated in Step-1.
# Step-1: Generate baseline
>git checkout cfb7fc2b2
Note: checking out 'cfb7fc2b2'.
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
HEAD is now at cfb7fc2b2... Merge branch 'qzhu-lbl/lnd/ch4_inundation_bugfix' (PR #2814)
>git submodule update --init
>cd cime/scripts
# We will generate baselines for only 'e3sm_land_developer'
# Define the directory to hold the baseline
export MY_BASELINE_DIR=/global/cscratch1/sd/gbisht/e3sm_baselines
# Do you want to use a name for the baseline?
# I prefer to use the git hash that is being used to generate the baselines.
export BASELINE_NAME=cfb7fc2b2
# Let's set TEST_ID to be same as BASELINE_NAME
# Other arguments
# -v : Verbose option
# -g : Generate the baseline
# -q : If you want to use a particular job queue (e.g. 'debug' queue on NERSC)
# --walltime : Specify the wall time for jobs (e.g. 30 min is max allowable for 'debug' queue on NERSC)
# --mail-user: If you want to receive emails about your jobs
# --mail-type: When to receive emails. Options are: never, all, begin, end, fail.
# -j : Number of parallel jobs
# Set your email
export MAIL_USER=<your-mail@something>
./create_test e3sm_land_developer \
--baseline-root ${MY_BASELINE_DIR} \
-t ${TEST_ID} \
-q debug \
--walltime 00:30:00 \
--mail-user $MAIL_USER \
--mail-type all \
-g \
-v \
-j 4
# The casenames would be named *.G.* to denote one is generating the baselines
# Now go get some coffee/tea, as it will take a while to compile all the cases and submit the code.
# After the cases have been successfully compiled and submit, one can check that
# status of test by running the cs.status.${TEST_ID} file that was created in the scratch directory
# An example of scratch on Cori is /global/cscratch1/sd/gbisht/acme_scratch/cori-knl
# Step-2: Compare against previously generated baselines
>git checkout bishtgautam/lnd/emi-example
Previous HEAD position was cfb7fc2b2... Merge branch 'qzhu-lbl/lnd/ch4_inundation_bugfix' (PR #2814)
Switched to branch 'bishtgautam/lnd/emi-example'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/bishtgautam/lnd/emi-example'.
# Checkout the appropriate submodules
>git submodule update --init
>cd cime/scripts
# We are comparing baselines for only 'e3sm_land_developer'
# Let's use the settings as the last time
export MY_BASELINE_DIR=/global/cscratch1/sd/gbisht/e3sm_baselines
# IMPORTANT: One needs to use the same BASELINE_NAME as in Step-1 because one wants
# to compare against the baselines previously generated in Step-1.
export BASELINE_NAME=cfb7fc2b2
# I prefer to use the hash as the test-id
export TEST_ID=`git log -n 1 --format=%h`
# Other arguments
# -v : Verbose option
# -g : Generate the baseline
# -q : If you want to use a particular job queue (e.g. 'debug' queue on NERSC)
# --walltime : Specify the wall time for jobs (e.g. 30 min is max allowable for 'debug' queue on NERSC)
# --mail-user: If you want to receive emails about your jobs
# --mail-type: When to receive emails. Options are: never, all, begin, end, fail.
# -j : Number of parallel jobs
# Set your email
export MAIL_USER=<your-mail@something>
./create_test e3sm_land_developer \
--baseline-root ${MY_BASELINE_DIR} \
-t ${TEST_ID} \
-q debug \
--walltime 00:30:00 \
--mail-user $MAIL_USER \
--mail-type all \
-c \
-v \
-j 4
# The casenames would be named *.C.* to denote one is comparing against previously generated baselines
# It is time for some more coffee/tea.
# Similar to the last time, a new cs.status.${TEST_ID} would be created and
# you can check the status of test by:
# cd /global/cscratch1/sd/gbisht/acme_scratch/cori-knl
# ./cs.status.${TEST_ID}
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