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Ivan Bisevac (Иван Бишевац) biske

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# This file is used by Rack-based servers to start the application.
require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', __FILE__)
require ::File.expand_path('../lib/devise_basic_auth_fix', __FILE__)
use DeviseBasicAuthFix
run MyApp::Application
chrisgaunt / rails_test_engine_cucumber.markdown
Created August 3, 2011 03:57
Rails 3.1: Test engine with Cucumber & test/dummy app

Run from the root of the engine project:

rails generate cucumber:install --capybara

Edit features/support/env.rb and add to the top:

ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "test"
require File.expand_path("../../../test/dummy/config/environment.rb",  __FILE__)
ENV["RAILS_ROOT"] ||= File.dirname(__FILE__) + "../../../test/dummy"
t2 / application.rb
Created December 12, 2011 02:13
Formatting Rails form elements for Twitter Bootstrap error validation
ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = do |html_tag, instance|
html = %(<div class="field_with_errors">#{html_tag}</div>).html_safe
# add nokogiri gem to Gemfile
elements = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(html_tag).css "label, input"
elements.each do |e|
if e.node_name.eql? 'label'
html = %(<div class="clearfix error">#{e}</div>).html_safe
elsif e.node_name.eql? 'input'
if instance.error_message.kind_of?(Array)
html = %(<div class="clearfix error">#{html_tag}<span class="help-inline">&nbsp;#{instance.error_message.join(',')}</span></div>).html_safe
kagemusha / gist:1504625
Created December 21, 2011 04:43
Invalidate Session when SessionRestoreError in Rails 3.x
Tested on: Rails 3.1
If have error:
ActionDispatch::Session::SessionRestoreError (Session contains objects whose class definition isn't available.
Remember to require the classes for all objects kept in the session.
can fix by changing a char in secret token in initializers/secret_token.rb

Proposal for Improving Mass Assignment

For a while, I have felt that the following is the correct way to improve the mass assignment problem without increasing the burden on new users. Now that the problem with the Rails default has been brought up again, it's a good time to revisit it.

Sign Allowed Fields

When creating a form with form_for, include a signed token including all of the fields that were created at form creation time. Only these fields are allowed.

To allow new known fields to be added via JS, we could add:

class PostsController < ActionController::Base
def create
def update
jrochkind / gist:2161449
Created March 22, 2012 18:40
A Capistrano Rails Guide

A Capistrano Rails Guide

by Jonathan Rochkind,

why cap?

Capistrano automates pushing out a new version of your application to a deployment location.

I've been writing and deploying Rails apps for a while, but I avoided using Capistrano until recently. I've got a pretty simple one-host deployment, and even though everyone said Capistrano was great, every time I tried to get started I just got snowed under not being able to figure out exactly what I wanted to do, and figured I wasn't having that much trouble doing it "manually".

terryjray / gist:3296171
Created August 8, 2012 15:55
Enabling hstore for new postgresql 9.1 and rails 3 install on ubuntu 12.04
RAILS_ENV=production rake db:setup
# produces the error's a no-worky
psql:/yourprojectpath/yourproject/db/structure.sql:29: ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/share/postgresql/9.1/extension/hstore.control": No such file or directory
# hstore postgresql extension needs to be installed, so....
sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib
# now your extension should be available to enable so log in with psql
psql -d yourproject_production -U yourdbuser -W
dalibor / rspec_cucumber_learning.markdown
Created August 22, 2012 07:46 — forked from nebojsaz/rspec_cucumber_learning.markdown
Rspec + Cucumber how to on Codebreaker example

Behavior Driven Development

Description of BDD

  • Domain-driven design

Principles of BDD

  • Enough is enough
mattconnolly / gist:4158961
Created November 28, 2012 04:04
RSpec basic authentication helper module for request and controller specs
module AuthHelper
def http_login
user = 'username'
pw = 'password'
request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials(user,pw)
module AuthRequestHelper