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Dijkstra’s algorithm implementation (C++17 template code)
#include <unordered_map>
#include <type_traits>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <optional>
* \fn Dijkstra<DistanceType,NodeType>(firstnode, lastnode, for_all_neighbors_of, return_route)
* \brief Searches for the shortest route between nodes `firstnode` and `lastnode`.
* \tparam DistanceType Type of distances
* \tparam NodeType Type of node indexes
* \param firstnode Node to start search from.
* \param lastnode Node to find route to.
* \param for_all_neighbors_of Functor for enumerating neighbors and distances, see below.
* \param return_route Functor for receiving route information, see below.
* \remark \parblock
* If `firstnode` = `lastnode`, calculates the shortest route from `firstnode` to every reachable node.
* `for_all_neighbors_of` must be a functor: void(NodeType source_node, Functor f)
* which calls `f` with parameters (NodeType target_node, DistanceType d)
* for all neighbors of `source_node`, where `target_node` is a neighbor of `source_node`,
* and `d` is the distance from `source_node` to `target_node`.
* `return_route` must be a functor: void(NodeType target, NodeType source, DistanceType length),
* that will be called several times after the search is complete.
* `length` is the shortest total distance from `firstnode` node to the `target` node.
* `source` is the node through which the shortest route to `target` goes.
* If `firstnode` = `lastnode`, or a route to `lastnode` was not found,
* This function will be called for every target
* that is reachable from firstnode, in an unspecified order.
* If `firstnode` is not `lastnode`, and a route to `lastnode` was found,
* The function calls comprise the reverse route from `firstnode` to `lastnode`,
* with first call having `target` = `lastnode`,
* and the last call having `source` = `firstnode`.
* \endparblock
* \returns Shortest total distance from `firstnode` to `lastnode`,
* or a default-constructed DistanceType
* if no route was found or if `firstnode` = `lastnode`.
typename DistanceType,
typename NodeType,
typename NodeIterationFunction,
typename RouteIterationFunction
DistanceType Dijkstra(NodeType firstnode,
NodeType lastnode,
NodeIterationFunction&& for_all_neighbors_of,
RouteIterationFunction&& return_route)
struct NodeInfo { DistanceType distance; NodeType previous; bool visited; };
std::unordered_map<NodeType, NodeInfo> lore;
using dp = std::pair<NodeType,DistanceType>;
auto compare = [&](const dp& a, const dp& b) { return a.second > b.second; };
std::priority_queue<dp, std::vector<dp>, decltype(compare)> queue(compare);
// The priority queue elements must contain a copy of the distance,
// because without the distance, modifying lore[].distance may break
// the heap property of the priority queue.
// Begin from firstnode with blank distance
lore.emplace(firstnode, NodeInfo{});
queue.emplace(firstnode, DistanceType{});
// Find the node with shortest distance
auto Upair =; queue.pop();
NodeType U = Upair.first;
DistanceType Udistance = Upair.second;
// U = node number, Uinfo.second = total distance from firstnode
// If we're looking for a particular route,
// terminate search as soon as the target node has been reached.
// When that happens, there is no need to mark the node visited.
if(firstnode != lastnode && U == lastnode) break;
// Mark the node visited. Ignore the node if already visited before.
auto Ulore = lore.find(U);
if(Ulore->second.visited) continue;
Ulore->second.visited = true;
// Check all neighbors_of of U that have not yet been visited.
for_all_neighbors_of(U, [=,&lore,&queue](NodeType V, DistanceType distance)
distance += Udistance;
// If V is previously unknown, or if V has not yet been visited and
// the new distance is shorter than what is previously known for V,
// update records and make sure that this target is eventually visited.
auto Vlore = lore.find(V);
if(Vlore == lore.end()) // Previously unknown
lore.emplace(V, NodeInfo{distance,U,false});
queue.emplace(V, distance);
else if(!Vlore->second.visited && Vlore->second.distance > distance)
Vlore->second.distance = distance;
Vlore->second.previous = U;
queue.emplace(V, distance);
auto i = lore.find(lastnode);
if(firstnode != lastnode && i != lore.cend())
// Report the route from lastnode to firstnode. The visited flag is not used.
for(auto j = i; j->first != firstnode; j = lore.find(j->second.previous))
return_route(j->first, j->second.previous, j->second.distance);
return i->second.distance;
// Report all reachable routes.
for(const auto& l: lore)
return_route(l.first, l.second.previous, l.second.distance);
return {};
* \fn Dijkstra<DistanceType,ActionType,NodeType>(firstnode, is_first_goal, for_all_neighbors_of, return_route)
* \brief Searches for the shortest route between from `firstnode` to a goal node.
* \tparam DistanceType Type of distances
* \tparam ActionType Type of actions associated with state transitions
* \tparam NodeType Type of node indexes
* \param firstnode Node to start search from.
* \param is_first_goal Boolean flag indicating whether firstnode is also the goal node.
* \param for_all_neighbors_of Functor for enumerating neighbors and distances, see below.
* \param return_route Functor for receiving route information, see below.
* \remark \parblock
* `for_all_neighbors_of` must be a functor: void(NodeType source_node, Functor f)
* which calls `f` with parameters (NodeType target_node, DistanceType d, ActionType action, bool is_goal_node)
* for all neighbors of `source_node`,
* where `target_node` is a neighbor of `source_node`,
* `d` is the distance from `source_node` to `target_node`,
* `action` is the action associated with the state transition,
* and `is_goal_node` indicates whether this target is the goal node.
* There may be multiple goal nodes, but the algorithm terminates when it finds the one with the shortest distance.
* `return_route` must be a functor: void(NodeType target, NodeType source, ActionType action, DistanceType length),
* that will be called several times after the search is complete.
* `length` is the shortest total distance from `firstnode` node to the `target` node.
* `source` is the node through which the shortest route to `target` goes.
* `action` is the action associated with the transition from `source` to `target`.
* If a route to a goal node is not found,
* This function will be called for every target
* that is reachable from firstnode, in an unspecified order.
* If a route to a goal nodeis found,
* The function calls comprise the reverse route from `firstnode` to the goal node,
* with first call having `target` = that node where a goal was indicated,
* and the last call having `source` = `firstnode`,
* \endparblock
* \returns Shortest total distance from `firstnode` to a goal node,
* or a default-constructed DistanceType if no route was found.
typename DistanceType,
typename ActionType,
typename NodeType,
typename HashType = std::hash<NodeType>,
typename NodeIterationFunction,
typename RouteIterationFunction
DistanceType Dijkstra(const NodeType& firstnode,
bool is_first_goal,
NodeIterationFunction&& for_all_neighbors_of,
RouteIterationFunction&& return_route)
struct NodeInfo { DistanceType distance{};
NodeType previous{};
ActionType transition{};
bool visited=false;
bool is_goal=false; };
std::optional<NodeType> lastnode;
std::unordered_map<NodeType, NodeInfo, HashType> lore;
//std::map<NodeType, NodeInfo> lore;
using dp = std::pair<NodeType,DistanceType>;
auto compare = [&](const dp& a, const dp& b) { return a.second > b.second; };
std::priority_queue<dp, std::vector<dp>, decltype(compare)> queue(compare);
// The priority queue elements must contain a copy of the distance,
// because without the distance, modifying lore[].distance may break
// the heap property of the priority queue.
// Begin from firstnode with blank distance
lore.emplace(firstnode, NodeInfo{DistanceType{}, NodeType{}, ActionType{}, false, is_first_goal});
queue.emplace(firstnode, DistanceType{});
if(!(lore.size()%2500)) std::cerr << queue.size() << ' ' << lore.size() << '\r';
// Find the node with shortest distance
auto Upair = std::move(; queue.pop();
NodeType U = Upair.first;
DistanceType Udistance = Upair.second;
// U = node number, Uinfo.second = total distance from firstnode
// Mark the node visited. Ignore the node if already visited before.
auto Ulore = lore.find(U);
if(Ulore->second.visited) continue;
// If we're looking for a particular route,
// terminate search as soon as the target node has been reached.
// When that happens, there is no need to mark the node visited.
lastnode = std::move(U);
Ulore->second.visited = true;
// Check all neighbors_of of U that have not yet been visited.
for_all_neighbors_of(U, [=,&lore,&queue](const NodeType& V, DistanceType distance,
const ActionType& transition, bool is_goal_node)
distance += Udistance;
// If V is previously unknown, or if V has not yet been visited and
// the new distance is shorter than what is previously known for V,
// update records and make sure that this target is eventually visited.
auto Vlore = lore.find(V);
if(Vlore == lore.end()) // Previously unknown
// V is previously onknown. Add records, and put this target to visit-list.
lore.emplace(V, NodeInfo{distance, U,transition, false,is_goal_node});
queue.emplace(V, distance);
else if(!Vlore->second.visited && Vlore->second.distance > distance)
// V is previously known, but this distance is shorter.
// Update records, and make sure this target is on visit-list.
Vlore->second = NodeInfo{distance, U,transition, false,is_goal_node};
queue.emplace(V, distance);
auto i = lore.find(lastnode.value());
if(i != lore.cend())
// Report the route from lastnode to firstnode. The visited flag is not used.
for(auto j = i; j->first != firstnode; j = lore.find(j->second.previous))
return_route(j->first, j->second.previous, j->second.transition, j->second.distance);
return i->second.distance;
// Report all reachable routes.
for(const auto& l: lore)
return_route(l.first, l.second.previous, l.second.transition, l.second.distance);
return {};
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