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Last active May 6, 2024 09:53
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Anycubic i3 Mega configuration for Klipper (with TMC2209 + SPI, BMG extruder with stock motor, pressure advance and BLTouch clone)
# This file contains pin mappings for the Anycubic i3 Mega with
# Ultrabase from 2017. (This config may work on an Anycubic i3 Mega v1
# prior to the Ultrabase if you comment out the definition of the
# endstop_pin in the stepper_z1 section.) To use this config, the
# firmware should be compiled for the AVR atmega2560.
# See the example.cfg file for a description of available parameters.
step_pin: PF0
dir_pin: !PF1
enable_pin: !PD7
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: ^!PE5
position_min: -7
position_endstop: -5
position_max: 220
homing_speed: 200.0
step_pin: PF6
dir_pin: PF7
enable_pin: !PF2
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: ^!PL7
position_endstop: 0
position_max: 220
homing_speed: 200.0
step_pin: PL3
dir_pin: PL1
enable_pin: !PK0
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 8
endstop_pin: ^!PD3
position_endstop: 0.0
position_min: -2
position_max: 205
homing_speed: 20.0
step_pin: PC1
dir_pin: PC3
enable_pin: !PC7
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 8
endstop_pin: ^!PL6
step_pin: PA4
dir_pin: !PA6
enable_pin: !PA2
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 7.923940992
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.750
max_extrude_only_distance: 120.0
heater_pin: PB4
sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2
sensor_pin: PK5
control: pid
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 265
#min_extrude_temp: 0
#pressure_advance: 0.537 # Titan
pressure_advance: 0.4644 # eSun + BMG
#pressure_advance: 0
# The amount of raw filament to push into the extruder during
# extruder acceleration. An equal amount of filament is retracted
# during deceleration. It is measured in millimeters per
# millimeter/second. The default is 0, which disables pressure
# advance.
pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.040
# A time range (in seconds) to use when calculating the average
# extruder velocity for pressure advance. A larger value results in
# smoother extruder movements. This parameter may not exceed 200ms.
# This setting only applies if pressure_advance is non-zero. The
# default is 0.040 (40 milliseconds).
[heater_fan extruder_fan]
#pin: PL5
pin: PH6
heater_pin: PH5
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: PK6
control: pid
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 110
#pin: PH6
pin: PL5
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0
kinematics: cartesian
max_velocity: 300
##max_accel: 3000
max_accel: 1600
max_z_velocity: 20
max_z_accel: 60
#square_corner_velocity: 5.0
[heater_fan stepstick_fan]
pin: PH4
recover_velocity: 60.
# When capture/restore is enabled, the speed at which to return to
# the captured position (in mm/s). Default is 50.0 mm/s.
# Filament Switch Sensor. Support for filament insert and runout detection
# using a switch sensor, such as an endstop switch.
[filament_switch_sensor filament_sensor]
pause_on_runout: True
# When set to True, a PAUSE will execute immediately after a runout
# is detected. Note that if pause_on_runout is False and the
# runout_gcode is omitted then runout detection is disabled. Default
# is True.
M118 Filament Runout Detected
# A list of G-Code commands to execute after a filament runout is
# detected. See docs/ for G-Code format. If
# pause_on_runout is set to True this G-Code will run after the
# PAUSE is complete. The default is not to run any G-Code commands.
M118 Filament Load Detected
# A list of G-Code commands to execute after a filament insert is
# detected. See docs/ for G-Code format. The
# default is not to run any G-Code commands, which disables insert
# detection.
#event_delay: 3.0
# The minimum amount of time in seconds to delay between events.
# Events triggered during this time period will be silently
# ignored. The default is 3 seconds.
#pause_delay: 0.5
# The amount of time to delay, in seconds, between the pause command
# dispatch and execution of the runout_gcode. It may be useful to
# increase this delay if Octoprint exhibits strange pause behavior.
# Default is 0.5 seconds.
switch_pin: ^!PD2
# The pin on which the switch is connected. This parameter must be
# provided.
# BLTouch probe. One may define this section (instead of a probe
# section) to enable a BLTouch probe. A virtual
# "probe:z_virtual_endstop" pin is also created (see the "probe"
# section above for the details).
sensor_pin: ^PE4
# Pin connected to the BLTouch sensor pin. Most BLTouch devices
# require a pullup on the sensor pin (prefix the pin name with "^").
# This parameter must be provided.
control_pin: PB5
# Pin connected to the BLTouch control pin. This parameter must be
# provided.
#pin_move_time: 0.680
# The amount of time (in seconds) that it takes the BLTouch pin to
# move up or down. The default is 0.680 seconds.
stow_on_each_sample: False
# This determines if Klipper should command the pin to move up
# between each probe attempt when performing a multiple probe
# sequence. Read the directions in docs/ before setting
# this to False. The default is True.
probe_with_touch_mode: True
# If this is set to True then Klipper will probe with the device in
# "touch_mode". The default is False (probing in "pin_down" mode).
#pin_up_reports_not_triggered: True
# Set if the BLTouch consistently reports the probe in a "not
# triggered" state after a successful "pin_up" command. This should
# be True for a genuine BLTouch; some BLTouch clones may require
# False. The default is True.
pin_up_touch_mode_reports_triggered: False
# Set if the BLTouch consistently reports a "triggered" state after
# the commands "pin_up" followed by "touch_mode". This should be
# True for a genuine BLTouch; some BLTouch clones may require
# False. The default is True.
# Request a specific sensor pin output mode on the BLTouch V3.0 (and
# later). This setting should not be used on other types of probes.
# Set to "5V" to request a sensor pin output of 5 Volts (only use if
# the controller board needs 5V mode and is 5V tolerant on its input
# signal line). Set to "OD" to request the sensor pin output use
# open drain mode. The default is to not request an output mode.
x_offset: 26.0
# The distance (in mm) between the probe and the nozzle along the
# x-axis. The default is 0.
y_offset: 0.0
# The distance (in mm) between the probe and the nozzle along the
# y-axis. The default is 0.
z_offset: 2.060
# The distance (in mm) between the bed and the nozzle when the probe
# triggers. This parameter must be provided.
# Speed (in mm/s) of the Z axis when probing. The default is 5mm/s.
#samples: 1
# The number of times to probe each point. The probed z-values
# will be averaged. The default is to probe 1 time.
#sample_retract_dist: 2.0
# The distance (in mm) to retract between each sample if
# sampling more than once. Default is 2mm.
# Mesh Bed Leveling. One may define a [bed_mesh] config section
# to enable move transformations that offset the z axis based
# on a mesh generated from probed points. Note that bed_mesh
# and bed_tilt are incompatible, both cannot be defined.
speed: 180
# The speed (in mm/s) of non-probing moves during the
# calibration. The default is 50.
horizontal_move_z: 5
# The height (in mm) that the head should be commanded to move to
# just prior to starting a probe operation. The default is 5.
mesh_min: 19,12
#min_point: 19,32
#min_point: 0,32
# Defines the minimum x,y coodinate of the mesh for rectangular beds. This
# that this does not necessarily define the last point probed, only
# coordinate is relative to the probe's location. This will be the first
# the maximum coordinate. This parameter must be provided.
# point probed, nearest to the origin. This parameter must be provided for
# rectangular beds.
mesh_max: 199,200
#max_point: 199,212
#max_point: 175,198
# Defines the maximum x,y coordinate of the mesh for rectangular beds.
# Adheres to the same principle as mesh_min, however this will be the
# furthest point probed from the bed's origin. This parameter must be
# provided for rectangular beds.
probe_count: 5,5
# A comma separated pair of integer values (X,Y) defining the number
# of points to probe along each axis. A single value is also valid,
# in which case that value will be for both axes. Default is 3,3
# which probes a 3x3 grid.
#fade_start: 1.0
# The z-axis position in which to start phasing z-adjustment out.
# Default is 1.0.
#fade_end: 0.0
# The gcode z position in which phasing out completes. When set
# to a value below fade_start, fade is disabled. It should be
# noted that fade may add unwanted scaling along the z-axis of a
# print. If a user wishes to enable fade, a value of 10.0 is
# recommended. Default is 0.0, which disables fade.
# The z position in which fade should converge. When this value is set
# to a non-zero value it must be within the range of z-values in the mesh.
# Users that wish to converge to the z homing position should set this to 0.
# Default is the average z value of the mesh.
#split_delta_z: .025
# The amount of Z difference (in mm) along a move that will
# trigger a split. Default is .025.
#move_check_distance: 5.0
# The distance (in mm) along a move to check for split_delta_z.
# This is also the minimum length that a move can be split. Default
# is 5.0.
#mesh_pps: 2,2
# A comma separated pair of integers (X,Y) defining the number of
# points per segment to interpolate in the mesh along each axis. A
# "segment" can be defined as the space between each probed
# point. The user may enter a single value which will be applied
# to both axes. Default is 2,2.
#algorithm: lagrange
# The interpolation algorthm to use. May be either "langrange"
# or "bicubic". This option will not affect 3x3 grids, which
# are forced to use lagrange sampling. Default is lagrange.
#bicubic_tension: .2
# When using the bicubic algoritm the tension parameter above
# may be applied to change the amount of slope interpolated.
# Larger numbers will increase the amount of slope, which
# results in more curvature in the mesh. Default is .2.
# A point index in the mesh to reference all z values to. Enabling
# this parameter produces a mesh relative to the probed z position
# at the provided index.
[tmc2209 stepper_x]
uart_pin: PD0
# The pin connected to the TMC2208 PDN_UART line. This parameter
# must be provided.
# If using separate receive and transmit lines to communicate with
# the driver then set uart_pin to the receive pin and tx_pin to the
# transmit pin. The default is to use uart_pin for both reading and
# writing.
interpolate: True
# If true, enable step interpolation (the driver will internally step
# at a rate of 256 micro-steps). The default is True.
run_current: 0.850
# The amount of current (in amps) to configure the driver to use
# during stepper movement. This parameter must be provided.
hold_current: 0.500
# The amount of current (in amps) to configure the driver to use
# when the stepper is not moving. The default is to use the same
# value as run_current.
#sense_resistor: 0.110
# The resistance (in ohms) of the motor sense resistor. The default
# is 0.110 ohms.
stealthchop_threshold: 999999
# The velocity (in mm/s) to set the "stealthChop" threshold to. When
# set, "stealthChop" mode will be enabled if the stepper motor
# velocity is below this value. The default is 0, which disables
# "stealthChop" mode.
#uart_address: 1
# The address of the TMC2209 chip for UART messages (an integer
# between 0 and 3). This is typically used when multiple TMC2209
# chips are connected to the same UART pin. The default is zero.
#driver_IHOLDDELAY: 8
#driver_TPOWERDOWN: 20
#driver_TBL: 2
#driver_TOFF: 3
#driver_HEND: 0
#driver_HSTRT: 5
#driver_PWM_AUTOGRAD: True
#driver_PWM_AUTOSCALE: True
#driver_PWM_LIM: 12
#driver_PWM_REG: 8
#driver_PWM_FREQ: 1
#driver_PWM_GRAD: 14
#driver_PWM_OFS: 36
#driver_SGTHRS: 0
# Set the given register during the configuration of the TMC2209
# chip. This may be used to set custom motor parameters. The
# defaults for each parameter are next to the parameter name in the
# above list.
[tmc2209 stepper_y]
uart_pin: PD1
# The pin connected to the TMC2208 PDN_UART line. This parameter
# must be provided.
# If using separate receive and transmit lines to communicate with
# the driver then set uart_pin to the receive pin and tx_pin to the
# transmit pin. The default is to use uart_pin for both reading and
# writing.
interpolate: True
# If true, enable step interpolation (the driver will internally step
# at a rate of 256 micro-steps). The default is True.
run_current: 0.850
# The amount of current (in amps) to configure the driver to use
# during stepper movement. This parameter must be provided.
hold_current: 0.500
# The amount of current (in amps) to configure the driver to use
# when the stepper is not moving. The default is to use the same
# value as run_current.
#sense_resistor: 0.110
# The resistance (in ohms) of the motor sense resistor. The default
# is 0.110 ohms.
stealthchop_threshold: 999999
# The velocity (in mm/s) to set the "stealthChop" threshold to. When
# set, "stealthChop" mode will be enabled if the stepper motor
# velocity is below this value. The default is 0, which disables
# "stealthChop" mode.
[tmc2209 extruder]
uart_pin: PJ1
# The pin connected to the TMC2208 PDN_UART line. This parameter
# must be provided.
# If using separate receive and transmit lines to communicate with
# the driver then set uart_pin to the receive pin and tx_pin to the
# transmit pin. The default is to use uart_pin for both reading and
# writing.
interpolate: True
# If true, enable step interpolation (the driver will internally step
# at a rate of 256 micro-steps). The default is True.
run_current: 0.850
# The amount of current (in amps) to configure the driver to use
# during stepper movement. This parameter must be provided.
hold_current: 0.500
# The amount of current (in amps) to configure the driver to use
# when the stepper is not moving. The default is to use the same
# value as run_current.
#sense_resistor: 0.110
# The resistance (in ohms) of the motor sense resistor. The default
# is 0.110 ohms.
stealthchop_threshold: 0
# The velocity (in mm/s) to set the "stealthChop" threshold to. When
# set, "stealthChop" mode will be enabled if the stepper motor
# velocity is below this value. The default is 0, which disables
# "stealthChop" mode.
[tmc2209 stepper_z]
uart_pin: PJ0
# The pin connected to the TMC2208 PDN_UART line. This parameter
# must be provided.
# If using separate receive and transmit lines to communicate with
# the driver then set uart_pin to the receive pin and tx_pin to the
# transmit pin. The default is to use uart_pin for both reading and
# writing.
interpolate: True
# If true, enable step interpolation (the driver will internally step
# at a rate of 256 micro-steps). The default is True.
run_current: 0.580
# The amount of current (in amps) to configure the driver to use
# during stepper movement. This parameter must be provided.
hold_current: 0.5
# The amount of current (in amps) to configure the driver to use
# when the stepper is not moving. The default is to use the same
# value as run_current.
#sense_resistor: 0.110
# The resistance (in ohms) of the motor sense resistor. The default
# is 0.110 ohms.
stealthchop_threshold: 999999
# The velocity (in mm/s) to set the "stealthChop" threshold to. When
# set, "stealthChop" mode will be enabled if the stepper motor
# velocity is below this value. The default is 0, which disables
# "stealthChop" mode.
[tmc2209 stepper_z1]
uart_pin: PH3
# The pin connected to the TMC2208 PDN_UART line. This parameter
# must be provided.
# If using separate receive and transmit lines to communicate with
# the driver then set uart_pin to the receive pin and tx_pin to the
# transmit pin. The default is to use uart_pin for both reading and
# writing.
interpolate: True
# If true, enable step interpolation (the driver will internally step
# at a rate of 256 micro-steps). The default is True.
run_current: 0.580
# The amount of current (in amps) to configure the driver to use
# during stepper movement. This parameter must be provided.
hold_current: 0.5
# The amount of current (in amps) to configure the driver to use
# when the stepper is not moving. The default is to use the same
# value as run_current.
#sense_resistor: 0.110
# The resistance (in ohms) of the motor sense resistor. The default
# is 0.110 ohms.
stealthchop_threshold: 999999
# The velocity (in mm/s) to set the "stealthChop" threshold to. When
# set, "stealthChop" mode will be enabled if the stepper motor
# velocity is below this value. The default is 0, which disables
# "stealthChop" mode.
# Enable the "M118" and "RESPOND" extended commands.
resolution: 0.2
# An arc will be split into segments. Each segment's length will
# equal the resolution in mm set above. Lower values will produce a
# finer arc, but also more work for your machine. Arcs smaller than
# the configured value will become straight lines. The default is
# 1mm.
#[gcode_macro G29]
[gcode_macro m205]
[mcu rpi]
serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu
cs_pin: rpi:None
shaper_freq_x: 49.6
shaper_type_x: 3hump_ei
shaper_freq_y: 40.2
shaper_type_y: 2hump_ei
accel_chip: adxl345
100,100,20 # an example
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Hi thanks for the conf file, do you have the uart conection diagram that you use?

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