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Last active August 31, 2016 22:39
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file reader and writer classes
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
struct file_reader_t {
// constructor
: file_(nullptr)
, pos_()
// constructor with open
explicit file_reader_t(const std::string & path)
: file_(nullptr)
, pos_()
, path_()
// constructor with open
explicit file_reader_t(const char * path)
: file_(nullptr)
, pos_()
, path_()
// copy constructor
file_reader_t(const file_reader_t & other)
if (!copy(other)) {
// move constructor
file_reader_t(file_reader_t && other)
: file_(other.file_)
, pos_(std::move(other.pos_))
, path_(std::move(other.path_))
other.file_ = nullptr;
// assignment operator
void operator = (const file_reader_t & rhs)
assert(!"todo, same as copy constructor");
// destructor
// open file from specific path
bool open(const char * path)
if (file_) {
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
if (fopen_s(&file_, path, "rb")) {
file_ = nullptr;
return false;
file_ = fopen(path, "rb");
if (file_) {
path_ = path;
return file_ != nullptr;
// close a file
bool close()
if (file_) {
file_ = nullptr;
return true;
return true;
// read type from file
template <typename type_t>
bool read(type_t & out)
return read(&out, sizeof(type_t));
// read c style array from file
template <typename type_t, size_t c_size>
bool read(type_t (&out)[c_size])
for (size_t i=0; i<c_size; ++i) {
if (!read<type_t>(out[i])) {
return false;
return true;
// read c++11 array from file
template <typename type_t, size_t c_size>
bool read(std::array<type_t, c_size> & out)
for (type_t & item : out) {
if (!read<type_t>(item)) {
return false;
return true;
// read c string (null terminated)
bool read_cstr(std::string & out)
while (true) {
char ch = 0;
if (!read<char>(ch)) {
return false;
if (ch == 0) {
out += ch;
return true;
// read pascal string (size type specific)
template <typename type_t>
bool read_pstr(std::string & out)
type_t count = 0;
if (!read<type_t>(count)) {
return false;
for (type_t i = 0; i<count; ++i) {
char ch = 0;
if (!read<char>(ch)) {
return false;
out += ch;
return true;
// read data into memory
bool read(void * out, size_t size)
if (file_) {
return fread(out, size, 1, file_) == 1;
return false;
// seek to specific file position
bool seek(size_t pos)
if (file_) {
if (fseek(file_, long(pos), SEEK_SET)) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
// get current file read position
bool get_pos(size_t & pos) const
if (file_) {
pos = ftell(file_);
return true;
return false;
// push current file read position onto internal stack
bool push_pos()
size_t pos = 0;
if (get_pos(pos)) {
return true;
return false;
// pop current file read position from internal stack
bool pop_pos()
assert(pos_.size() && "array empty");
size_t pos = pos_.back();
return seek(pos);
// clear internal file position stack
bool clear_pos()
return true;
// check if file is currently open
bool is_open() const
return file_ != nullptr;
// return the source file path
bool get_path(std::string & out) const
if (file_) {
out = path_;
return true;
return false;
// return the total file size in bytes
bool size(size_t & out) const
auto pos = ftell(file_);
if (fseek(file_, 0, SEEK_END))
return false;
auto end = ftell(file_);
if (fseek(file_, pos, SEEK_SET))
return false;
out = size_t(end);
return true;
// copy another file_reader_t
bool copy(const file_reader_t & other)
// close any already open file
// copy position stack
if (other.pos_.size()) {
pos_ = other.pos_;
if (!other.is_open()) {
// easy copy since not open
return true;
if (!open(other.path_.c_str())) {
return false;
size_t pos = 0;
if (!other.get_pos(pos)) {
return false;
if (!seek(pos)) {
return false;
return true;
std::string path_;
std::vector<size_t> pos_;
FILE * file_;
struct file_writer_t {
: file_(nullptr)
, path_()
// constructor with open
file_writer_t(const char * path) {
// copy constructor
file_writer_t(const file_writer_t &) = delete;
// move cosntructor
file_writer_t(file_writer_t && other)
: file_(other.file_)
, path_(std::move(other.path_))
other.file_ = nullptr;
// assignment operator
void operator = (const file_writer_t &) = delete;
// destructor
~file_writer_t() {
bool open(const char * path) {
if (file_) {
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
if (fopen_s(&file_, path, "wb")) {
file_ = nullptr;
return false;
file_ = fopen(path, "wb");
if (file_) {
path_ = path;
return true;
return false;
// close opened file handle
bool close() {
if (file_) {
return true;
return false;
// write c-string type
bool write(const char * & str) {
size_t str_size = strlen(str);
return write((void*)str, str_size+1);
// write p-string type
template<typename type_t>
bool write_pstr(const char * str) {
type_t str_size = type_t(strlen(str));
return write((void*)str, str_size);
// write p-string type
template<typename type_t>
bool write_pstr(const std::string & str) {
type_t str_size = type_t(str.size());
return write((void*)str.c_str(), str_size);
// write pointer type
template <typename type_t>
bool write(const type_t * & in) {
static_assert(false, "You dont want to be writing out a pointer")
return false;
// write specific type
template <typename type_t>
bool write(const type_t & in) {
return write(&in, sizeof(type_t));
// write c++ string as cstring
bool write(const std::string & str) {
const size_t str_size = str.size();
return write((void*)str.c_str(), str_size+1);
// write anonymous memory allocation
bool write(const void * src, const size_t size) {
if (file_) {
return fwrite(src, size, 1, file_)==1;
return false;
// write c++11 style array
template <typename type_t, size_t c_size>
bool write(const std::array<type_t, c_size> & array) {
for (auto & item:array) {
if (!write<type_t>(item)) {
return false;
return true;
// write c style array
template <typename type_t, size_t c_size>
bool write(const type_t(&in)[c_size]) {
for (size_t i = 0; i<c_size; ++i) {
if (!write<type_t>(in[i])) {
return false;
return true;
// repeat output a set number of times
template <typename type_t>
bool fill(const type_t & item, size_t count) {
for (size_t i = 0; i<count; ++i) {
if (!write(item)) {
return false;
return true;
// check if the file is open
bool is_open() const {
return file_!=nullptr;
// return the current file size
bool size(size_t & out) const {
if (file_) {
out = ftell(file_);
return true;
return false;
// return the source file path
bool get_path(std::string & out) const
if (file_) {
out = path_;
return true;
return false;
std::string path_;
FILE * file_;
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