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Last active August 31, 2016 22:02
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Save bit-hack/85a8b6b94a533103d814 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
random.h is a header only random number generation library.
/* Random Number Generation Library
* Aidan Dodds 2016
* This library contains a bunch of random number routines with integer and
* float output and a handful of different weightings. These routines were
* written for use in the context of game development and image processing.
* These routines are in no way suitable for cryptographic purposes, or where
* statistical accuracy is required. Im a programmer, not a mathematician.
* I place this library in the public domain.
#pragma once
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
struct random_t {
random_t(uint64_t seed)
: x_(seed)
/* random unsigned 64bit value (xorshift*) */
uint64_t randllu()
x_ ^= x_ >> 12;
x_ ^= x_ << 25;
x_ ^= x_ >> 27;
return uint64_t(x_ * 2685821657736338717ull);
/* random integer within a certain range */
template <typename type_t>
type_t rand_range(type_t min, type_t max)
const uint64_t out = randllu();
const type_t diff = max - min;
return min + (diff != 0 ? out % diff : type_t(0));
/* return true with a certain probability */
bool rand_chance(uint64_t chance)
return (randllu() % chance) == 0;
/* random value between 0.f and 1.f */
float randfu()
union {
float f;
uint32_t i;
} u;
const uint32_t fmask = (1 << 23) - 1;
u.i = (randllu() & fmask) | 0x3f800000;
return u.f - 1.f;
/* random value between -1.f and 1.f */
float randfs()
union {
float f;
uint32_t i;
} u;
const uint32_t fmask = (1 << 23) - 1;
u.i = (randllu() & fmask) | 0x40000000;
return u.f - 3.f;
/* triangular noise distribution [-1,+1] tending to 0 */
float trandfs()
static const uint32_t fmask = (1 << 23) - 1;
union {
float f;
uint32_t i;
} u, v;
u.i = (uint32_t(randllu()) & fmask) | 0x3f800000;
v.i = (uint32_t(randllu()) & fmask) | 0x3f800000;
float out = (u.f + v.f - 3.f);
return out;
/* gaussian signed random ~[-1,+1] tending to 0 */
float grandfs()
// 1 / half_width
static const float c_scale = 0.4246284f / 2.f;
float sum = 0.f;
sum += randfs();
sum += randfs();
sum += randfs();
sum += randfs();
return sum * c_scale;
/* circular rand
* this function generates a random 2d vector inside a unit circle.
* |out| -> [0,1]
void vrand2d(float(&out)[2])
float mag;
do {
out[0] = randfs();
out[1] = randfs();
mag = out[0] * out[0] + out[1] * out[1];
} while (mag > 1.f);
/* spherical rand
* this function generates a random 3d vector inside a unit sphere.
* |out| -> [0,1]
void vrand3d(float(&out)[3])
float mag;
do {
out[0] = randfs();
out[1] = randfs();
out[2] = randfs();
mag = out[0] * out[0] + out[1] * out[1] + out[2] * out[2];
} while (mag > 1.f);
/* normalised circular rand
* this function generates a random 3d vector on the surface of a unit circle.
* |out| = 1
void nvrand2d(float(&out)[2])
float mag;
do {
out[0] = randfs();
out[1] = randfs();
mag = out[0] * out[0] + out[1] * out[1];
} while (mag > 1.f);
mag = 1.f / sqrtf(mag);
out[0] *= mag;
out[1] *= mag;
/* normalised spherical rand
* this function generates a random 3d vector on the surface of a unit sphere.
* |out| = 1
void nvrand3d(float(&out)[3])
float mag;
do {
out[0] = randfs();
out[1] = randfs();
out[2] = randfs();
mag = out[0] * out[0] + out[1] * out[1] + out[2] * out[2];
} while (mag > 1.f);
mag = 1.f / sqrtf(mag);
out[0] *= mag;
out[1] *= mag;
out[2] *= mag;
/* 64bit hash function
* Thomas Wang's 64 bit Mix Function
static uint64_t hash64(uint64_t key)
key += ~(key << 32);
key ^= (key >> 22);
key += ~(key << 13);
key ^= (key >> 8);
key += (key << 3);
key ^= (key >> 15);
key += ~(key << 27);
key ^= (key >> 31);
return key;
/* 32bit hash function
* Robert Jenkins
static uint32_t hash32(uint32_t a) {
a = (a+0x7ed55d16) + (a<<12);
a = (a^0xc761c23c) ^ (a>>19);
a = (a+0x165667b1) + (a<<5);
a = (a+0xd3a2646c) ^ (a<<9);
a = (a+0xfd7046c5) + (a<<3);
a = (a^0xb55a4f09) ^ (a>>16);
return a;
uint64_t x_;
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