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Created January 7, 2016 11:52
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import Data.IORef
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic
data Queue a = Queue (IORef [a])
empty :: IO (Queue a)
empty = do
ref <- newIORef []
return (Queue ref)
add :: Queue a -> a -> IO ()
add (Queue ref) x = do
modifyIORef ref (\l -> l ++ [x])
remove :: Queue a -> IO ()
remove (Queue ref) = do
modifyIORef ref (tail)
front :: Queue a -> IO (Maybe a)
front (Queue ref) = do
l <- readIORef ref
case l of
[] -> return Nothing
h:_ -> return (Just h)
data Action
= Add Int
| Remove
| Front
| Return (Maybe Int)
deriving (Eq, Show)
perform :: Queue Int -> [Action] -> IO [Maybe Int]
perform _ [] = return []
perform q (a:as) =
case a of
Add n -> do
add q n
perform q as
Remove -> do
remove q
perform q as
Front -> do
x <- front q
r <- perform q as
return (x:r)
Return x -> do
r <- perform q as
return (x:r)
actions :: Int -> Gen [Action]
actions n = oneof (
[ do
return []
, do
a <- arbitrary
r <- actions (n + 1)
return $ (Add a) : r
, do
r <- actions n
return (Front : r)
++ if n == 0 then []
else [ do
r <- actions (n - 1)
return $ (Remove : r)
delta :: [Action] -> Int
delta [] = 0
delta ((Add _):xs) = delta xs + 1
delta (Remove:xs) = delta xs - 1
delta (_:xs) = delta xs
(~=) :: [Action] -> [Action] -> Property
c ~= c' =
forAll (actions 0) $ \pref ->
forAll (actions (delta (pref ++ c))) $ \suff -> monadicIO $ do
let observe x = do
q <- empty
perform q (pref ++ x ++ suff)
r1 <- run $ observe c
r2 <- run $ observe c'
assert $ r1 == r2
(~=^) :: [Action] -> [Action] -> Property
c ~=^ c' =
forAll (actions (delta c)) $ \suff -> monadicIO $ do
let observe x = do
q <- empty
perform q (x ++ suff)
r1 <- run $ observe c
r2 <- run $ observe c'
assert $ r1 == r2
prop_FrontAdd :: Int -> Int -> Property
prop_FrontAdd m n =
[Add m, Add n, Front] ~= [Add m, Front, Add n]
prop_AddRemove :: Int -> Int -> Property
prop_AddRemove m n =
[Add m, Add n, Remove] ~= [Add m, Remove, Add n]
prop_FrontEmpty :: Property
prop_FrontEmpty =
[Front] ~=^ [Return Nothing]
prop_FrontAddEmpty :: Int -> Property
prop_FrontAddEmpty m =
[Add m, Front] ~=^ [Add m, Return (Just m)]
prop_AddRemoveEmpty :: Int -> Property
prop_AddRemoveEmpty m =
[Add m, Remove] ~=^ []
main :: IO ()
main = do
quickCheck prop_FrontAdd
quickCheck prop_AddRemove
quickCheck prop_FrontEmpty
quickCheck prop_FrontAddEmpty
quickCheck prop_AddRemoveEmpty
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