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class Database extends Jig {
get(key) { return this[key] }
set(key, value) { this[key] = value }
class MemDatabase {
constructor() { this.database = new Database(); this.kv = {} }
load() { this.kv = this.database.get('db') }
save() { this.database.set('db', this.kv) }
get(key) { return this.kv[key] }
diff --git a/src/gtest/test_checktransaction.cpp b/src/gtest/test_checktransaction.cpp
index 76d50b8..704be83 100644
--- a/src/gtest/test_checktransaction.cpp
+++ b/src/gtest/test_checktransaction.cpp
@@ -513,14 +513,14 @@ TEST(checktransaction_tests, OverwinterExpiryHeight) {
+ mtx.nExpiryHeight = TX_EXPIRY_HEIGHT_THRESHOLD - 1;
bitcartel / gist:86ca316b74f0b1ec6d8de3ac132006da
Created June 12, 2017 06:19
(1) zaddr -> taddr + zaddr (2) zaddr -> taddr
2017-06-12 05:39:44 opid-e48e83de-d003-4069-b69c-defc841465c3: z_sendmany initialized (params={"fromaddress":"ztr4Ef2m7CFTtTvs4UpDz8zJY4Swukr3NRKThfLE12sNdGdav7Yf55G9HMAzGM3baR1FD43u9jb5JsAN67BBvz1UsVdLxoi","amounts":[{"address":"tmFX9rSJZVsti5a5ZYd2vfs1uVbxhX5Cyjg","amount":80.0},{"address":"tmNAfAgiY4wLhYkke7VxMcAUzFcfwnZz6SV","amount":8.88},{"address":"zteAQyrFfrKtN7GfGYzMBAKVA57JKHDmgXdLdgkYfXKD31ftPgsCR6KQ4zmBvZuDvkXZd1nwfv5UjFeDYZCcDtJHp62E7iZ","amount":1.2345},{"address":"ztbJeEwofNn5WfSh4e6enUUWUtsySLkbuubS2zX9jU45KGWTAxsJrVEhQo2PjQsGYSej1N3KXX5E7FzJyeQQMZdbQSdxupe","amount":1.2345}],"minconf":1,"fee":0.0001})
2017-06-12 05:39:44 opid-e48e83de-d003-4069-b69c-defc841465c3: found unspent note (txid=d6469443de, vjoinsplit=0, ciphertext=0, amount=15.6249, memo=f600000000)
2017-06-12 05:39:44 opid-e48e83de-d003-4069-b69c-defc841465c3: found unspent note (txid=0f9e8e39e9, vjoinsplit=0, ciphertext=0, amount=12.4999, memo=f600000000)
2017-06-12 05:39:44 opid-e48e83de-d003-4069-b69c-defc841465c3: found unspent
taddr -> zaddr
2017-02-07 07:51:46 opid-2c49160c-7447-4384-8611-f34f48ace5ee: z_sendmany initialized
2017-02-07 07:51:46 opid-2c49160c-7447-4384-8611-f34f48ace5ee: spending 12.50 to send 12.4999 with fee 0.0001
2017-02-07 07:51:46 opid-2c49160c-7447-4384-8611-f34f48ace5ee: transparent input: 12.50 (to choose from)
2017-02-07 07:51:46 opid-2c49160c-7447-4384-8611-f34f48ace5ee: transparent output: 0.00
2017-02-07 07:51:46 opid-2c49160c-7447-4384-8611-f34f48ace5ee: fee: 0.0001
zrpc from taddr:
2017-02-06 21:15:39 opid-ee5feb43-7880-4544-b76f-4b500b585e56: z_sendmany initialized
2017-02-06 21:15:39 opid-ee5feb43-7880-4544-b76f-4b500b585e56: spending 12.50 to send 12.4999 with fee 0.0001
2017-02-06 21:15:39 opid-ee5feb43-7880-4544-b76f-4b500b585e56: - transparent input: 12.50 (to choose from)
2017-02-06 21:15:39 opid-ee5feb43-7880-4544-b76f-4b500b585e56: - private input: 0.00 (to choose from)
2017-02-06 21:15:39 opid-ee5feb43-7880-4544-b76f-4b500b585e56: - transparent output: 0.00
2017-02-06 21:15:39 opid-ee5feb43-7880-4544-b76f-4b500b585e56: - private output: 12.4999
2017-02-06 21:15:39 opid-ee5feb43-7880-4544-b76f-4b500b585e56: - fee: 0.0001
2017-02-06 21:15:39 opid-ee5feb43-7880-4544-b76f-4b500b585e56: creating joinsplit at index 0 (vpub_old=12.4999, vpub_new=0.00, in[0]=0.00, in[1]=0.00, out[0]=12.4999, out[1]=0.00)
bitcartel / patch.txt
Created October 4, 2016 17:42
patch so tests pass
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/ b/qa/rpc-tests/
index f0f7c8c..7f9541f 100755
--- a/qa/rpc-tests/
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/
@@ -233,10 +233,7 @@ class WalletTest (BitcoinTestFramework):
assert_equal(self.nodes[2].z_getbalance(mytaddr), Decimal('10.0'));
# add zaddr to node 2
- # payment address: tneMWwNSjPkPaz7p5ed3XJbrz8XwpfBvaha3jaGU26EstNN8HKMYVyzgwMmVcmtaw7b5uuaF4Hr8P4UPZEMkuTkXQa8STzF
- # spending key: TKWRfN47drnaFDbHBSYT2McbPjbmFjjTrGuntj3tAMnnGDg2Kp19
bitcartel / alert.cpp
Created July 15, 2016 15:55 — forked from lukem512/alert.cpp
Generate Alert Tests in Bitcoin Core (SignAndSave alternative)
// Sign CAlert with stored private key
bool SignAlert(CAlert &alert)
// key in WIF format
const char* pszPrivKey = "";
// serialize alert data
sMsg << *(CUnsignedAlert*)&alert;
alert.vchMsg = std::vector<unsigned char>(sMsg.begin(), sMsg.end());

How to test bitcoin alerts


Programming for bitcoin can be a bit of a pain at times. There's a lot of esoteric knowledge required and not everything is documented that well, though with some of the newer documentation projects like the [bitcoin developer documentation][devdocs], it's getting easier.

One thing I ran into recently is the existence of bitcoin alerts. These are alerts that are sent by the core developers onto the entire bitcoin network to warn of serious security events. They don't come up very often (there's [only been 8][alertlist] in the entire history of bitcoin as of this writing), but if your application is built on top of it, you'd better handle it.

The problem, though, is that the alerts are actually signed by a key controlled by the core developers. You can't just create new alerts for testnet, for example, as every other bitcoin client, including your own, will ignore them. So how do you test them?

bitcartel / sendalert.cpp
Created July 15, 2016 05:36 — forked from gavinandresen/sendalert.cpp
Bitcoin CAlert code (without private key, of course)
#include "headers.h"
#include "net.h"
static const int64 DAYS = 24 * 60 * 60;
void ThreadSendAlert();
class CSendAlert
./src/zcash-cli listunspent
"txid" : "e5c9f4fb308c4ffc09b8db503e300ddf7ddf04495947977d1fe83acb3ef76e30",
"vout" : 0,
"address" : "n2EKawUowF2VQoL4vBuCNtBq62PF8v4VUE",
"scriptPubKey" : "21037162eb269d013b0917c13c6311f1a641c22b3b3b4453995dd96e136c2b60ef80ac",
"amount" : 0.59700000,
"confirmations" : 2743,
"spendable" : true