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Created June 22, 2013 13:51
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Foursquare api using JS - accessing endpoints that don't require authorization. Requires jquery
var Foursquare = function () {
Please register a client/app with foursquare (
and put the client id and secret in the apiglobals.js
NOTE: Didn't want to use require for this, but it would be easy to port it
and have its required dependancies be Jquery and apiglobals.js
var init = function (client_id,client_secret) {
clientId = client_id;// Required
clientSecret = client_secret;//Required
version = getVersionString();
defaultLngLat = '40.7,-74';
/*The Foursquare api changes. Passing a "v" parameter on the call
means you are requesting the most recent from ths date.
This creates a version string based on todays date
var getVersionString=function()
// Foursquare wants the format YYYYMMDD
var today = new Date()
var day = today.getDate().toString();
var month = today.getMonth() + 1;
month = (month < 10) ? '0' + month.toString() : month.toString();
var year = today.getFullYear().toString();
var dateString = year + month + day;
var endPoints = {
'getVenueDetailById': '',
'getVenueCategories': '',
'getPopularVenues': '',
'searchVenues': '',
'getTrendingVenues': '',
var getVenueDetailById = function (venue_id) {
var url = endPoints['getVenueDetailById'] + venue_id;
return (makeJSONRequest(newUrl));
var getVenueCategories = function () {
var url = endPoints['getVenueCategories'];
return (makeJSONRequest(url));
Please refer to for the option parameters that can be sent
var getPopularVenues = function (options) {
var url = endPoints['getPopularVenues'];
if (!options) {
options = { 'll': defaultLngLat };
return (makeJSONRequest(url, options));
var searchVenues = function (options) {
// needs to be sorted
var url = endPoints['searchVenues'];
if (!options) {
options = {'ll':defaultLngLat};
return (makeJSONRequest(url, options));
var getTrendingVenues = function (options) {
if (!options) {
options = { 'll': defaultLngLat };
var url = endPoints['getTrendingVenues']
return (makeJSONRequest(url, options));
var makeJSONRequest = function (url, data) {
var self = this;
if (!data) { data = {} }
data.client_id = clientId;
data.client_secret = clientSecret;
data.v = version;
var jqxhr = $.getJSON(url, data);
return (jqxhr);
return {
// public properties
init: init,
getTrendingVenues: getTrendingVenues,
getPopularVenues: getPopularVenues,
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