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Created June 29, 2018 17:13
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  • Save bitcraft/36cdb02d1b6a2134bff63df687247540 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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combat_run: "${{user}} ran away!"
combat_player_run: You have run away!
combat_used_x: "${{user}} used ${{name}}!"
combat_used_x_on_y: "${{user}} used ${{name}} on ${{target}}!"
combat_swap: "${{user}} sent out ${{target}}!"
combat_call_tuxemon: Go ${{name}}!
combat_opponent_call_tuxemon: "${{user}} sent out ${{name}}!"
combat_state_poison_damage: "${{name}} took poison damage!"
combat_status_damage: "${{name}} took ${{status}} damage!"
combat_victory: You have won!
combat_defeat: You've been defeated!
combat_draw: All parties have fainted!
combat_capturing success: You captured ${{name}}!
combat_capturing_fail: "${{name}} broke free!"
combat_replacement: Choose a replacement!
combat_replacement_is_fainted: That monster has fainted!
combat_wild_appeared: A wild ${{name}} appeared!
combat_monster_choice: What will ${{name}} do?
combat_fainted: "${{name}} fainted!"
combat_isactive: "${{name}} is already in play."
empty_slot: Empty Slot
exit: Exit
item_confirm_use: Use
item_confirm_cancel: Cancel
item_success: It worked!
item_failure: It failed!
generic_thing_success: It worked!
generic_thing_failure: It failed!
attempting_capture: Attempting capture...
gotcha: Gotcha!
item_apple_name: Apple
item_apple_descr: Heals a monster by 10 HP.
item_berry_name: Berry
item_berry_descr: Heals a monster by 10 HP.
item_cherry_name: Cherry
item_cherry_descr: Heals a monster by 10 HP.
item_orange_name: Orange
item_orange_descr: Heals a monster by 20 HP.
item_potion_name: Potion
item_potion_descr: Heals a monster by 50 HP.
item_super_potion_name: Super Potion
item_super_potion_descr: Heals a monster by 150 HP.
item_imperial_potion_name: Imperial Potion
item_imperial_potion_descr: Heals a monster by 350 HP.
item_capture_device_name: Capture Device
item_capture_device_descr: Captures a monster.
item_cannot_use_here: "${{name}} cannot be used here!"
monster_menu_info: Info
monster_menu_move: Move
receive_happiness: Received 5 Capture Devices!!
log_off: Log Off
menu_bag: Bag
menu_fight: Fight
menu_item: Item
menu_items: Items
menu_journal: Journal
menu_load: Load
menu_monster: Tuxemon
menu_monsters: Monsters
menu_multiplayer: Multiplayer
menu_new_game: New Game
menu_options: Options
menu_player: Player
menu_run: Run
menu_save: Save
multiplayer_accept: Accept
multiplayer_decline: Decline
multiplayer_duel: "${{name}} would like to Duel!"
multiplayer_host_game: Host Game
multiplayer_scan_games: Scan for Games
multiplayer_join_game: Join Game
multiplayer_hosting_ready: Ready to accept clients!
multiplayer_already_hosting: Already hosting!
multiplayer_no_servers: No servers found...
multiplayer_join_prompt: Hostname or IP?
not_implemented: This feature is not yet implemented.
received_x: Received ${{name}}!
save_success: Saved!
save_failure: There was a problem saving!
slot: Slot
status_faint_name: Faint
status_poison_name: Poison
technique_bite_name: Bite
technique_fire_explosion_name: Fire Explosion
technique_poison_sting_name: Poison Sting
technique_pound_name: Pound
technique_swap_name: Swap
technique_water_shot_name: Water Shot
technique_whirlwind_name: Whirlwind
txmn_aardart_category: Anteater
txmn_aardart_descr: It keeps count of every ant it has eaten, and celebrates significant
txmn_aardart_name: Aardart
txmn_aardorn_category: Snout
txmn_aardorn_descr: When born it is placed in an anthill and left to eat its way out.
txmn_aardorn_name: Aardorn
txmn_agnidon_category: False Dragon
txmn_agnidon_descr: It prefers four legs, but can stand on two to open doors, push
over trees or hold things.
txmn_agnidon_name: Agnidon
txmn_agnigon_category: False Dragon
txmn_agnigon_descr: It is called a 'false dragon', because it appears to be a dragon,
but actually evolved from a different line of ancient reptiles.
txmn_agnigon_name: Agnigon
txmn_agnite_category: False Dragon
txmn_agnite_descr: It is playful, but must be taught early on to keep its fire in
txmn_agnite_name: Agnite
txmn_allagon_category: Dragon
txmn_allagon_descr: Allagon are drawn to relics made from the metals left behind by
their ancestors, and will be violent to retrieve them.
txmn_allagon_name: Allagaon
txmn_anoleaf_category: Sprout
txmn_anoleaf_descr: It considers the plants growing near it to be its brothers and
txmn_anoleaf_name: Anoleaf
txmn_axylightl_category: Inchoate
txmn_axylightl_descr: It lights the deep waters with its tail, marking a safe shelter
for fish.
txmn_axylightl_name: Axylightl
txmn_bamboon_category: Prehensile
txmn_bamboon_descr: It fights with its bamboo staff, which it also uses for balance.
txmn_bamboon_name: Bamboon
txmn_bigfin_category: Island
txmn_bigfin_descr: A whole ecosystem exists on its back, so it tries not to go underwater.
txmn_bigfin_name: Bigfin
txmn_bolt_category: ''
txmn_bolt_descr: ''
txmn_bolt_name: Bolt
txmn_cairfrey_category: Host
txmn_cairfrey_descr: A jolly piece of furniture who awoke one morning and decided
to explore.
txmn_cairfrey_name: Cairfrey
txmn_capiti_category: Woodwose
txmn_capiti_descr: It looks like a baby, but some specimens have been found that are
hundreds of years old.
txmn_capiti_name: Capiti
txmn_cardiling_category: Firebird
txmn_cardiling_descr: One wouldn't expect it to breathe fire, until it does.
txmn_cardiling_name: Cardiling
txmn_cardinale_category: Firebird
txmn_cardinale_descr: It hates all predators with a passion, and makes war with them
and their young when it can.
txmn_cardinale_name: Cardinale
txmn_cardiwing_category: Firebird
txmn_cardiwing_descr: Its song is remarkable, but few dare keep an explosive songbird.
txmn_cardiwing_name: Cardiwing
txmn_chillimp_category: Frost Ape
txmn_chillimp_descr: It is rumoured to live atop snowy mountains, but no clear photo
of it has ever been taken.
txmn_chillimp_name: Chillimp
txmn_chloragon_category: Dragon
txmn_chloragon_descr: It hatches when an ancient egg is planted in fertile soil. When
the eggs run out, there will be no more CHLORAGON.
txmn_chloragon_name: Chloragon
txmn_conifrost_category: Taiga
txmn_conifrost_descr: If it sneezes, an avalanche occurs. It has a permanent sniffle.
txmn_conifrost_name: Conifrost
txmn_corvix_category: Horned Raptor
txmn_corvix_descr: It arms its wings with bone shards from its victims.
txmn_corvix_name: Corvix
txmn_dandylion_category: Lion's Tooth
txmn_dandylion_descr: It gives birth to one litter in its life. Then it wanders the
world trying to find them.
txmn_dandylion_name: Dandylion
txmn_djinnbo_category: Vengeance
txmn_djinnbo_descr: It is mistakenly believed that it is a human who died in a fire.
Actually, its relatives did.
txmn_djinnbo_name: Djinnbo
txmn_dollfin_category: Joyful
txmn_dollfin_descr: Each one follows a ship from place to place, exploring the world.
txmn_dollfin_name: Dollfin
txmn_dracune_category: Cloaked
txmn_dracune_descr: It is immobile during the day, but can wriggle and bite at night.
txmn_dracune_name: Dracune
txmn_dragarbor_category: Dragon
txmn_dragarbor_descr: When it feels it is coming to the end of its life, it travels
to a graveyard where it plants itself. Its tail flower grows forever.
txmn_dragarbor_name: Dragarbor
txmn_dune_pincher_category: ''
txmn_dune_pincher_descr: ''
txmn_dune_pincher_name: Dune Pincher
txmn_eaglace_category: Cirrus
txmn_eaglace_descr: When it takes flight, clouds form. When it claps its wings, hail
txmn_eaglace_name: Eaglace
txmn_eyenemy_category: Pupil
txmn_eyenemy_descr: It feeds on beautiful views and other spectacular sights.
txmn_eyenemy_name: Eyenemy
txmn_falcono_category: Horned Raptor
txmn_falcono_descr: It is totally unafraid of adversaries, and will attack an enemy
of any size without hesitation.
txmn_falcono_name: Falcono
txmn_ferricran_category: Dragon
txmn_ferricran_descr: Once, the Ferricran were covered all over with adamantine scales,
and had wings of mithril.
txmn_ferricran_name: Ferricran
txmn_firomenis_category: Fire
txmn_firomenis_descr: ''
txmn_firomenis_name: Firomenis
txmn_fluttaflap_category: Sanguine
txmn_fluttaflap_descr: It feeds on impurities, so it returns purified blood to those
it sucks on.
txmn_fluttaflap_name: Fluttaflap
txmn_fruitera_category: Wood
txmn_fruitera_descr: ''
txmn_fruitera_name: Fruitera
txmn_gectile_category: Climbing
txmn_gectile_descr: It is so quick and light that it can walk on leaves.
txmn_gectile_name: Gectile
txmn_heronquak_category: Crested
txmn_heronquak_descr: The crystal on its chest is mistaken for a diamond by poachers.
It melts when it is removed from HERONQUAK's body.
txmn_heronquak_name: Heronquak
txmn_hydrone_category: Metal, Water
txmn_hydrone_descr: ''
txmn_hydrone_name: Hydrone
txmn_lambert_category: Gumnut
txmn_lambert_descr: It is placed in its nut by its parent, who then sends it into
the world.
txmn_lambert_name: Lambert
txmn_legko_category: Lizard
txmn_legko_descr: Long thought to be legless, its leaves are actually vestigial limbs.
txmn_legko_name: Legko
txmn_magmaturtle_category: Earth, Fire
txmn_magmaturtle_descr: ''
txmn_magmaturtle_name: Magmaturtle
txmn_merlicun_category: Fire
txmn_merlicun_descr: ''
txmn_merlicun_name: Merlicun
txmn_moloch_category: Devil
txmn_moloch_descr: It can stiffen or soften its skin to respond to friends and foes.
txmn_moloch_name: Moloch
txmn_noctalo_category: Nightcrawler
txmn_noctalo_descr: It inhabits only places abandoned by humans - castles, graveyards
and sewers.
txmn_noctalo_name: Noctalo
txmn_noctula_category: Nightcrawler
txmn_noctula_descr: It eats bugs and PIPIS eat fruit, so despite living in close proximity
they do not compete.
txmn_noctula_name: Noctula
txmn_nostray_category: Probiscus
txmn_nostray_descr: It can smell anything in the ocean, no matter how far away.
txmn_nostray_name: Nostray
txmn_nudiflot_category: Flopped
txmn_nudiflot_descr: It eats and stores the poison of the sea creatures that it feeds
txmn_nudiflot_name: Nudiflot
txmn_nut_category: Metal
txmn_nut_descr: ''
txmn_nut_name: Nut
txmn_onaclov_category: ''
txmn_onaclov_descr: ''
txmn_onaclov_name: Onaclov
txmn_pigabyte_category: Metal
txmn_pigabyte_descr: ''
txmn_pigabyte_name: Pigabyte
txmn_propellercat_category: Metal
txmn_propellercat_descr: ''
txmn_propellercat_name: Propellercat
txmn_rockat_category: Earth
txmn_rockat_descr: ''
txmn_rockat_name: Rockat
txmn_rockitten_category: Earth
txmn_rockitten_descr: ''
txmn_rockitten_name: Rockitten
txmn_sapragon_category: Dragon
txmn_sapragon_descr: In olden times, each element had a mighty dragon - but those
creatures have diminished and are rare in these days.
txmn_sapragon_name: Sapragon
txmn_possessun_category: Visitor
txmn_possessun_descr: It is a ghost that inhabits a dead CAIRFREY.
txmn_possessun_name: Possessun
txmn_selket_category: ''
txmn_selket_descr: ''
txmn_selket_name: Selket
txmn_selmatek_category: ''
txmn_selmatek_descr: ''
txmn_selmatek_name: Selmatek
txmn_simba_category: ''
txmn_simba_descr: ''
txmn_simba_name: Simba
txmn_sludgehog_category: Earth
txmn_sludgehog_descr: ''
txmn_sludgehog_name: Sludgehog
txmn_sharpfin_category: Rip
txmn_sharpfin_descr: It is invisible in the water, being visible only when it leaps
out of the water to drag animals on the shore back into the deep.
txmn_sharpfin_name: Sharpfin
txmn_snowrilla_category: Yeti
txmn_snowrilla_descr: It delights in playing tag with skiers on desolate slopes.
txmn_snowrilla_name: Snowrilla
txmn_spycozeus_category: ''
txmn_spycozeus_descr: ''
txmn_spycozeus_name: Spycozeus
txmn_sumobug_category: Earth
txmn_sumobug_descr: It uses its weight to trip much larger enemies. It is as dense
as a star.
txmn_sumobug_name: Sumobug
txmn_template_category: Some category here
txmn_template_descr: Some description here
txmn_template_name: Template Name
txmn_tigrock_category: Ex Machina
txmn_tigrock_descr: It is said that it had to invent itself because an evolution was
not designed.
txmn_tigrock_name: Tigrock
txmn_tumblecoon_category: ''
txmn_tumblecoon_descr: ''
txmn_tumblecoon_name: Tumblecoon
txmn_tumbleworm_category: ''
txmn_tumbleworm_descr: ''
txmn_tumbleworm_name: Tumbleworm
txmn_tux_category: Water
txmn_tux_descr: ''
txmn_tux_name: Tux
txmn_tweesher_category: Water
txmn_tweesher_descr: The colder the weather, the harder its beak. At below 0 degrees,
it is harder than diamond.
txmn_tweesher_name: Tweesher
txmn_vamporm_category: Clot
txmn_vamporm_descr: It thirsts for blood, but must make do with tree sap.
txmn_vamporm_name: Vamporm
txmn_velocitile_category: Restless
txmn_velocitile_descr: It can outrun a bullet, but only when it has warmed up.
txmn_velocitile_name: Velocitile
txmn_wrougon_category: Dragon
txmn_wrougon_descr: Each Wrougon is born with a patch of rust larger than the patch
of its parents.
txmn_wrougon_name: Wrougon
txmn_zunna_category: Slurpy
txmn_zunna_descr: Cheerful ZUNNA sucks up all the food it can find into its stomach.
txmn_zunna_name: Zunna
npc_maple_name: Maple
npc_wife: npc_wife
npc_tuxemart: npc_tuxemart
npc_tuxemart_name: Tuxemart Employee
healmytuxemon: Do you want to heal your Tuxemon?
haveagoodday: Have a nice day!
'yes': 'Yes'
'no': 'No'
door_problems: The door is stuck and won't open...
empty_pot: It's an empty pot, maybe someone will plant something here
purple_flowers: Somebody planted some sweet smelling purple flowers!
orange_flowers: Someone planted some beautiful orange flowers!
famous_statue: It's a statue of a former Tuxemon master. The name is weathered away...
famous_statue2: 'It says: For our beloved friends and heroes of all, the wywen'
cotton_town_fountain: It's a fountain. A lot of coins are at the bottom
tree: This tree looks happy and healthy!
route_2: Route 2
sure_i_do: Sure I do
not_really: Not really
- "Professor: \n Ah, yes. The very person I've been wanting to meet."
- I've heard that you want to learn about Tuxemon.
- Tuxemon are little animals, some call them monsters, that we befriend and use to
battle other Tuxemon.
- I was wondering, I just received three new Tuxemon for research and I would like
to give you one.
- Which one would you like?
professor_dialog6.1: 'Professor: An excellent choice! Hydrone is a water Tuxemon'
professor_dialog6.2: 'Professor: A superb choice! Rockitten is an earth Tuxemon'
professor_dialog6.3: 'Professor: A great choice! Fruitera is a wood Tuxemon'
professor_dialog7: 'Professor: I hope to see you around! I''m about to head on a journey,
so maybe we''ll meet up sometime.'
karrianna_dialog1: 'Karrianna: I''ve been training for the past month! Nobody has
beaten me yet!'
karrianna_dialog2: Well... You were the first trainer I've faced...
xero_hideout1: Xero Institute for Tuxemon Research and Advancement ahead.
cherry: You found a cherry
xero_grunts_block: This area is under construction, it should be done soon.
waiting_for_misa: Our leader would like to talk with you. When you are ready, talk
to my friend next to me.
teleport?: Are you ready to meet our leader?
ouch: Sorry, but this may hurt a bit...
maybe_sometime_again?: Okay, I'll be here when you are ready.
youcantleave: The doors are locked from the outside... Is there a key somewhere?
discovered_a_person: You found me! Haha!
- "???: I have been observing you for a while now, I'm glad my followers managed to
grab you without harm."
- Oh, where are my manners! I am Misa, Premier of the Xero Institute for Tuxemon Research
and Advancement.
- What was your name again? .... ..... ....
- "${{name}}?"
- 'Misa: hmmm... That sounds like a good name for someone who illegally owns a Tuxemon.'
- Oh. I guess you didn't know that...
- You shouldn't be afraid, Having a Tuxemon by your side is the best thing ever to
happen to you.
- About thirty years ago, a group called Omnichannel started controlling the media.
Soon after, nobody was allowed to express themselves via the media.
- So people decided to use Tuxemon as messengers and to settle disputes. About ten
years ago, the crackdown on Tuxemon was initiated.
- Now, only approved persons can own and raise Tuxemon. My group uses Tuxemon for
research. That's why we all have them.
- You are unusual. You are not approved by Omnichannel. You might be the trainer we
have been waiting for.
- Omnichannel, as ruthless as they are, are not the only threat we have here. There
is another organization called Spyder.
- You shouldn't have to worry too much about them. They aren't too active around here.
- Now, we'll send you back on your journey. Only if you agree to help us against Omnichannel.
- Otherwise, we will report you to Omnichannel ourselves. And you will lose everything.
We are always watching.
backstory9: What do you say? Will you help us?
sorryfurthis: Good Choice. Sorry, this will only sting a little
- "???: What do you want? ... ... ... Well too bad. You're not getting in here even
though your clothes are tastefully done."
- I'm Allie by the way.
- 'Allie: Yes, this is the Omnichannel, I''m just a lowly guard though. Who are you?'
- "${{name}}..."
- Hmm. A strong name. My house is not too far, maybe... after work... you could show
me your strength?
- "... ... No! what do you mean no? Unless... ... You're Jess's new boyfriend aren't
you! She played me this whole time!"
mwah2: JESS!!!
itslockedboi: Allie locked the door behind her...
dontmakemeturn: Come on, be a man and talk in front of me.
dontmakemeturn2: The cameras can't see us, so move around front. I want to preserve
this forever.
hellothere: "???: Hello there!"
kmere: Why don't you come over here and talk to me?
- I'm sorry about that scene, Allie is sometimes hard to deal with, unlike my daughter
- Oh! Where are my manners. My name is Ae... You know what? I'll just write it.
- Aeble
- It's pronounced ahbluh, but everyone just calls me Able. You can call me that, I
- 'Aeble: I''m the CEO here at the omnichannel, every broadcast you see, gets approved
by me.'
- Now, I'm not the only one that does their part, we have a board that helps us administrate
the districts
- The board has been reelected since it was formed. They've done a great job though,
so it makes sense.
- Omnichannel's goal is to open up the world to all. The only way to do that though,
to make everyone equal,
- Was to restrict Tuxemon.
- We started with confiscation, but most Tuxemon managed to escape. So we went to
extreme measures.
- Our sister organization Spyder developed a drug that could change Tuxemon.
- It isolated a portion of the brain that every Tuxemon mysteriously has and overloaded
- Once the Gage Paludal Lamina was overloaded with electricity, their will to resist
faded and they became docile.
- Because of this, a few species are dead, Rockitten, Fruitera, and Hydrone specifically.
- This doesn't matter now though. This generation now doesn't even know what Tuxemon
are unless they work for us.
- The birthrate is at an all time high, and approval of the Omnichannel has not fallen
since the year before the restriction
- Tuxemon are a perversive curse that destroys humanity. Omnichannel has fixed that
and imposed order.
- Tuxemon destroy and anyone who says otherwise is lying. Sorry, I must head to work.
liela_goes_to_battle: If you are going to disturb me while I pick berries, I'm just
going to have to challenge you!
Cathedral_Center: 'Cathedral Center: We Live to Serve'
Cotton_Mart: Get the scoop at the Scoop Store!
Cotton_Town_Sign: "Welcome to Cotton Town: A Growing Force \n \n^ Cotton Town ---
Route 1 v"
column1: A rare and ancient column. This used to be a temple.
column2: 'A rare and ancient column. Other ruins from the same culture can be found
in Route 3. '
- 'Welcome to City Park: A Taste of the Wild'
- "^ City Park --- Route 2 v"
route2speech: EEK!!!
- Oh. It's just you ${{name}}...
- Be more considerate the next time you push someone. The cliff goes down farther
than it looks...
- Although that may not be a bad thing...
- I know, everyone needs me to lead, but with everything going on...
- But you don't want to listen to me... do you?
yestalk: Really? Thanks...
notalk: You insensitive person! You'll listen to me anyway!
- You know that I am the leader of the Xero institute and that I recruited you to
fight them. But you don't know something else.
- Allie, who you met before... What? I told you we would be watching, you don't have
to be surprised by it.
spillit3: Whatever... Allie is my sister and means the world to me, so it destroyed
me when I found out he had taken her to HQ.
spillit4: It may not seem like a bad thing, but it is. Do you know what they do to
them? DO YOU!?
spillit5: Because neither do I... All I know is that no one has ever left Omnichannel
after being recruited.
spillit6: Anyways... it doesn't concern you. All that matters is bringing down Omnichannel.
spillit7: I'm sorry for troubling you with my issues. City Park is up ahead when you
want to move on
leavemealone: We used to play here all the time when we were younger...
- What are you doing here? You know that only knights are allowed through city park.
- "... ... ... Hmm... So you're trying to get to Leather Town..."
- Well, I guess you could enter the challenge if you want. The only problem is that
you'll need a Tuxemon...
- I'm sure we can lend you one. Are you up for the challenge?
sorry: Okay, well... when you're ready, I'll still be here...
- You will? Splendid! Now, to find you a suitable Tuxemon...
- "... ... You already have a Tuxemon? Well, I'm sure that you'd be able to handle
yourself well..."
cottonnurse: Welcome to the Cotton Town Tuxecenter!
- Welcome to the Taba Town Tuxecenter!
- Do you want to heal your Tuxemon?
okaythen: Okay! Just give me a second and I will heal your Tuxemon!
okaythen2: Well, it looks like your Tuxemon are full of energy! Here they are!
input_name: Name?
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