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Last active January 28, 2018 14:36
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pragma solidity 0.4.18;
import './StandardToken.sol';
contract BTD is StandardToken {
string public name = "Bitdollar Fund Token";
string public symbol = "BTD";
uint256 public decimals = 18;
string public version = "1.0";
uint256 public tokenCap = 100000000 * 10**18;
// crowdsale parameters
uint256 public fundingStartBlock;
uint256 public fundingEndBlock;
// vesting fields
address public vestingContract;
bool private vestingSet = false;
// root control
address public fundWallet;
// control of liquidity and limited control of updatePrice
address public controlWallet;
// time to wait between controlWallet price updates
uint256 public waitTime = 5 hours;
// fundWallet controlled state variables
// halted: halt buying due to emergency, tradeable: signal that assets have been acquired
bool public halted = false;
bool public tradeable = false;
// -- totalSupply defined in StandardToken
// -- mapping to token balances done in StandardToken
uint256 public previousUpdateTime = 0;
Price public currentPrice;
uint256 public minAmount = 0.04 ether;
// map participant address to a withdrawal request
mapping (address => Withdrawal) public withdrawals;
// maps previousUpdateTime to the next price
mapping (uint256 => Price) public prices;
// maps addresses
mapping (address => bool) public whitelist;
struct Price { // tokensPerEth
uint256 numerator;
uint256 denominator;
struct Withdrawal {
uint256 tokens;
uint256 time; // time for each withdrawal is set to the previousUpdateTime
event Buy(address indexed participant, address indexed beneficiary, uint256 ethValue, uint256 amountTokens);
event AllocatePresale(address indexed participant, uint256 amountTokens);
event Whitelist(address indexed participant);
event PriceUpdate(uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator);
event AddLiquidity(uint256 ethAmount);
event RemoveLiquidity(uint256 ethAmount);
event WithdrawRequest(address indexed participant, uint256 amountTokens);
event Withdraw(address indexed participant, uint256 amountTokens, uint256 etherAmount);
modifier isTradeable { // exempt vestingContract and fundWallet to allow dev allocations
require(tradeable || msg.sender == fundWallet || msg.sender == vestingContract);
modifier onlyWhitelist {
modifier onlyFundWallet {
require(msg.sender == fundWallet);
modifier onlyManagingWallets {
require(msg.sender == controlWallet || msg.sender == fundWallet);
modifier only_if_controlWallet {
if (msg.sender == controlWallet) _;
modifier require_waited {
require(safeSub(now, waitTime) >= previousUpdateTime);
modifier only_if_increase (uint256 newNumerator) {
if (newNumerator > currentPrice.numerator) _;
function BTD(address controlWalletInput, uint256 priceNumeratorInput, uint256 startBlockInput, uint256 endBlockInput) public {
require(controlWalletInput != address(0));
require(priceNumeratorInput > 0);
require(endBlockInput > startBlockInput);
fundWallet = msg.sender;
controlWallet = controlWalletInput;
whitelist[fundWallet] = true;
whitelist[controlWallet] = true;
currentPrice = Price(priceNumeratorInput, 1000); // 1 token = 1 usd at ICO start
fundingStartBlock = startBlockInput;
fundingEndBlock = endBlockInput;
previousUpdateTime = now;
function setVestingContract(address vestingContractInput) external onlyFundWallet {
require(vestingContractInput != address(0));
vestingContract = vestingContractInput;
whitelist[vestingContract] = true;
vestingSet = true;
// allows controlWallet to update the price within a time contstraint, allows fundWallet complete control
function updatePrice(uint256 newNumerator) external onlyManagingWallets {
require(newNumerator > 0);
// either controlWallet command is compliant or transaction came from fundWallet
currentPrice.numerator = newNumerator;
// maps time to new Price (if not during ICO)
prices[previousUpdateTime] = currentPrice;
previousUpdateTime = now;
PriceUpdate(newNumerator, currentPrice.denominator);
function require_limited_change (uint256 newNumerator)
uint256 percentage_diff = 0;
percentage_diff = safeMul(newNumerator, 100) / currentPrice.numerator;
percentage_diff = safeSub(percentage_diff, 100);
// controlWallet can only increase price by max 20% and only every waitTime
require(percentage_diff <= 20);
function updatePriceDenominator(uint256 newDenominator) external onlyFundWallet {
require(block.number > fundingEndBlock);
require(newDenominator > 0);
currentPrice.denominator = newDenominator;
// maps time to new Price
prices[previousUpdateTime] = currentPrice;
previousUpdateTime = now;
PriceUpdate(currentPrice.numerator, newDenominator);
function allocateTokens(address participant, uint256 amountTokens) private {
// 15% of total allocated for PR, Marketing, Team, Advisors
uint256 developmentAllocation = safeMul(amountTokens, 17647058823529400) / 100000000000000000;
// check that token cap is not exceeded
uint256 newTokens = safeAdd(amountTokens, developmentAllocation);
require(safeAdd(totalSupply, newTokens) <= tokenCap);
// increase token supply, assign tokens to participant
totalSupply = safeAdd(totalSupply, newTokens);
balances[participant] = safeAdd(balances[participant], amountTokens);
balances[vestingContract] = safeAdd(balances[vestingContract], developmentAllocation);
function allocatePresaleTokens(address participant, uint amountTokens) external onlyFundWallet {
require(block.number < fundingEndBlock);
require(participant != address(0));
whitelist[participant] = true; // automatically whitelist accepted presale
allocateTokens(participant, amountTokens);
AllocatePresale(participant, amountTokens);
function verifyParticipant(address participant) external onlyManagingWallets {
whitelist[participant] = true;
function buy() external payable {
function buyTo(address participant) public payable onlyWhitelist {
require(participant != address(0));
require(msg.value >= minAmount);
require(block.number >= fundingStartBlock && block.number < fundingEndBlock);
uint256 icoDenominator = icoDenominatorPrice();
uint256 tokensToBuy = safeMul(msg.value, currentPrice.numerator) / icoDenominator;
allocateTokens(participant, tokensToBuy);
// send ether to fundWallet
Buy(msg.sender, participant, msg.value, tokensToBuy);
// time based on blocknumbers, assuming a blocktime of 30s
function icoDenominatorPrice() public constant returns (uint256) {
uint256 icoDuration = safeSub(block.number, fundingStartBlock);
uint256 denominator;
if (icoDuration < 2880) { // #blocks = 24*60*60/30 = 2880
return currentPrice.denominator;
} else if (icoDuration < 80640 ) { // #blocks = 4*7*24*60*60/30 = 80640
denominator = safeMul(currentPrice.denominator, 105) / 100;
return denominator;
} else {
denominator = safeMul(currentPrice.denominator, 110) / 100;
return denominator;
function requestWithdrawal(uint256 amountTokensToWithdraw) external isTradeable onlyWhitelist {
require(block.number > fundingEndBlock);
require(amountTokensToWithdraw > 0);
address participant = msg.sender;
require(balanceOf(participant) >= amountTokensToWithdraw);
require(withdrawals[participant].tokens == 0); // participant cannot have outstanding withdrawals
balances[participant] = safeSub(balances[participant], amountTokensToWithdraw);
withdrawals[participant] = Withdrawal({tokens: amountTokensToWithdraw, time: previousUpdateTime});
WithdrawRequest(participant, amountTokensToWithdraw);
function withdraw() external {
address participant = msg.sender;
uint256 tokens = withdrawals[participant].tokens;
require(tokens > 0); // participant must have requested a withdrawal
uint256 requestTime = withdrawals[participant].time;
// obtain the next price that was set after the request
Price storage price = prices[requestTime];
require(price.numerator > 0); // price must have been set
uint256 withdrawValue = safeMul(tokens, price.denominator) / price.numerator;
// if contract ethbal > then send + transfer tokens to fundWallet, otherwise give tokens back
withdrawals[participant].tokens = 0;
if (this.balance >= withdrawValue)
enact_withdrawal_greater_equal(participant, withdrawValue, tokens);
enact_withdrawal_less(participant, withdrawValue, tokens);
function enact_withdrawal_greater_equal(address participant, uint256 withdrawValue, uint256 tokens)
assert(this.balance >= withdrawValue);
balances[fundWallet] = safeAdd(balances[fundWallet], tokens);
Withdraw(participant, tokens, withdrawValue);
function enact_withdrawal_less(address participant, uint256 withdrawValue, uint256 tokens)
assert(this.balance < withdrawValue);
balances[participant] = safeAdd(balances[participant], tokens);
Withdraw(participant, tokens, 0); // indicate a failed withdrawal
function checkWithdrawValue(uint256 amountTokensToWithdraw) constant public returns (uint256 etherValue) {
require(amountTokensToWithdraw > 0);
require(balanceOf(msg.sender) >= amountTokensToWithdraw);
uint256 withdrawValue = safeMul(amountTokensToWithdraw, currentPrice.denominator) / currentPrice.numerator;
require(this.balance >= withdrawValue);
return withdrawValue;
// allow fundWallet or controlWallet to add ether to contract
function addLiquidity() external onlyManagingWallets payable {
require(msg.value > 0);
// allow fundWallet to remove ether from contract
function removeLiquidity(uint256 amount) external onlyManagingWallets {
require(amount <= this.balance);
function changeFundWallet(address newFundWallet) external onlyFundWallet {
require(newFundWallet != address(0));
fundWallet = newFundWallet;
function changeControlWallet(address newControlWallet) external onlyFundWallet {
require(newControlWallet != address(0));
controlWallet = newControlWallet;
function changeWaitTime(uint256 newWaitTime) external onlyFundWallet {
waitTime = newWaitTime;
function updateFundingStartBlock(uint256 newFundingStartBlock) external onlyFundWallet {
require(block.number < fundingStartBlock);
require(block.number < newFundingStartBlock);
fundingStartBlock = newFundingStartBlock;
function updateFundingEndBlock(uint256 newFundingEndBlock) external onlyFundWallet {
require(block.number < fundingEndBlock);
require(block.number < newFundingEndBlock);
fundingEndBlock = newFundingEndBlock;
function halt() external onlyFundWallet {
halted = true;
function unhalt() external onlyFundWallet {
halted = false;
function enableTrading() external onlyFundWallet {
require(block.number > fundingEndBlock);
tradeable = true;
// fallback function
function() public payable {
require(tx.origin == msg.sender);
function claimTokens(address _token) external onlyFundWallet {
require(_token != address(0));
Token token = Token(_token);
uint256 balance = token.balanceOf(this);
token.transfer(fundWallet, balance);
// prevent transfers until trading allowed
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) isTradeable public returns (bool success) {
return super.transfer(_to, _value);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) isTradeable public returns (bool success) {
return super.transferFrom(_from, _to, _value);
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