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Created August 5, 2010 21:31
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(defn ellip-2 [words]
(str (->> words (re-split #"\s+") (take 3) (str-join " ")) "..."))
; What does this do? Well, it ellipsizes sentences. it's an improvement upon the book's version.
; we send it strings like "Yo this is a test sentence!" and we get back "Yo this is..."
; legitimately useful for creating things like short descriptions to articles.
; you call it like
(ellip-2 "Yo this is a test sentence!")
; But how does it work?
(defn ellip-2
; defn is how you define functions, ellip-2 is the function name
; function arguments, specifically, we're looking for strings like the test sentence above. Doesn't
; have to be a literal, does have to be a string though.
; Now we just have to unwrap this.
(str (->> words (re-split #"\s+") (take 3) (str-join " ")) "..."))
; With lisp, it's sometimes easier to work inside out, since top to bottom right to left
; doesn't always mean anything.
; there's a str call wrapped around the results of everything we're doing, it's actually what
; adds "..." to the final result
; ->> is technically a unidirectional pipe of sorts. I call it "The Winchester" because
; it shoots shit that way ->
(->> words
; in that ^ case we're shooting words -> that way
; it's flying through
(re-split #"\s+")
; splits the string into a sequence of words like so, ("Yo" "this" "is" "a" "test" "sentence")
; then
(take 3)
; takes the first 3 words of the sequence which returns ("Yo" "this" "is")
; then
(str-join " ")
; joins the sequence into a string again, separating them with spaces, "Yo this is"
; and then the wrapping (str "...") call adds "..."
; so the function finally returns "Yo this is..."
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