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Forked from frasertweedale/Grammar.hs
Created December 12, 2015 07:44
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Prism-based parser/printer experiment
-- This file is a parsing experiment
-- Copyright (C) 2015 Fraser Tweedale
-- This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see <>.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Grammar
-- | Running grammars
, print
-- | Grammar constructors and combinators
, satisfy
, symbol
, many
, many1
, (<<*)
, (*>>)
, between
, literal
, def
, opt
, eof
, productG
, sumG
, replicateG
, bindG
, adapt
, adaptP
-- | 'Char' grammars
, charG
, integralG
) where
import Prelude hiding (print)
import Control.Applicative hiding (many, optional)
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mempty)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Control.Lens
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), fromList, toList)
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use on" :: String) #-}
-- $setup
-- >>> import Data.Char (isAlpha, isLower, toLower, toUpper)
type Grammar s a = Prism' s (a, s)
satisfy :: Cons s s a a => (a -> Bool) -> Grammar s a
satisfy f = withPrism _Cons $ \bt seta ->
seta' s = case seta s of
Left s -> Left s
Right (a, s') -> if f a then Right (a, s') else Left s
in prism bt seta'
symbol :: (Cons s s a a, Eq a) => a -> Grammar s a
symbol a = satisfy (== a)
-- | Adapt the 'Grammar' with an 'Iso'
-- >>> let g = many (satisfy isAlpha) . adapt reversed
-- >>> parse g "live!"
-- Just "evil"
-- >>> print g "evil" :: String
-- "live"
adapt :: Bifunctor f
=> AnIso s t a b -> Iso (f s x) (f t y) (f a x) (f b y)
adapt p = bimapping p id
-- | Adapt the 'Grammar' with another 'Prism'
-- >>> let shouting s = if all (not . isLower) s then Right (fmap toLower s) else Left s
-- >>> let g = many charG `adaptP` prism (fmap toUpper) shouting
-- >>> parse g "WOW!!!"
-- Just "wow!!!"
-- >>> parse g "meh"
-- Nothing
-- >>> print g "hello world" :: String
adaptP :: Grammar s a -> Prism' a b -> Grammar s b
adaptP g p = withPrism g $ \as sesa ->
withPrism p $ \ba aeab ->
bs (b, s) = as (ba b, s)
sesb = sesa >=> \(a, s') -> case aeab a of
Left _ -> Left s'
Right b -> Right (b, s')
in prism bs sesb
-- | Sequence two grammars and combine their results as a tuple
-- >>> let g = productG integralG (many (satisfy isAlpha))
-- >>> parse g "-10abc"
-- Just (-10,"abc")
-- >>> print g (42, "xyz") :: String
-- "42xyz"
productG :: Grammar s a -> Grammar s b -> Grammar s (a, b)
productG p p' = withPrism p $ \as sesa ->
withPrism p' $ \bs sesb ->
as' ((a, b), s) = as (a, bs (b, s))
sesa' = sesa >=> \(a, s') -> do
(b, s'') <- sesb s'
pure ((a, b), s'')
in prism as' sesa'
-- | Choice between two grammars
-- >>> let g = sumG integralG (many (satisfy isAlpha))
-- >>> parse g "-10!"
-- Just (Left (-10))
-- >>> parse g "abc!"
-- Just (Right "abc")
-- >>> print g (Left 42) :: String
-- "42"
-- >>> print g (Right "xyz") :: String
-- "xyz"
sumG :: Grammar s a -> Grammar s b -> Grammar s (Either a b)
sumG p1 p2 = withPrism p1 $ \as sesa ->
withPrism p2 $ \bs sesb ->
eabs (Left a, s) = as (a, s)
eabs (Right b, s) = bs (b, s)
seseab s = case sesa s of
Left _ -> first Right <$> sesb s
r -> first Left <$> r
in prism eabs seseab
-- | Run the grammar as many times as possible on the input,
-- returning or consuming a list.
-- >>> let g = many (satisfy isAlpha)
-- >>> parse g ""
-- Just ""
-- >>> parse g "abc!"
-- Just "abc"
-- >>> print g "xyz" :: String
-- "xyz"
many :: Grammar s a -> Grammar s [a]
many p = withPrism p $ \bt seta ->
bt' ([], s) = s
bt' (a:as, s) = bt (a, bt' (as, s))
seta' s = case seta s of
Left s -> Right ([], s)
Right (a, s') -> first (a:) <$> seta' s'
in prism bt' seta'
-- | Run the grammar as many times as possible and at least once.
-- >>> let g = many1 (satisfy isDigit)
-- >>> parse g ""
-- Nothing
-- >>> parse g "42"
-- Just ('4' :| "2")
-- >>> print g ('1' :| "23") :: String
-- "123"
many1 :: Grammar s a -> Grammar s (NonEmpty a)
many1 g = productG g (many g) . adapt isoTupleNEL
-- | Sequence two grammars, ignoring the second value.
-- >>> let g = integralG <<* literal '~'
-- >>> parse g "123~"
-- Just 123
-- >>> parse g "123!"
-- Nothing
-- >>> print g 123 :: String
-- "123~"
(<<*) :: Grammar s a -> Grammar s () -> Grammar s a
p <<* p' = withPrism p $ \as sesa ->
withPrism p' $ \bs sesb ->
as' (a, s) = as (a, bs ((), s))
sesa' = sesa >=> \(a, s') -> do
((), s'') <- sesb s'
pure (a, s'')
in prism as' sesa'
-- | Sequence two grammars, ignoring the first value.
-- >>> let g = literal '~' *>> integralG
-- >>> parse g "~123"
-- Just 123
-- >>> parse g "123"
-- Nothing
-- >>> print g 123 :: String
-- "~123"
(*>>) :: Grammar s () -> Grammar s a -> Grammar s a
p *>> p' = withPrism p $ \as sesa ->
withPrism p' $ \bs sesb ->
as' (b, s) = as ((), bs (b, s))
sesa' = sesa >=> \((), s') -> do
(b, s'') <- sesb s'
pure (b, s'')
in prism as' sesa'
-- | Replicate a grammar N times
-- >>> let g = replicateG 3 (satisfy isAlpha)
-- >>> parse g "ab3"
-- Nothing
-- >>> parse g "abc"
-- Just "abc"
-- >>> print g "abcd" :: String -- note there are FOUR dots
-- "abc"
-- >>> print g "ab" :: String -- can't do much about this
-- "ab"
replicateG :: Natural -> Grammar s a -> Grammar s [a]
replicateG n g = withPrism g $ \as sesa ->
ass = ass' n
ass' 0 (_, s) = s
ass' _ ([], s) = s
ass' n' (x:xs, s) = as (x, ass' (n' - 1) (xs, s))
sesas = sesas' n
sesas' 0 s = pure ([], s)
sesas' n' s = case sesa s of
Left s -> Left s
Right (a, s') -> first (a:) <$> sesas' (n' - 1) s'
in prism ass sesas
-- | Sequence a grammar based on functions that return the next
-- grammar and yield a determinant.
-- >>> let g = bindG integralG (\n -> replicateG n (satisfy isAlpha)) (fromIntegral . length)
-- >>> parse g "3abc2de?"
-- Just "abc"
-- >>> parse g "3ab2de?"
-- Nothing
-- >>> parse (many g) "3abc2de1f?"
-- Just ["abc","de","f"]
-- >>> print (many g) ["hello", "world"] :: String
-- "5hello5world"
bindG :: Grammar s a -> (a -> Grammar s b) -> (b -> a) -> Grammar s b
bindG g f ba = withPrism g $ \as sesa ->
bs (b, s) = let a = ba b in as (a, review (f a) (b, s))
sesb s = case sesa s of
Left s -> Left s
Right (a, s') -> withPrism (f a) $ \_ sesb' -> sesb' s'
in prism bs sesb
-- | Given left and right "surrounding" grammars and an interior
-- grammar sequence all three, discarding the surrounds.
-- >>> let g = between (literal '<') (literal '>') integralG
-- >>> parse g "<-123>"
-- Just (-123)
-- >>> print g 42 :: String
-- "<42>"
between :: Grammar s () -> Grammar s () -> Grammar s a -> Grammar s a
between l r a = l *>> a <<* r
-- | Consumes or produces a literal character (mapped to '()').
-- >>> let g = literal '$'
-- >>> parse g "$~"
-- Just ()
-- >>> print g () :: String
-- "$"
literal :: (Cons s s a a, Eq a) => a -> Grammar s ()
literal a = withPrism (symbol a) $ \sa sesa ->
prism (\((), s) -> cons a s) (fmap (first (const ())) . sesa)
-- | Give a default value for a grammar.
-- A defaulted grammar can always be viewed. If a reviewed value
-- is equal to the default nothing is written.
-- >>> let g = def 0 integralG
-- >>> parse g "1~"
-- Just 1
-- >>> parse g "~"
-- Just 0
-- >>> print g 1 :: String
-- "1"
-- >>> print g 0 :: String
-- ""
def :: Eq a => a -> Grammar s a -> Grammar s a
def a' p = withPrism p $ \as sesa ->
as' (a, s) = if a == a' then s else as (a, s)
sesa' s = case sesa s of
Left e -> pure (a', s)
v@(Right _) -> v
in prism as' sesa'
-- | Make a grammar optional; a failed view yields 'Nothing' and
-- a review of 'Nothing' writes nothing.
-- >>> let g = opt integralG
-- >>> parse g "1~"
-- Just (Just 1)
-- >>> parse g "~"
-- Just Nothing
-- >>> print g (Just 1) :: String
-- "1"
-- >>> print g Nothing :: String
-- ""
opt :: Grammar s a -> Grammar s (Maybe a)
opt p = withPrism p $ \as sesa ->
as' (Just a, s) = as (a, s)
as' (Nothing, s) = s
sesa' s = case sesa s of
Left e -> pure (Nothing, s)
Right (a, s') -> Right (Just a, s')
in prism as' sesa'
-- | Matches at end of input; writes nothing
-- >>> parse eof ""
-- Just ()
-- >>> parse eof "~"
-- Nothing
-- >>> print eof () :: String
-- ""
eof :: Cons s s a a => Grammar s ()
eof = prism as sesa where
as ((), s) = s
sesa s = case uncons s of
Just _ -> Left s
Nothing -> Right ((), s)
-- Isos
isoReadShow :: (Read a, Show a) => Iso' String a
isoReadShow = iso read show
isoTupleNEL :: Iso' (a, [a]) (NonEmpty a)
isoTupleNEL = iso (uncurry (:|)) (\(h :| t) -> (h, t))
-- 'Char'-based grammars
charG :: Cons s s Char Char => Grammar s Char
charG = satisfy (const True)
:: (Cons s s Char Char, Integral a, Read a, Show a)
=> Grammar s a
integralG =
f (Just c, s) = c:s
f (_, s) = s
g ('-' : s) = (Just '-', s)
g s = (Nothing, s)
(productG (opt (symbol '-')) (many (satisfy isDigit)) . adapt (iso f g))
`adaptP` _Show
-- | Parse with a grammar, discarding any remaining input.
-- If remaining input is an error, apply '(<<* eof)'
-- to your grammar first.
parse :: Cons s s a a => Grammar s b -> s -> Maybe b
parse g s = fst <$> preview g s
-- | Print with a grammar
print :: (Cons s s a a, Monoid s) => Grammar s b -> b -> s
print g b = review g (b, mempty)
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