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Forked from raichoo/semantickata.hs
Created January 20, 2016 01:26
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Mini programming language to implement the recursive `fact` function.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Monad.Reader
type Varname = String
type Env = [(Varname, Dom)]
data Dom
= IntDom Int
| BoolDom Bool
| FunDom (Dom -> Dom)
| Error RuntimeError
instance Show Dom where
show (IntDom i) = show i
show (BoolDom b) = show b
show (FunDom _) = "<function>"
show (Error e) = show e
data RuntimeError
= UnknownVariable Varname
| TypeError
deriving Show
data Expr
= I Int
| B Bool
| Var Varname
| Subtract Expr Expr
| Times Expr Expr
| IsLtEq Expr Expr
| If Expr Expr Expr
| Lam Varname Expr
| App Expr Expr
| LetRec Varname Expr Expr
deriving Show
eval :: Expr -> Reader Env Dom
eval (I i) = return (IntDom i)
eval (B b) = return (BoolDom b)
eval (Var x) = do
env <- ask
case lookup x env of
Just val -> return val
_ -> return (Error (UnknownVariable x))
eval (Subtract lhs rhs) =
liftA2 (,) (eval lhs) (eval rhs) >>= \case
(IntDom x, IntDom y) -> return (IntDom (x - y))
_ -> return (Error TypeError)
eval (Times lhs rhs) =
liftA2 (,) (eval lhs) (eval rhs) >>= \case
(IntDom x, IntDom y) -> return (IntDom (x * y))
_ -> return (Error TypeError)
eval (IsLtEq lhs rhs) =
liftA2 (,) (eval lhs) (eval rhs) >>= \case
(IntDom x, IntDom y) -> return (BoolDom (x <= y))
_ -> return (Error TypeError)
eval (If c t f) =
eval c >>= \case
BoolDom True -> eval t
BoolDom False -> eval f
_ -> return (Error TypeError)
eval (Lam v e) = do
env <- ask
return . FunDom $ \x ->
runReader (eval e) ((v, x):env)
eval (App lhs rhs) =
liftA2 (,) (eval lhs) (eval rhs) >>= \case
(FunDom f, x) -> return (f x)
_ -> return (Error TypeError)
eval (LetRec v e b) =
eval (Lam v e) >>= \case
FunDom rec -> local ((v, fix rec):) (eval b)
_ -> return (Error TypeError)
fact :: Expr
fact =
LetRec "fact" (
Lam "n" (
(If (IsLtEq (Var "n") (I 0))
(I 1)
(Times (App (Var "fact") (Subtract (Var "n") (I 1))) (Var "n"))
) (App (Var "fact") (I 6))
main :: IO ()
main = print $ runReader (eval fact) []
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