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Created July 29, 2014 03:14
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setting up aws dev environment

firstly - yuck.

-- connect to server in terminal:

  • ssh userame@server

Enter password when prompted. If you need to chnage your password, at this point, enter:

  • passwd

And enter your OLD password, follwed by your new password when prompted.

-- update hosts file

It's a good idea at this poitn to also update your local hosts file so you're able to browse to your server instance at a URL which is both more meaningful and easier(shorter) than the defauls AWS domain which is provided. Open your local hosts file (~/etc/hosts) and add a new line:

IPaddress_of_server new_desired_url

eg if your server is and is at 13:12:344:432, go with something like:

13:12:344:432 thisproject

-- connect public key (so you dont need to keep entering your password)

Once connected to the host via ssh enter

  • mkdir ~/.ssh

  • echo ssh-rsa ENTERYOURREDICULOUSLYLONGPUBLICKEYHERE >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

  • ls -ls ~/.ssh

The last command should return something about your username havign authorised keys (eg. 4 -rw-rw-r-- 1 username username 419 Jul 29 13:01 authorized_keys). Now you need to change some file permissions, so do these:

  • ls -ld ~/.ssh
  • chmod 0700 ~/.ssh
  • ls -ls ~/.ssh
  • chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • ll ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • I realise that some of the above commands are superfluous but these notes are quickly thrown togeher while following along from an example. I will hopefull work out what all this means one day!

You can now ctrl D to logout of the current ssh connection, and try logging in again - you should just login, without need for password!

-- Upload MySQL DB

Firstly check that mysql is actually installed -ssh into your server again, enter mysql and hit tab - you should see a bunch of mysql commands.

  • cd /etc/init.d

And then... go search somehwere else on how to do this cos I just lost the terminal wondow that had all these instrctions in it! grr.

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