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Created May 7, 2014 06:43
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  1. look upstream on the vacancy map
  2. research the company
  3. contact/call/email/send cv - go for a coffee
  4. apply for a job!


  • due diligence - research the company
  • don't speak negatively about previous jobs
  • leave emotion out of it
  • remain objective
  • show passion, but not arrogance

Interview Structure

  • situational
  • behavioural
  • technical/competency based


  • WHY are you looking for a new job/why are you leaving old job?
  • what are you looking for
  • how much do you want? what is the actual role on offer, what package are they offering? where is the role based? are there work-from home possibilites

you MAY be asked (probably):

why are you leaving old job? why do you want to be a web dev? what are you looking for in your next position? what was the most difficult position you've been in and how did you handle it? where do you see yourself in five years? what are your strengths and weaknesses?

  • strength - passion for code and solving problems
  • weakness - don't give up
  • because of my history what gets you frustrated or excited? what can you contribute to the company/team? how do you deal with conflict? how lucky do you think you are on a scale of 1-10? ..why? why do you think you're a good fit for this position? what are your salary expectations? do you have any questions for us?
  1. brainstorm EVERY question for multiple answers
  2. condense your answer
  3. apply STAR with a definite example

The Interviewer is YOUR CLIENT

You SHOULD ask

  • what is the interview process going to be?

Use STAR to answer questions:

S.ituation - the situation was T.ask - what did you need to get out of the problem A.ction - what do you do to get around the problem R.esult - what happened in the end

or S.ituation G.oal P.rocess D.eliverable (but SGPD is not an acronym so can't be used for touchy-feely)

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