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Last active January 12, 2017 22:22
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Connect to Bitcoind in your terminal
// This gist assumes you have already setup bitcoind
// If you have not you can go to that walkthrough here
// When you first run bitcoind you get an arror message that requires a username and password
// create a new file in the bitcoin directory called bitcoin.conf and add a username and password
// While you are configuring the file you can add other customizations
// View the customizations with the help command
bitcoind --help
// Now you can run the Bitcoin Core client
bitcoind -daemon
// The Bitcoin Core client uses a JSON-RPC interface that can be accessed using bitcoin-cli
// With the command line we can interact with the API
bitcoin-cli help
// Get information on blockchain
bitcoin-cli get info // displays basic information about the status of the bitcoin network node, the wallet and the blockchain database
// Setup a wallet // First encrypt the wallet with a password
// replace PASSWORD with your chosen password
bitcoin-cli encryptwallet PASSWORD
// You can verify that the valley has been encrypted by running getinfo again // Note that you need to restart bitcoin daemon
// You will notice a new entry called unlocked_until which will show how long the decryption password will be store in memory (keeping the wallet unlocked)
// To unlock the wallet use the walletpassphrase command with the password and the number of seconds until the wallet is locked again automatically
bitcoin-cli walletpassphrase PASSWORD 100
// You can confirm the wallet is unlocked and see the timeout by running getinfo again
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