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Last active December 1, 2017 13:44
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adonis logger
'use strict'
const colors = use('colors/safe')
const Env = use('Env')
const colorStatus = function (status) {
let colorFn = status >= 500 ? // red
: status >= 400 ? colors.yellow // yellow
: status >= 300 ? colors.cyan // cyan
: status >= 200 ? // green
: null // no color
return colorFn ? colorFn(status) : status
class Logger {
async handle ({ request, response }, next) {
// Get high resolution real time at the start of the request
let t = process.hrtime()
// Pass to next middleware
await next()
// Get time difference to request start time
t = process.hrtime(t)
// Color status, output method, url, status and time
const status = colorStatus(response.response.statusCode)
const ms = colors.yellow(`${ ( (t[ 0 ] * 1000 + t[ 1 ] / 1000) / 1000).toFixed(2) } ms`)
const params = colors.gray( JSON.stringify( request.all() ) )
console.log(`[${request.method()} - ${status}] [${ms}] ${request.url()} | ${params}`)
module.exports = Logger
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