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Last active September 19, 2020 04:36
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object Henk:
def removeFirst[A](v: A, t: List[A]): List[A] = t match
case Nil => Nil
case x :: xs => if x == v
then xs
else x :: removeFirst(v, xs)
enum Term:
case Var(v: String)
case Sort
case Kind
case Abs(v: String, t: Term, b: Term)
case Pi(v: String, t: Term, b: Term)
case App(a: Term, b: Term)
type Env = List[(String, Term)]
def typ(g: Env): Option[Term] = this match
case Kind => Some(Sort)
case Var(x) =>
g.find { case (x, _) => true } match
case Some((_, y)) => Some(y)
case None => None
case App(f, a) =>
val tf = f.typ(g)
val ta = a.typ(g)
(tf, ta) match
case (Some(Pi(x, tx, tb)), Some(ta)) =>
if eqBeta(tx, ta)
then Some(tb.substi(x, a))
else None
case _ => None
case Abs(x, tx, b) =>
b.typ((x, tx) :: g) match
case Some(tb) =>
val te = Pi(x, tx, tb)
if te.typ(g).isDefined
then Some(te)
else None
case None => None
case Pi(x, tx, tb) =>
(tx.redTyp(g), tb.redTyp((x, tx) :: g)) match
case (Some(s), Some(t)) =>
if to(s, t)
then Some(t)
else None
case _ => None
case _ => None
def redTyp(g: Env): Option[Term] =
this.typ(g) match
case Some(v) =>
case _ => None
def eqBeta(ta: Term, tb: Term): Boolean =
(, match
case (Some(x), Some(y)) => eqAlpha(x, y, Nil, Nil)
case _ => false
def red(): Option[Term] = this match
case App(Abs(x, tx, b), a) => b.substi(x, a).red()
case _ => Some(this)
def eqAlpha(a: Term, b: Term, sa: List[String], sb: List[String]): Boolean =
(a, b) match
case (Kind, Kind) => true
case (Sort, Sort) => true
case (Var(x), Var(y)) =>
sa.indexOf(x) == sb.indexOf(y)
case (App(a1, b1), App(a2, b2)) =>
eqAlpha(a1, a2, sa, sb) && eqAlpha(b1, b2, sa, sb)
case (Abs(x, a1, b1), Abs(y, a2, b2)) =>
eqAlpha(a1, a2, x :: sa, y :: sb) && eqAlpha(b1, b2, x :: sa, y :: sb)
case (Pi(x, a1, b1), Pi(y, a2, b2)) =>
eqAlpha(a1, a2, x :: sa, y :: sb) && eqAlpha(b1, b2, x :: sa, y :: sb)
case (_, _) => false
def fv(): List[String] = this match
case Kind => Nil
case Sort => Nil
case Var(x) => List(x)
case App(f, a) => f.fv() ++ a.fv()
case Abs(y, ty, b) => ty.fv() ++ removeFirst(y, b.fv())
case Pi(y, ty, b) => ty.fv() ++ removeFirst(y, b.fv())
def substi(x: String, s: Term): Term = this match
case Kind => Kind
case Sort => Sort
case Var(y) => if (y == x) then s else this
case App(f, a) =>
App(f.substi(x, s), a.substi(x, s))
case Abs(y, ty, b) if x == y =>
Abs(y, ty.substi(x, s), b)
case Abs(y, ty, b) if s.fv().contains(y) =>
val z = y ++ "_"
Abs(z, ty.substi(x, s), b.substiVar(y, z).substi(x, s))
case Abs(y, ty, b) =>
Abs(y, ty.substi(x, s), b.substi(x, s))
case Pi(y, ty, b) if x == y =>
Pi(y, ty.substi(x, s), b)
case Pi(y, ty, b) if s.fv().contains(y) =>
val z = y ++ "_"
Pi(z, ty.substi(x, s), b.substiVar(y, z).substi(x, s))
case Pi(y, ty, b) =>
Pi(y, ty.substi(x, s), b.substi(x, s))
def substiVar(x: String, z: String): Term = this match
case Kind => Kind
case Sort => Sort
case Var(y) if y == x => Var(z)
case Var(_) => this
case App(f, a) =>
App(f.substiVar(x, z), a.substiVar(x, z))
case Abs(y, ty, b) =>
Abs(y, ty.substiVar(x, z), b.substiVar(x, z))
case Pi(y, ty, b) =>
Pi(y, ty.substiVar(x, z), b.substiVar(x, z))
def to(a: Term, b: Term): Boolean = (a, b) match
case (Kind, Kind) => true
case (Kind, Sort) => true
case (Sort, Kind) => true
case (Sort, Sort) => true
case (_, _) => false
val test: Term =
Term.Abs("x", Term.Pi("x", Term.Kind, Term.Kind), Term.Var("x")),
Term.Abs("y", Term.Kind, Term.Var("y"))
def main(args: Array[String]) =
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