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Last active December 31, 2015 02:49
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  • Save bitoffdev/7923140 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bitoffdev/7923140 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
class game:
def __init__(self):
#Set up variables
self.items = {"map":[-1,-1], "knife":[2,0], "scissors":[2,0]}
self.coords = [0,0]
self.locations = [
["You are in a large open field. There is a house to the south and the field extends to the east.",
"You are in a large open field. The field extends to the west and a dense forest surrounds you.",
"You are surrounded by trees. There appears to be more light to the east.",
"You are in a small clearing."],
["You are standing outside a small house. The main door in just to the south of you.",
"You are in a dark section of the woods. To the south the light is brighter.",
"You seem to be lost in the woods."],
["You are in the kitchen of the small house. There appears to be an open to the north and a door to the east.",
"You are in the backyard of a small house. There is a door west. To the east a path goes into the woods.",
"You are in the beginning of the woods. To the west a house can be seen in the distance.",
def mainLoop(self):
self.typeOutput(self.locations[self.coords[0]][self.coords[1]], 2.0)
if len(self.itemsAtLocation(self.coords))>0:
print "I see %s." %(", ".join(self.itemsAtLocation(self.coords)))
decision = raw_input("> ")
if decision == "quit":
print "Goodbye!"
elif decision == "inventory":
print self.itemsAtLocation([-1,-1])
elif decision == "help" or decision == "?":
print "This is an adventure game. Type 'n', 'e', 's', or 'w' to move or type 'quit' to exit the program."
elif any(direct == decision for direct in ["n", "s", "e", "w"]):
print "I don't know what you mean. Type 'help' or '?' for help."
#Loop if not quitting
if decision != "quit":
def move(self, direction):
if direction == "n" and self.locationInArray([self.coords[0]-1, self.coords[1]], self.locations):
self.coords[0] -= 1
elif direction == "s" and self.locationInArray([self.coords[0]+1, self.coords[1]], self.locations):
self.coords[0] += 1
elif direction == "e" and self.locationInArray([self.coords[0], self.coords[1]+1], self.locations):
elif direction == "w" and self.locationInArray([self.coords[0], self.coords[1]-1], self.locations):
print "You can't go that way"
def locationInArray(self, coordinates, array):
#Check if 1st coordinate exists
if 0<=coordinates[0]<len(array):
#Check if 2nd coordinate exists
if 0<=coordinates[1]<len(array[coordinates[0]]):
#If element exists at coordinates, make sure the element is not blank
if array[coordinates[0]][coordinates[1]] != "":
return True
#If location doesn't exist then return false
return False
def itemsAtLocation(self, coordinates):
temparr = []
for key in self.items.keys():
if self.items[key] == coordinates:
return temparr
def typeOutput(self, text, time):
speed = float(time)/len(text)
from time import sleep
from sys import stdout
for char in text:
prog = game()
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