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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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class Board(list):
def __init__(self):
for i in range(9):
def isWin(self):
Returns true if either player is winning else returns false
# check if any of the rows has winning combination
for i in range(3):
if len(set(self[i*3:i*3+3])) == 1 and self[i*3] != '-': return True
# check if any of the Columns has winning combination
for i in range(3):
if self[i]==self[i+3]==self[i+6] and self[i] != '-':
return True
# check diagonals
if self[0] is self[4] and self[4] is self[8] and self[4] is not '-':
return True
if self[2]==self[4]==self[6] and self[4] is not '-':
return True
return False
def __str__(self):
return ''.join( (str(i) if self[i]=='-' else self[i]) + ('\n' if i%3==2 else ' | ') for i in range(len(self)))
class Player(object):
def __init__(self, piece, cpu):
self.piece = piece
self.cpu = cpu
def move(self, board):
if self.cpu:
print "CPU (%s) is moving ..."%(self.piece)
return AIMove(board, self.piece)[1]
while True:
coords = raw_input('Player\'s move (%s): '%self.piece)
return int(coords)
def AIMove(board, player):
board: list containing X,- and O
player: one character string 'X' or 'O'
willwin: 1 if 'X' is winning, 0 if the game is draw and -1 if 'O' is winning
nextmove: best player move else -1 if game is over
#Return early if blank board
if len(set(board)) == 1: return 0,4
#Check for winner
if board.isWin() :
if player is 'X': return -1,-1
else: return 1,-1
#Check for tie
if board.count('-') == 0: return 0,-1
#Get possible moves
possible_moves = []
for i in range(len(board)):
if board[i] == '-':
#determine next player
nextplayer = 'X' if player=='O' else 'O'
#Iterate over possible moves using minimax algorithm
results = []
for i in possible_moves:
board[i] = player
result, move = AIMove(board,nextplayer)
board[i] = '-'
if player == 'X':
max_result = max(results)
return max_result, possible_moves[results.index(max_result)]
return min_result, possible_moves[results.index(min_result)]
def play():
print ">>> Welcome to Boss Tic Tac Toe! <<<"
gameboard = Board()
players = [Player('X', False), Player('O', True)]
current_player = 0
print str(gameboard)
while not gameboard.isWin():
gameboard[players[current_player].move(gameboard)] = players[current_player].piece
print str(gameboard)
current_player += 1
if current_player > 1: current_player = 0
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