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Last active October 29, 2024 04:45
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Names from "Toast of London" and "Toast of Tinseltown"
Iqbal Achieve
Nina Armenian
Forrest Ash
Martin Aynuss
Kikini Bamalam
Dominic Bambercrunch
Whack Barnet
Danny Bear
Weech Beacon
Derek Bildings
Howard Blackcap
Bellender Bojangles
Cliff Bonanza
Jesus Bond
Charles Bonus
Cocka Boo
Kika Bright
Howard Bugowitz
Kate Card
Greta Cargo
Bennet Carnival
Mick Carriage
Scott Chestnut
Richard Chickentoss
Jill Clear
Duncan Clench
Sal Commotion
Romley Compton
Witch Conan
Rob Continental
Royce Coolidge
Colin Corknorth
Dickie Davies
Portia De Coogan
Dwight Difference
Neil Doobla-Decca
Ray Dooney
Sonny-Sam Dysco
Trevor Eev
Ben Egyptian
Harris Envy
Tony Excalibur
Hawk Fahrenheit
Clem Fandango
Mustafa Fasili
Kate Fear
Bob Fennison
Pinch Finga
Norris Flipjack
Milly Floss
Dennis Fog
Lord Fotheringham
Edward Fox
Dinky Frinkbuster
Dick Frippery
Beezus Fuffoon
Shane Fulorgy
Barry Fuqu
Jemima Gina
Max Gland
Colin Graveyard
Rusty Halloween
Jon Hamm
Chloe Hammersnag
Aya Hassan
Acker Herron
Roy Highnock
Pooky Hook
Champion House
Sookie Houseboat
Ed Howzer-Black
Brooke Hooberman
Axel Jacklin
Liberty Jerbil
Shepherd Jerbil
Basil Jet
Sorry Johnson
Hoop Kaaak
Bentley Kenneth
Daz Klondyke
Tycoon Lancaster
Candi Lee
Clint Legal
Kit Leggings
Una Length
Jennifyer Madraass
Joogie Makepiece
Varrity Map
Posh Dong Mingemuncher
Sola Mirrornek
Harriet Monkhound
Bob Monkhouse
Clancy Moped
Larry Muggins
Russ Nightlife
Warren Organ
Senna Paddington
Trevor Paradise
Jeremy Paxman
Kelsey Perfume
Parker Pipe
Sue Pipkins
Connie Plank
Jane Plough
Peggy Playwood
Eve Poldark
Linda Praise
Michael Prance
Cliff Promise
Daisy Prosper
Sue Prussia
Bill Purchase
Mrs Purchase
Ray Purchase
Heathcoat Pursuit
Jill Quear
Smooth Quiver
Giuseppe Race
Susan Random
Strawberry Rathbone
Baz Ravish
Hercule Razzamatazz
Warrior Regis
Collage Roy
Ormond Sacker
Carol Sass
Agent Saucepan
Kenton Schwepps
Ricky Seasack
Harold Shitman
Derek Sibling
Colin Skittles
Nan Slack
Ray Sober
Jenny Spasm
Julie St Burger
Frank Succession
Ken Suggestion
Nick Swivney
Billy Tarzana
Dennis Thwaites
Kate Tightneck
Vic Titball
Blair Toast
Ellen Toast
Gonville Toast
Paloma Toast
Steven Toast
Penny Traitor
Patrick Treble
Pool Turgid
Wander Us
Basil Watchfair
Church Weaver
Dick Weerdly
Cheryl Welk
Peanut Whistle
Des Wigwam
Phyliss Willis
Wil Willis
Yvonne Wryly
Lorna Wynde
Frank Zammer
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Will this be updated with Toast of Tinseltown names? We've got more including Des Wigwam, Russ Nightlife and Dr. Harold Shitman so far.

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@ajprice76 Naturally!

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You're missing the awesome Duncan Clench, played by Paul Darrow (Avon from Blakes 7)

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BarryGuffin commented Jan 28, 2022

The name of Romley Compton, the actor, undoubtedly deserves a mention here. Brooke Hooberman too.

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pittsy commented Feb 1, 2022

did I just imagine the name Kikini Bamalam or is that canon?

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carltonpalmer0 commented Feb 19, 2022

Kenton Schwepps
Trevor Eev

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Whack Barnet
Frank Zammer

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carltonpalmer0 commented Mar 23, 2022

Candi Lee
Trevor Paradise
Posh Dong Mingemuncher
Dick Frippery
Joogie Makepiece
Dominic Bambercrunch
Eve Poldark
Roy Highnock
Colin Graveyar

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Rusty Halloween (TofT S1,Ep5)

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Hercule Razzamatazz

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Thanks for the additional names, all! I'd love it especially if you could cite it by sourcing the episodes, as @peteydactyl did.

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Anyone know what Sorry's surname was?

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Royce Coolidge - The Moose Trap

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Royce Coolidge - The Moose Trap

Thank you!

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Thanks for this. I was using names from this show in coding practice and I could only recall 20 or so offhand!

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Cheers to a real life Toast of London name: Pammy Argument.

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Kate Tightneck, Cocker Boo, Peanut Whistle, Una Length, Dick Weerdly, Sal Commotion, Scott Chestnut, Basil Watchfair, Iqbal Achieve, Nan Slack, Giuseppe Race..... even Heathcote Pursuit!

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Besus Faffoon s01e01 5m58s

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