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Last active May 26, 2023 22:14
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"meta": {
"theme": "onepage"
"basics": {
"name": "Rahul Chinta",
"label": "Software Engineer",
"image": "",
"website": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "+447526564041",
"location": {
"city": "London",
"countryCode": "UK"
"profiles": [
"url": "",
"username": "bitsapien",
"network": "github"
"url": "",
"username": "Rahul C",
"network": "linkedin"
"username": "bitsapien",
"url": "",
"network": "stackoverflow"
"education": [
"endDate": "2015-05-01",
"startDate": "2011-03-01",
"area": "Electrical and Electronics Engineering",
"studyType": "Bachelors of Technology",
"institution": "Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University",
"location": "Kakinada, India"
"references": [
"skills": [
"keywords": [
"level": "",
"name": "Frontend Technologies"
"keywords": ["NodeJS", "Ruby", "Python", "Hack", "RDBMS", "NoSQL DBs", "REST APIs", "GraphQL", "Serverless"],
"level": "",
"name": "Backend Technologies"
"keywords": ["Kubernetes", "Docker", "Kong", "AWS", "Terraform"],
"level": "",
"name": "Devops Technologies"
"keywords": ["Continuous Delivery", "Focus on E2E testing", "Pair Programming", "Clean Code", "Fast Feedback", "Agile Principles"],
"level": "",
"name": "Software Delivery Practices"
"awards": [
"work": [
"summary": "Business Engineer on Meta FinTech, formerly called Novi.",
"website": "",
"name": "Meta",
"location": "London",
"position": "Business Engineer",
"startDate": "2021-11-08",
"highlights": [
"Safeguarded over $300M in annual revenue by implementing new payment integrations. Successfully migrated from subpar authorization rate integrations for local payment methods used to pay for Ads across 18+ countries.",
"Achieved a 66% boost in the payment support engineering team's efficiency. This team handles the reconcilation reports from our banks and payment providers, which amounts to over $100 billion annually.",
"Made the highest number of contributions for a 'Better Engineering' program involving code quality improvements, tests and better documentation within the organizational unit and was ranked within the top 20 out of over 200 engineers globally across all organizations.",
"Revolutionized Facebook Marketplaces and Shops with seamless payments, tapping into a lucrative $80 billion global market.",
"Streamlined onboarding for merchants on payments using business messaging on Whatsapp, resulting in accelerated integration of merchants, which translated to millions of transactions on the app. Scaled these proceses gloablly across multiple markets (including Messenger app).",
"Aided individuals in their career advancement by conducting internal interviews with leaders such as Patrick Bozeman (ex Head of Engineering - Meta FinTech)",
"Played a crucial role in pro-actively averting costly lawsuits by assisting in review and audit of our APIs"
"summary": "ThoughtWorks is an organisation dedicating to enabling clients to deliver software with greater speed and efficiency.",
"website": "",
"name": "ThoughtWorks",
"location": "Hyderabad",
"position": "Application Developer",
"startDate": "2018-06-15",
"endDate": "2021-10-18",
"highlights": [
"Spearheaded the transformation of a Ruby on Rails monolithic architecture into a microservices architecture for Babylon Health - UK's foremost health startups. This significantly increased their software delivery speed, enabling them to transition from monthly to daily releases.",
"Led a frontend team to enhance UX of Babylon Health's web application (built on React, Recompose and GraphQL) for support agents who would book appointments for patients over the phone. Result: 3x increase in patients attended per hour by the agents.",
"Successfully designed and implemented an innovative solution utilizing cutting-edge technologies (micro-frontends, API gateways, serverless services in Python and Javascript, web components, Terraform, and OAuth2.0) for OTTO Gmbh (2nd largest e-commerce player in Germany). The result: 20x faster software delivery, deployment, and integration for teams.",
"Architected and implemented a high-performance mailing service, to send standardized company emails and an authorization service, to manage permissions for API/human users. This was consumed by 18+ teams across the organisation, saving them more than an year worth of development time.",
"Designed and implemented a high-performance and fault-tolerant microfrontend page, capable of handling loads of nearly 1000 concurrent users.",
"Organized multiple workshops to train over 50 ThoughtWorkers on Kubernetes, enabling them to develop advanced proficiency in this technology.",
"Created an impactful platform, similar to \"Tech Talks,\" for ThoughtWorkers to share their expertise through conference-style presentations. The initiative helped leadership and management, to effectively identify experts among thousands of engineers.",
"Established an Elixir user group in Hyderabad, India, resulting in increased engagement between ThoughtWorks and the wider developer community, leading to improved recruitment conversion ratios.",
"Spoke at conferences on a range of topics that encompass software delivery, testing, and frontend development. These presentations directly impacted four projects within ThoughtWorks, advancing their goals and objectives."
"summary": "eLitmus is an assessments and recruiting firm. At eLitmus, played a key role in envisioning, designing, and building products from the ground up.",
"website": "",
"name": "eLitmus Evaluations",
"location": "Bengaluru",
"position": "Senior Full Stack Developer",
"startDate": "2015-08-04",
"endDate": "2018-06-13",
"highlights": [
"As developer and product owner of, implemented optimizations that improved the efficiency of recruitment and operations teams. Managed technical debt and testing, accelerating product development cycle to achieve 10x faster report generation and 200% faster CI pipelines. These improvements significantly impacted the product's performance and success.",
"Overhauled the design for the website from to",
"Created an app from scratch, to track attendance of invigilators across multiple test centers setup for the Government of India. The technology stack included Ruby on Rails and an Android app",
"Anuvaad - This application can translate a custom DSL to output code in 12 different programming languages. The intent was to speeden writing skeleton code for competetive coding problems.",
"Developed and implemented a Deduplication Engine algorithm that effectively identifies duplicates across 1 million+ profiles, helping avoid fraudulent candidates entering an interview process.",
"Developed \"Faces\" - an application for digitizing test takers' admit cards. Migrated the system from on-premises to AWS cloud, resulting in cost savings."
"volunteer": [
"summary": "FreedomBox is a privacy focussed technology to enable self-hosting simple services like chat, file sharing.",
"website": "",
"organization": "FreedomBox",
"position": "Open Source Contributor",
"startDate": "2020-05-16",
"endDate": "2020-06-16",
"highlights": [
"Transmuted the matrix-synapse server included in FreedomBox to support video calling (WebRTC + STUN/TURN servers). This catered to needs during COVID."
"organization": "Periferry",
"position": "Project Designer / Volunteer",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2020-06-01",
"endDate": "2020-07-01",
"summary": "Designed the 'Prajna' mentorship program from scratch, that empowered 25+ transgender people to be financially independent and chalk out their own career paths.",
"highlights": [
"interests": [
"name": "Vim"
"name": "Functional Programming"
"name": "Building simple systems"
"name": "Developer Experience"
"name": "LISP like languages"
Transformed the UI for the website from <a href="">[Mar 2015]</a> to <a href="">[Now]</a>
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