Extension | Number of files in e-Depot | ID(s) Tika | Remarks |
gif | 34499095 | - image/gif | GIF image |
xml | 12913388 | - application/xml | XML (mostly metadata) |
jpg | 8197415 | N/A* | JPEG image |
sml | 7744829 | - image/gif | GIF image with unusual extension |
7577414 | - application/pdf | ||
raw | 2045662 | - text/plain | Text file |
tif | 715509 | - image/tiff | TIFF image |
oa3 | 296101 | - text/plain | Looks like SGML (oases, Kluwer). See also: Publisher Data Formats. Metadata. |
doc | 134732 | - application/msword | MS Word document |
htm | 103009 | - text/html | HTML |
html | 52016 | - application/x-bzip2 - text/html |
HTML. One .html file in dataset is actually a BZIP2 file. |
wav | 46796 | - audio/x-wav | Waveform Audio File Format audio |
mp3 | 41931 | - audio/mpeg | MP3 audio |
docx | 40342 | - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document | Office Open XML document |
txt | 40239 | - text/plain | Plain text |
bmp | 39927 | - image/x-ms-bmp | Windows Bitmap |
swf | 32816 | - application/x-shockwave-flash | Shockwave Flash |
xls | 31181 | - application/vnd.ms-excel - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet |
MS Excel and Office Open XML Spreadsheet |
lmx | 25429 | - application/xml | XML (metadata) |
zip | 20008 | - application/zip | ZIP |
class | 19091 | - application/java-vm | Java Class File |
epq | 15238 | - text/plain | Looks like RTF fragments wrapped in something else |
js | 13441 | - application/javascript | JavaScript |
mp4 | 13353 | - video/mp4 | MP4 video |
xlsx | 13088 | - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | Office Open XML Spreadsheet |
rtf | 12289 | - application/rtf | Rich Text Format |
suppl | 10926 | - text/plain - text/html |
Looks like malformed html, sometimes with XML declaration. Files refer to supplemental files through hyperlinks. |
mov | 9904 | - video/quicktime - video/mpeg |
MPEG video |
png | 9037 | - image/png | PNG image |
abg | 8910 | - application/octet-stream | Strange format; only 1 sample in dataset. Possible relation with Abakt backup tool, which used the same extension: http://www.gorearicayparinacota.cl/softwarelibre/Abakt/Abakt.html |
avi | 8662 | - video/x-msvideo - audio/x-wav - video/mp4 |
Audio Video Interleave (AVI) |
ppt | 8324 | - application/vnd.ms-powerpoint | MS PowerPoint |
dat | 7870 | - application/octet-stream - text/plain |
Diverse mix: checked files include measurement data in plain text, binary data and some system/configuration file. |
mpg | 7599 | - video/mpeg - video/x-msvideo |
MPEG video |
aif | 6655 | - audio/x-aiff | AIFF audio |
cab | 6611 | - application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed - text/plain |
Microsoft Cabinet file: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabinet_%28file_format%29; 1 file in test dataset contains plain text |
page | 5672 | - application/xml | XML |
tiff | 5623 | - image/tiff | TIFF image |
exe | 3724 | - application/x-dosexec - application/x-msdownload; format=pe32 - text/plain |
Windows executables. One file in test dataset actually contains plain text. |
pptx | 3400 | - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation | Office Open XML Powerpoint presentation |
dll | 3332 | - application/x-msdownload; format=pe32 - application/x-msdownload |
Windows Dynamic-link library |
jpeg | 3107 | - image/jpeg | JPEG image |
ini | 2896 | - text/x-ini | Mostly Windows configuration files |
dib | 2381 | - image/x-ms-bmp | Windows Bitmap image |
x32 | 2171 | - application/x-msdownload - application/x-msdownload; format=pe32 |
Windows executable or DLL. Ther .x32 extension is also used for Macromedia plugins |
db | 2021 | - application/octet-stream - application/x-tika-msoffice |
Unix File identifies most of these files as -application/CDFV2-corrupt-. Might be (possibly corrupted) thumbs.db files (which are also based on the OLE2 container format, corresponding to -application/x-tika-msoffice-). See also: http://apps.nationalarchives.gov.uk/PRONOM/Format/proFormatSearch.aspx?status=detailReport&id=1481 |
fig | 1822 | - application/x-xfig - image/jpeg |
One JPEG image aside, these files are all identified as application/x-xfig (Fig format), but this is incorrect! Actually they are MATLAB Figure files. |
inf | 1759 | - text/plain | Samples are all Autorun or Setup files, see: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/Ext:inf |
drv | 1656 | - application/x-msdownload - application/octet-stream - application/x-msdownload; format=pe32 |
Most likely Windows system driver files: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/Dynamic-link_library_%28Windows%29 |
phd | 1593 | - text/html | Based on tags in the sample file this looks more like it's SGML instead. |
Last active
August 29, 2015 14:19
50 most prevalent formats in KB e-Depot by file extension, based on March 2014 count. Use scrollbar at bottom to display remarks column to the right.
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