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Last active January 20, 2016 15:54
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Rename PCRaster map stack example
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Rename PCRaster map stack with names following prefix.yyymmmdd to stack with valid
# PCRaster time step numbers
# Johan van der Knijff
# Example input stack:
# precip.19810101
# precip.19810102
# precip.19810103
# precip.19810104
# precip.19810105
# Then run script with following arguments:
# python precip 1
# Result:
# precip00.001
# precip00.002
# precip00.003
# precip00.004
# precip00.005
import sys
import os
import argparse
import math
import datetime
import glob
# Create argument parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Rename map stack")
def parseCommandLine():
# Add arguments
help="prefix of input map stack (also used as output prefix)")
help="time step number that is assigned to first map in output stack")
# Parse arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
def dateToJulianDay(date):
# Calculate Julian Day from date
# Source:
a = (14 - date.month)/12
y = date.year + 4800 - a
m = date.month +12*a - 3
JulianDay = + math.floor((153*m + 2)/5) + 365*y + math.floor(y/4) \
- math.floor(y/100) + math.floor(y/400) - 32045
def genStackNames(prefix,start,end, stepSize):
# Generate list with names of all maps
# map name is made up of 11 characters, and chars 8 and 9 are
# separated by a dot. Name starts with prefix, ends with time step
# number and all character positions in between are filled with zeroes
# define list that will contain map names
listMaps = []
# Count no chars prefix
charsPrefix = len(prefix)
# Maximum no chars needed for suffix (end step)
maxCharsSuffix = len(str(end))
# No of free positions between pre- and suffix
noFreePositions = 11 - charsPrefix - maxCharsSuffix
# Trim prefix if not enough character positions are available
if noFreePositions < 0:
# No of chars to cut from prefix if 11-char limit is exceeded
charsToCut = charsPrefix + maxCharsSuffix - 11
charsToKeep = charsPrefix - charsToCut
# Updated prefix
prefix = prefix[0:charsToKeep]
# Updated prefix length
charsPrefix = len(prefix)
# Generate name for each step
for i in range(start,end + 1,stepSize):
# No of chars in suffix for this step
charsSuffix = len(str(i))
# No of zeroes to fill
noZeroes = 11 - charsPrefix - charsSuffix
# Total no of chars right of prefix
charsAfterPrefix = noZeroes + charsSuffix
# Name of map
thisName = prefix + (str(i)).zfill(charsAfterPrefix)
thisFile = thisName[0:8]+"." + thisName[8:11]
return listMaps
def main():
# Parse command line arguments
args = parseCommandLine()
prefix = args.prefix
stepStartOut = args.stepStartOut
# Glob pattern for input maps: prefix + dot + 8 char extension
pattern = prefix + ".????????"
# Get list of all input maps based on glob pattern
mapsIn = glob.glob(pattern)
# Set time format
tfmt = "%Y%m%d"
# Set up dictionary that will act as lookup table between Julian Days (key)
# and Date string
jDayDate = {}
for map in mapsIn:
baseNameIn = os.path.splitext(map)[0]
dateIn = os.path.splitext(map)[1].strip(".")
# Convert to date / time format
dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(dateIn, tfmt)
# Convert date to Julian day number
jDay = int(dateToJulianDay(dt))
# Store as key-value pair in dictionary
jDayDate[jDay] = dateIn
# Number of input maps (equals number of key-value pairs)
noMaps = len(jDayDate)
# Create list of names for output files
mapNamesOut = genStackNames(prefix, stepStartOut, noMaps + stepStartOut -1, 1)
# Iterate over Julian Days (ascending order)
i = 0
for key in sorted(jDayDate):
# Name of input file
fileIn = prefix + "."+ jDayDate[key]
# Name of output file
fileOut = mapNamesOut[i]
# Rename file
os.rename(fileIn, fileOut)
print("Renamed " + fileIn + " ---> " + fileOut)
i += 1
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