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Created April 23, 2015 16:43
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Rendering of top 50 formats in KB reading rooms
Category Rendering software in reading rooms Formats accessible in reading rooms?
Image formats MS Paint, Windows Photoviewer Yes
PDF Adobe Acrobat Yes
Web formats Internet Explorer, Google Chrome Yes
Office formats Microsoft Office Yes (support for old Office formats presently not clear)
Audio Windows Media Player, VLC Media Player No (hardware in reading rooms doesn't support audio)
Video Windows Media Player, VLC Media Player Partially (hardware in reading rooms doesn't support audio)
Metadata Internet Explorer, Notepad, Wordpad Yes
Executables, installers, system files Not applicable No
Containers Windows Explorer, 7-Zip Yes
Source code / scripts Notepad, Wordpad Partially: available software doesn't support syntax highlighting
(Scientific) text-based data formats Notepad, Wordpad Partially: available software doesn't support syntax highlighting; CSV files are not imported correctly by MS Excel
(Scientific) binary data formats - No
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