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A Perforce custom completer for nushell (work in progress)
# nushell version 0.93.0
# some short flags cannot be added to extern completers due to this bug
# List Perforce help topics
def "nu-complete p4 help topics" [] {
# Display the current user
def "nu-complete p4 current user" [] {
^p4 info |
lines |
parse '{label}: {value}' |
where label == "User name" |
get value
# Display the current client
def "nu-complete p4 current client" [] {
let client = ^p4 info |
lines |
parse '{label}: {value}' |
where label == "Client name" |
get value
if not ($client | is-empty) and not (^p4 clients -e ($client | to text) | is-empty) {
# Display changelist statuses
def "nu-complete p4 changes statuses" [] {
['pending', 'shelved', 'submitted']
# Display file types
def "nu-complete p4 filetypes" [] {
# List all users with the current user first
def "nu-complete p4 users" [] {
let users = ^p4 users |
lines |
parse '{user} <{email}> ({name}) accessed {accessed}' |
get user
nu-complete p4 current user | append $users | uniq
# Display list of clients with current client first
def "nu-complete p4 clients" [] {
let clients = ^p4 clients |
lines |
parse "Client {client} {date} root {root} '{description}'" |
get client
nu-complete p4 current client | append $clients | uniq
# Display list of pending changes for the current client
def "nu-complete p4 changes pending" [] {
^p4 changes -c (nu-complete p4 current client | to text) -s pending |
lines |
parse "Change {value} on {date} by {user}@{client} *{status}* '{description}'" |
select value description
# global opts
export extern "p4" [
-c: string@"nu-complete p4 clients" # overrides any P4CLIENT setting with the specified client name
-d: string # overrides any PWD setting (current working directory) and replaces it with the specified directory
-I # specify that progress indicators, if available, are desired
-H: string # overrides any P4HOST setting and replaces it with the specified hostname
-p: string # overrides any P4PORT setting with the specified protocol:host:port
-P: string # enables a password (or ticket) to be passed on the command line
-r: number # specifies the number of times to retry a command (notably, p4 sync) if the network times out
-u: string@"nu-complete p4 users" # overrides any P4USER, USER, or USERNAME setting with the specified user name
-x: string # instructs Helix Server to read arguments, one per line, from the specified file
-C: string # overrides any P4CHARSET setting with the specified character set
-q # quiet mode, which suppresses informational messages and reports only warnings or errors
-v # debug modes
-V # displays the version of the p4 application and exits
-h # displays basic usage information and exits
# Print help message
export extern "p4 help" [
topic?: string@"nu-complete p4 help topics"
# Open files for adding to the depot
export extern "p4 add" [
...file: string # file(s) to add
-c: number@"nu-complete p4 changes pending" # opens files in the designated changelist instead of the default changelist
-f # add files with filenames that contain wildcard characters
-t: string@"nu-complete p4 filetypes" # specifies the filetype to use
-I # do not perform any ignore checking
-n # displays a preview of the add operation without changing any files or metadata
# Display list of pending and submitted changelists
export extern "p4 changes" [
...file: string
-i # includes any changelists integrated into the specified files
-t # displays the time as well as the date
-l # displays the full text of the changelist descriptions
-L # displays the changelist descriptions, truncated to 250 characters if longer
-f # enables admin users to view restricted changes
-c: string@"nu-complete p4 clients" # limits changes to those on the named client
-e: number # displays only changes that are above and including the specified changelist number
-m: number # limits changes to the 'max' most recent
-r # sorts the output in reverse order
-s: string@"nu-complete p4 changes statuses" # limits the output to changelists with the specified status
-u: string@"nu-complete p4 users" # displays only changes owned by the specified user
--stream # displays only changes that contain a stream spec
--nostream # displays only changes that do not contain a stream spec
# Display list of clients
export extern "p4 clients" [
-t # displays the time as well as the date
-u: string@"nu-complete p4 users" # lists client workspaces that are owned by the specified user
-e: string # lists workspaces with a name that matches the pattern
-m: number # limits output to the specified number of workspaces
-S: string # limits output to the client workspaces dedicated to the stream
-U # lists unloaded clients
-a # specifies that all clients should be displayed, not just those that are bound to this server
-s: string # specifies that only those clients bound to the specified server ID should be displayed
# Copy one set of files into another set of files, and/or copy one stream spec into another stream spec
export extern "p4 copy" [
fromFile: string
toFile?: string
-c: number@"nu-complete p4 changes pending" # opens files in the designated changelist instead of the default changelist
-b: string # makes p4 copy use a user-defined branch view
-S: string # copy from a stream to its parent
-P: string # used with -S to generate the branch view using a parent stream other than the stream's actual parent
-F # used with -S to force copying against a stream's expected flow
-r # used with -S to reverse the copy direction
-f # forces creation of extra revisions to explicitly record that files have been copied
-n # displays a preview of the copy witout actually doing anything
-m: number # limits the actions to the first 'max' number of files
-q # suppresses normal output messages
-v # causes a virtual copy that does not modify client workspace files
# Open existing files for removal from the depot
export extern "p4 delete" [
# Open existing files for editing
export extern "p4 edit" [
...file: string # file(s) to add
-c: number@"nu-complete p4 changes pending" # opens files in the specified pending changelist instead of the default changelist
-t: string@"nu-complete p4 filetypes" # specifies the filetype to use
-n # previews the operation without changing any files or metadata
-k # updates metadata without transferring files to the workspace
--remote: string # useful for DVCS configurations in which files of type +l are in use
# Display client/server information
export extern "p4 info" [
-s # produces 'short' output that omits any information that requires a database lookup such as the client root
# Synonym for 'sync -k'
export extern "p4 flush" [
# Log in to Perforce by obtaining a session ticket
export extern "p4 login" [
user?: string
-a # causes the server to issue a ticket that is valid on all host machines
-h: string # causes the server to issue a ticket that is valid on the specified host (IP address)
-p # displays the ticket, but does not store it on the client machine
-r: string # causes the server to forward the login to the server referenced in the specified remote specification
-s # displays the status of the current ticket
# List open files
export extern "p4 opened" [
file?: string
-a # lists opened files in all clients
-C: string@"nu-complete p4 clients" # lists files open in the specified client workspace
-u: string@"nu-complete p4 users" # lists files opened by the specified user
-c: number@"nu-complete p4 changes pending" # lists files opened in the specified changelist
-m: number # limits output to the first 'max' number of files
-s # produces 'short' and optimized output when used with the -a (all clients) option
-x # lists files that are opened 'exclusive'
-g # lists files that are opened on the Commit Server in a distributed installation
# Resolve updates to open workspace files
export extern "p4 resolve" [
-A # can be used to limit the kind of resolving that will be attempted (Aa, Ab, Ac, Ad, Am, At, AQ)
-a # puts 'p4 resolve' into automatic mode (as, am, af, at, ay)
-d # can be used to ignore whitespace and line endings when merging files (db, dw, dl)
-K # suppresses keyword expansion when updating ktext files on the client
-n # previews the operation without altering files
-N # previews the operation with additional information about any non-content resolve actions that are scheduled
-o # displays the base file name and revision to be used during the merge
-t # forces 'p4 resolve' to attempt a textual merge, even for files with non-text (binary) types
-v # causes 'p4 resolve' to insert markers for all changes, not just conflicts
-c: number@"nu-complete p4 changes pending" # limits 'p4 resolve' to the files in changelist#
# Revert open files and restore originals to workspace
export extern "p4 revert" [
...file: string # the files to be reverted
-a # reverts only files that are open for edit, add, or integrate and are unchanged or missing
-n # displays a preview of the operation
-k # marks the file as reverted in server metadata without altering files in the client workspace
-K # suppresses keyword expansion when updating ktext files on the client
-w # causes files that are open for add to be deleted from the workspace when they are reverted
-c: number@"nu-complete p4 changes pending" # reverts files that are open in the specified changelist
--remote: string # useful for DVCS configurations in which files of type +l are in use
# Submit open files to the depot
export extern "p4 submit" [
...file: string # if specified, only files in the default changelist that match the pattern are submitted
-c: number@"nu-complete p4 changes pending" # submits the specified pending changelist instead of the default changelist
-e: number # submits a shelved changelist without transferring files or modifying the workspace
-d: string # passes a description into the specified changelist rather than displaying the changelist dialog for manual editing
--noretransfer: number # override the submit.noretransfer configurable
# Synchronize the client with its view of the depot
export extern "p4 sync" [
...file: string # if file arguments are given, sync limits its operation to those files
-f # forces resynchronization even if the client already has the file, and overwriting any writable files
-n # previews the operation without updating the workspace
-N # previews the operation without updating the workspace, but reports only a summary of the work the sync would do
-k # updates server metadata without syncing files
-K # suppresses keyword expansion
-p # populates the client workspace, but does not update the server to reflect those updates
-q # suppresses normal output messages
-r # allows open files which are mapped to new locations in the depot to be reopened in the new location
-s # adds a safety check before sending content to the client workspace
-m # limits sync to the first 'max' number of files
-E # verifies that any changelists specified in the revRange are existing, submitted changes before performing the sync
--parallel # specifies options for parallel file transfer
--use-stream-change: number # specifies options for syncing stream clients using the stream view at or before change N
# Synonym for 'sync -s'
export extern "p4 update" [
# List Perforce users
export extern "p4 users" [
...user: string # list all users that match the user argument
-m: number # limits output to the first 'max' number of users
-a # includes service and operator users in the output
-l # includes additional information in the output
-r # only users who have used a replica are reported
-c # only the user information from the central server is reported
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