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Created December 27, 2016 14:03
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Simple LoginForm using GroovyFX
* Original JavaFX tutorial:
* Tested using JDK8
import static groovyx.javafx.GroovyFX.start
start {
stage(title: 'Login Form',width: 300, height: 275, show: true) {
scene(width: 500, height: 250) {
gridPane(style: "-fx-background-color: burlywood", hgap:10, vgap:10, alignment:CENTER, padding:[25,25,25,25]) {
text('Welcome', row:0, column:0, font:'20px Tahoma')
label('User Name:', row:1, column:0)
textField(row:1, column:1)
label('Password:', row:2, column:0)
passwordField(row:2, column:1)
txt = text('Please sign in', column:1, row:6)
hbox(padding:10, alignment:BOTTOM_RIGHT, column:1, row:4){
button('Sign in', onAction: {e -> txt.setFill(FIREBRICK); txt.setText('Sign in button')})
button('Quit', onAction: {System.exit(0)})
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