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Last active September 22, 2022 19:04
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Monokai Plus color schemes for Windows Terminal

Open Windows Terminal settings.json file in your preferred text editor and add the following color schemes.

            "background": "#403E41",
            "black": "#403E41",
            "blue": "#FC9867",
            "brightBlack": "#727072",
            "brightBlue": "#FC9867",
            "brightCyan": "#78DCE8",
            "brightGreen": "#A9DC76",
            "brightPurple": "#AB9DF2",
            "brightRed": "#FF6188",
            "brightWhite": "#FCFCFA",
            "brightYellow": "#FFD866",
            "cursorColor": "#FCFCFA",
            "cyan": "#78DCE8",
            "foreground": "#FCFCFA",
            "green": "#A9DC76",
            "name": "Monokai Plus",
            "purple": "#AB9DF2",
            "red": "#FF6188",
            "selectionBackground": "#FCFCFA",
            "white": "#FCFCFA",
            "yellow": "#FFD866"
            "background": "#2A2F38",
            "black": "#424B5B",
            "blue": "#F69C5E",
            "brightBlack": "#727072",
            "brightBlue": "#F69C5E",
            "brightCyan": "#72CCE8",
            "brightGreen": "#9DD274",
            "brightPurple": "#BA9CF3",
            "brightRed": "#FF6578",
            "brightWhite": "#E1E3E4",
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            "cursorColor": "#E1E3E4",
            "cyan": "#72CCE8",
            "foreground": "#E1E3E4",
            "green": "#9DD274",
            "name": "Monokai Plus (Cognition)",
            "purple": "#BA9CF3",
            "red": "#FF6578",
            "selectionBackground": "#E1E3E4",
            "white": "#E1E3E4",
            "yellow": "#EACB64"
            "background": "#3A4449",
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            "brightGreen": "#A2E57B",
            "brightPurple": "#BAA0F8",
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            "cursorColor": "#F2FFFC",
            "cyan": "#7CD5F1",
            "foreground": "#F2FFFC",
            "green": "#A2E57B",
            "name": "Monokai Plus (Machine)",
            "purple": "#BAA0F8",
            "red": "#FF6D7E",
            "selectionBackground": "#F2FFFC",
            "white": "#F2FFFC",
            "yellow": "#FFED72"
            "background": "#3A3D4B",
            "black": "#3A3D4B",
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            "brightBlack": "#696D77",
            "brightBlue": "#FF9B5E",
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            "brightPurple": "#C39AC9",
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            "cursorColor": "#EAF2F1",
            "cyan": "#9CD1BB",
            "foreground": "#EAF2F1",
            "green": "#BAD761",
            "name": "Monokai Plus (Octagon)",
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            "selectionBackground": "#EAF2F1",
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            "name": "Monokai Plus (Ristretto)",
            "purple": "#A8A9EB",
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            "white": "#FFF1F3",
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            "background": "#363537",
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            "name": "Monokai Plus (Spectrum)",
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            "red": "#C50F1F",
            "selectionBackground": "#F7F1FF",
            "white": "#F7F1FF",
            "yellow": "#FCE566"
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