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Last active March 6, 2020 13:23
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A custom node to draw Rhombus/Diamond with color or texture/normalmap and project it or not. Tested on Godot 3.2
extends Control
class_name RhombusControl
export (Color) var color = Color(1,1,1) setget set_color
export (Texture) var texture = null setget set_texture
export (Texture) var normal_texture = null setget set_normal_texture
export (bool) var antialiasing = true setget set_antialiasing
export (bool) var projection = true setget set_projection
var ___cached_pool_point : PoolVector2Array
var ___cached_pool_color : PoolColorArray
var ___cached_pool_uv : PoolVector2Array
const ___uv_projected := [Vector2(0,0), Vector2(1,0), Vector2(1,1), Vector2(0,1)]
const ___uv_not_projected := [Vector2(0.5,0.0), Vector2(1,0.5), Vector2(0.5,1), Vector2(0,0.5)]
func set_projection(new_value : bool):
if projection != new_value:
projection = new_value
___cached_pool_uv = ___uv_projected if projection else ___uv_not_projected
func set_antialiasing(new_value : bool):
if antialiasing != new_value:
antialiasing = new_value
func set_texture(new_texture : Texture):
if texture != new_texture:
texture = new_texture
func set_normal_texture(new_texture : Texture):
if normal_texture != new_texture:
normal_texture = new_texture
func set_color(new_color : Color):
if new_color != color:
color = new_color
___cached_pool_color = [new_color,new_color,new_color,new_color]
func ___resized():
___cached_pool_point = [Vector2(rect_size.x/2, 0), Vector2(rect_size.x,rect_size.y/2), Vector2(rect_size.x/2,rect_size.y), Vector2(0,rect_size.y/2)]
func _ready():
connect("resized", self, "___resized")
___cached_pool_color = [color,color,color,color]
___cached_pool_uv = ___uv_projected if projection else ___uv_not_projected
func _draw():
texture, normal_texture, antialiasing
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