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Forked from eclubb/
Last active January 23, 2024 08:35
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Save bittner/7368128 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# This script will migrate schema and data from a SQLite3 database to PostgreSQL.
# Schema translation based on
# Some column types are not handled (e.g blobs).
# See also:
# -
# -
# cross-OS compatibility (greadlink, gsed, gzcat are GNU implementations for OSX)
readlink=readlink; sed=sed; zcat=zcat
[[ `uname` == 'Darwin' ]] && {
readlink=greadlink; sed=gsed; zcat=gzcat
which $readlink $sed $zcat > /dev/null || {
echo 'ERROR: GNU utils required for Mac. You may use homebrew to install them: brew install coreutils gnu-sed'
exit 1
[[ "$3" == "" || "$4" != "" ]] && {
echo "Sqlite3 to PostgreSQL database migration: Dump all data from an existing Sqlite database, and create a new PostgreSQL DB from it."
echo "Usage: ${0##*/} <sqlite_src_db_file> <pg_dest_db_name> <pg_dest_user>"
exit 1
# PRAGMAs are specific to SQLite3.
# Remove unsigned as Postgres doesn't know it.
$sed -i 's/ unsigned[ ]*/ /g' $SQLITE_DUMP_FILE
# Convert sequences.
$sed -i '/sqlite_sequence/d ; s/integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT/serial PRIMARY KEY/ig ; s/"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY/"id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY/g' $SQLITE_DUMP_FILE
# Convert column types.
$sed -i 's/datetime/timestamp with time zone/g ; s/integer[(][^)]*[)]/integer/g ; s/text[(]\([^)]*\)[)]/varchar(\1)/g' $SQLITE_DUMP_FILE
# Convert 0/1 values for boolean types to '0'/'1'.
for bool in 0 0 1 1; do
# global flag seems to be broken(?) for -i on OSX GNU sed, so we loop twice
$sed -i "s/,${bool},/,'${bool}',/g" $SQLITE_DUMP_FILE
$sed -i "s/,${bool})/,'${bool}')/g" $SQLITE_DUMP_FILE
$sed -i "s/(${bool},/('${bool}',/g" $SQLITE_DUMP_FILE
createdb -U $PG_USER_NAME $PG_DB_NAME || exit 2
# TODO: grep out error and success messages and redirect them to ${SQLITE_DUMP_FILE}-{error,success}.log
# 2>&1 | sed '/ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block/d' | sed '/^CREATE TABLE$/d' | sed '/^INSERT 0 1$/d' | sed '/^CREATE INDEX$/d'
# Update Postgres sequences.
psql $PG_DB_NAME $PG_USER_NAME -c "\ds" | grep sequence | cut -d'|' -f2 | tr -d '[:blank:]' |
while read sequence_name; do
psql $PG_DB_NAME $PG_USER_NAME -c "select setval('$sequence_name', (select max(id) from $table_name))" || exit 2
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This is a great script, thanks for writing it. I had to make a modification when I used it -- change line 40 to:

$sed -i '/sqlite_sequence/d ; s/integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT/serial PRIMARY KEY/ig ; s/integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT/serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY/ig ; s/"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY/"id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY/g' $SQLITE_DUMP_FILE

Since NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY wasn't accounted for.

I should also note that the sqlite3 dump occurred in the wrong order for me: a couple tables were created before tables in which they had foreign keys, which gave me a "relation does not exist" error. To get around this, I had to manually open the dump in a text editor and move the CREATE and INSERT statements for those tables to just above the INDEX lines. I can't think of a way to do this in the script, unfortunately.

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hi, your script is awesome. do the trick with migration. thanks a lot.
Just one thing I noticed during execution of data import type integer differs in sqlite and Postgre SQL and gave me error "ERROR: integer out of range" because integer in Postgre SQL is 4 bytes and in sqlite is 8 bytes i think :)

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mazj commented Nov 7, 2021

BLOB type also does not exists in Postgre SQL, need add:
sed -i 's/BLOB/bytea/g' $SQLITE_DUMP_FILE

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