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Last active December 20, 2015 09:58
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Reverse Polish Notation Calculator in Scala
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
* This trait provides the mathematical operations which the calculator can perform.
trait Maths {
def add(x: Float, y: Float) = x + y
def sub(x: Float, y: Float) = x - y
def mul(x: Float, y: Float) = x * y
def div(x: Float, y: Float) = if (y > 0) (x / y) else 0.0f
* This class is the complete Reverse Polish parser and calculator
* JavaTokenParsers is extended in order to use the floatingPointNumber parser
* Maths is extended to provide the underlying mathematical operations
class ReversePolishCalculator extends JavaTokenParsers with Maths {
* Takes an expression, which consists of N repetitions of a term followed by an operator
* In case you are wondering, the parser combinators used here are as follows:
* | => The alternation combinator, it parses successfully if either the left or right side match
* ~ => This combinator forms a sequential combination of it's operands (ex. a~b expects a followed by b)
* ~> => This combinator says "ensure the left operand exists, but don't include it in the result"
* <~ => This combinator says "ensure the right operand exists, but don't include it in the result"
* ^^ => This combinator says "if parsed successfully, transform the result using the block on the right"
* rep => This combinator says "expect zero or more repetitions of X"
def expr: Parser[Float] = rep(term ~ operator) ^^ {
// match a list of term~operator
case terms =>
// Each operand will be placed on the stack, and pairs will be popped off for each operation,
// replacing the pair with the result of the operation. Calculation ends when the final operator
// is applied to all remaining operands
var stack = List.empty[Float]
// Remember the last operation performed, default to addition
var lastOp: (Float, Float) => Float = add
terms.foreach(t =>
// match on the operator to perform the appropriate calculation
t match {
// append the operands to the stack, and reduce the pair at the top using the current operator
case nums ~ op => lastOp = op; stack = reduce(stack ++ nums, op)
// Apply the last operation to all remaining operands
stack.reduceRight((x, y) => lastOp(y, x))
// A term is N factors
def term: Parser[List[Float]] = rep(factor)
// A factor is either a number, or another expression (wrapped in parens), converted to Float
def factor: Parser[Float] = num | "(" ~> expr <~ ")" ^^ (_.toFloat)
// Converts a floating point number as a String to Float
def num: Parser[Float] = floatingPointNumber ^^ (_.toFloat)
// Parses an operator and converts it to the underlying function it logically maps to
def operator: Parser[(Float, Float) => Float] = ("*" | "/" | "+" | "-") ^^ {
case "+" => add
case "-" => sub
case "*" => mul
case "/" => div
// Reduces a stack of numbers by popping the last pair off the stack, applying op, and pushing the result
def reduce(nums: List[Float], op: (Float, Float) => Float): List[Float] = {
// Reversing the list lets us use pattern matching to destructure the list safely
val result = nums.reverse match {
// Has at least two numbers at the end
case x :: y :: xs => xs ++ List(op(y, x))
// List of only one number
case List(x) => List(x)
// Empty list
case _ => List.empty[Float]
object Calculator extends ReversePolishCalculator {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("input: " + args(0))
println("result: " + calculate(args(0)))
// Parse an expression and return the calculated result as a String
def calculate(expression: String) = parseAll(expr, expression)
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