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Created July 19, 2016 23:00
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Useful config wrapper for Elixir
defmodule Config do
@moduledoc """
This module handles fetching values from the config with some additional niceties
@doc """
Fetches a value from the config, or from the environment if {:system, "VAR"}
is provided.
An optional default value can be provided if desired.
## Example
iex> {test_var, expected_value} = System.get_env |> Enum.take(1) |> List.first
...> Application.put_env(:myapp, :test_var, {:system, test_var})
...> ^expected_value = #{__MODULE__}.get(:myapp, :test_var)
...> :ok
iex> Application.put_env(:myapp, :test_var2, 1)
...> 1 = #{__MODULE__}.get(:myapp, :test_var2)
iex> :default = #{__MODULE__}.get(:myapp, :missing_var, :default)
@spec get(atom, atom, term | nil) :: term
def get(app, key, default \\ nil) when is_atom(app) and is_atom(key) do
case Application.get_env(app, key) do
{:system, env_var} ->
case System.get_env(env_var) do
nil -> default
val -> val
{:system, env_var, preconfigured_default} ->
case System.get_env(env_var) do
nil -> preconfigured_default
val -> val
nil ->
val ->
@doc """
Same as get/3, but returns the result as an integer.
If the value cannot be converted to an integer, the
default is returned instead.
@spec get_integer(atom(), atom(), integer()) :: integer
def get_integer(app, key, default \\ nil) do
case get(app, key, nil) do
nil -> default
n when is_integer(n) -> n
n ->
case Integer.parse(n) do
{i, _} -> i
:error -> default
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Maybe this should be a feature of Application.get_env/3, considering submit a PR to elixir-lang/elixir ?

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👍 For getting this change into elixir-lang/elixir

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edevil commented Sep 15, 2016

Does System.get_env/1 imply a getenv() system call? If so, isn't that a performance problem if you're doing it in a function that's called frequently?

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st23am commented Sep 27, 2016

When I try and use this in my umbrella project and import into my config.exs * (Mix.Config.LoadError) could not load config config/config.exs ** (UndefinedFunctionError) function MobileApi.ConfigurationUtils.get/3 is undefined (module MobileApi.ConfigurationUtils is not available)

How should I use this? Is there some strange umbrella thing going on here? I put the file in apps/mobile_api/lib/mobile_api/

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whitfin commented Sep 29, 2016

@st23am You don't call it from your config.exs file, you call it at runtime. Your config doesn't change, this just allows overriding at runtime.

FWIW I also believe this should be in core, seems a good thing to make standard.

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Seems reasonable to have this in core, configurations like this are part of many production deployments and a continuous source of confusion due to custom hand-rolled solutions. Having a standardised solution would simplify these things a lot (especially if it gains wider adoption in libs). @bitwalker what do you think about opening an issue/PR in elixir-lang/elixir?

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Thank you very much @bitwalker. I've added a third function get!/2 to mimic the Application.fetch_env!/2 behavior.

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@bitwalker awesome gist! 👏

I noticed that we share a similar boilerplate code on a lot of our projects.
To avoid copy/paste errors, I've tried to to wrap it into a installable dependancy.
I hope someone else will find it useful as well:

I also encourage @bitwalker to open a PR for elixirlang. I would really like it if this would be the default in elixir.

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FWIW - I'd prefer to see this land in the equivalent Erlang code ( which should enable 12FA-style config of any app, whether it's running Elixir or Erlang modules.

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almassapargali commented Mar 1, 2017

I often group configs with common domain, so I also had to get nested config values, use following code:

  def get_config(app, path, default \\ nil) do
    [root | subkeys] = List.wrap(path)
    root_val = Application.get_env(app, root)

    val = Enum.reduce(subkeys, root_val, fn (subkey, val) ->
      case val do
        nil -> nil
        keyword when is_list(keyword) -> Keyword.get(keyword, subkey)
        map when is_map(map) -> Map.get(map, subkey)

    get_config_val(val || default)

  def get_config_val({:system, varname}), do: System.get_env(varname)
  def get_config_val(val), do: val

So, to get :domain in this config:

config :my_app, MyApp.MailingService.Client,
  api_key: {:system, "MAILGUN_API_KEY"},
  domain: {:system, "MAILGUN_DOMAIN"}

I'd do following inside MyApp.MailingService.Client:

    def process_url(path) do
      "" <> get_config(:my_app, [__MODULE__, :domain]) <> path

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