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Created November 28, 2015 19:09
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Robust command line argument parsing in Godot
# Example of a script that can be run from the command line and parses out options. This is adapted
# from the Gut command line interface. The first 2 classes are not to be used directly, they are used
# by the Options class and can be ignored. Start reading after the Options class to get a feel for
# how it is used, then work backwards.
# This could be easily extracted out into a class itself, but in the interest of how it is being used
# I wanted it all in one file. It is yours to do with what you please, but if you make something out
# of it, I'd love to hear about it. I'm bitwes on godot forums, github, and bitbucket.
extends SceneTree
# Parses the command line arguments supplied into an array that can then be
# examined and parsed based on how the gut options work.
class CmdLineParser:
var _opts = []
func _init():
for i in range(OS.get_cmdline_args().size()):
# Search _opts for an element that starts with the option name
# specified.
func find_option(name):
var found = false
var idx = 0
while(idx < _opts.size() and !found):
if(_opts[idx].find(name) == 0):
found = true
idx += 1
return idx
return -1
# Parse out the value of an option. Values are seperated from
# the option name with "="
func get_option_value(full_option):
var split = full_option.split('=')
if(split.size() > 1):
return split[1]
return null
# Parse out multiple comma delimited values from a command line
# option. Values are separated from option name with "=" and
# additional values are comma separated.
func get_option_array_value(full_option):
var value = get_option_value(full_option)
var split = value.split(',')
return split
func get_array_value(option):
var to_return = []
var opt_loc = find_option(option)
if(opt_loc != -1):
to_return = get_option_array_value(_opts[opt_loc])
return to_return
# returns the value of an option if it was specfied, otherwise
# it returns the default.
func get_value(option, default):
var to_return = default
var opt_loc = find_option(option)
if(opt_loc != -1):
to_return = get_option_value(_opts[opt_loc])
return to_return
# returns true if it finds the option, false if not.
func was_specified(option):
var opt_loc = find_option(option)
if(opt_loc != -1):
return opt_loc != -1
# Simple class to hold a command line option
class Option:
var value = null
var option_name = ''
var default = null
var description = ''
func _init(name, default_value, desc=''):
option_name = name
default = default_value
description = desc
value = default_value
func pad(value, size, pad_with=' '):
var to_return = value
for i in range(value.length(), size):
to_return += pad_with
return to_return
func to_s(min_space=0):
var subbed_desc = description
if(subbed_desc.find('[default]') != -1):
subbed_desc = subbed_desc.replace('[default]', str(default))
return pad(option_name, min_space) + subbed_desc
# The high level interface between this script and the command line options
# supplied. Uses Option class and CmdLineParser to extract information from
# the command line and make it easily accessible.
class Options:
var options = []
var _opts = []
var _banner = ''
func add(name, default, desc):
options.append(, default, desc))
func get_value(name):
var found = false
var idx = 0
while(idx < options.size() and !found):
if(options[idx].option_name == name):
found = true
idx += 1
return options[idx].value
print("COULD NOT FIND OPTION " + name)
return null
func set_banner(banner):
_banner = banner
func print_help():
var longest = 0
for i in range(options.size()):
if(options[i].option_name.length() > longest):
longest = options[i].option_name.length()
for i in range(options.size()):
print(' ' + options[i].to_s(longest + 2))
func print_options():
for i in range(options.size()):
print(options[i].option_name + '=' + str(options[i].value))
func parse():
var parser =
for i in range(options.size()):
var t = typeof(options[i].default)
if(t == TYPE_INT):
options[i].value = int(parser.get_value(options[i].option_name, options[i].default))
elif(t == TYPE_STRING):
options[i].value = parser.get_value(options[i].option_name, options[i].default)
elif(t == TYPE_ARRAY):
options[i].value = parser.get_array_value(options[i].option_name)
elif(t == TYPE_BOOL):
options[i].value = parser.was_specified(options[i].option_name)
elif(t == TYPE_NIL):
print(options[i].option_name + ' cannot be processed, it has a nil datatype')
print(options[i].option_name + ' cannot be processsed, it has unknown datatype:' + str(t))
# Here starts the actual script that uses the Options class to kick off Gut
# and run your tests.
# instance of gut
var _tester = null
# Hash for easier access to the options in the code. Options will be
# extracted into this hash and then the hash will be used afterwards so
# that I don't make any dumb typos and get the neat code-sense when I
# type a dot.
var options = {
should_exit = false,
log_level = 1,
ignore_pause_before_teardown = false,
tests = [],
dirs = [],
selected = '',
prefix = '',
suffix = '',
gut_location = '',
show_help = false
func setup_options():
var opts =
opts.set_banner(('This is the command line interface for the unit testing tool Gut. With this ' +
'interface you can run one or more test scripts from the command line. In order ' +
'for the Gut options to not clash with any other godot options, each option starts ' +
'with a "g". Also, any option that requires a value will take the form of ' +
'"-g<name>=<value>". There cannot be any spaces between the option, the "=", or ' +
'inside a specified value or godot will think you are trying to run a scene.'))
opts.add('-gtest', [], 'Comma delimited list of tests to run')
opts.add('-gdir', [], 'Comma delimited list of directories to add tests from.')
opts.add('-gprefix', 'test_', 'Prefix used to find tests when specifying -gdir. Default "[default]"')
opts.add('-gsuffix', '.gd', 'Suffix used to find tests when specifying -gdir. Default "[default]"')
opts.add('-gexit', false, 'Exit after running tests. If not specified you have to manually close the window.')
opts.add('-glog', 1, 'Log level. Default [default]')
opts.add('-gignore_pause', false, 'Ignores any calls to gut.pause_before_teardown.')
opts.add('-gselect', '', ('Select a sccript to run initially. The first script that ' +
'was loaded using -gtest or -gdir that contains the specified ' +
'string will be executed. You may run others by interacting ' +
'with the GUI.'))
opts.add('-gutloc', 'res://scripts/', 'Full path (including name) of the gut script. Default [default]')
opts.add('-gh', false, 'Print this help')
return opts
# Extract the options from the command line into the hash so they are
# a little more accessible when using them.
func extract_options(opt):
options.tests = opt.get_value('-gtest')
options.dirs = opt.get_value('-gdir')
options.should_exit = opt.get_value('-gexit')
options.log_level = opt.get_value('-glog')
options.ignore_pause_before_teardown = opt.get_value('-gignore_pause')
options.selected = opt.get_value('-gselect')
options.prefix = opt.get_value('-gprefix')
options.suffix = opt.get_value('-gsuffix')
options.gut_location = opt.get_value('-gutloc')
# apply all the options specified to _tester
func apply_options():
# setup the tester
_tester = load(options.gut_location).new()
_tester.connect('tests_finished', self, '_on_tests_finished')
for i in range(options.dirs.size()):
_tester.add_directory(options.dirs[i], options.prefix, options.suffix)
for i in range(options.tests.size()):
if(options.selected != ''):
_auto_run = _tester.select_script(options.selected)
_tester.p("Could not find a script that matched: " + options.selected)
# Loads any scripts that have been configured to be loaded through the project
# settings->autoload.
func load_auto_load_scripts():
var f =
for key in f.get_section_keys('autoload'):
var obj = load(f.get_value('autoload', key)).new()
# parse option and run Gut
func _init():
var o = setup_options()
# Here is where you would do whatever this script
# is supposed to do. For me, it was kicking off
# the Gut unit testing tool.
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