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Last active November 25, 2015 20:18
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A functional javascript approach to a basic markdown parser. Inspired by a real interview question.
var _ = require('underscore')
var lines = [
"#The test",
"###Hello World",
"This is a new paragraph.",
"It has a second line",
"This is my new paragraph"
var htmlTemplate = _.template("<<%= tag %>><%= content %></<%= tag %>>");
function getFirstCharacter (line) {
return line[0];
function getHeadingLevel (line) {
var level = 0;
_.every(line, function (letter) {
if(_.isEqual(letter, "#")) {
return true;
return false;
return level;
function parseHeader (line) {
var level = getHeadingLevel(line);
return htmlTemplate({
tag: "h" + level,
content: line.substring(level, line.length)
function parseNewLine (line) {
return "<br />";
function parseParagraph (line) {
return "";
function parse (line) {
switch (getFirstCharacter(line)) {
case '#':
return parseHeader(line);
case undefined:
return parseNewLine(line);
return parseParagraph(line);
function appendLineToBuffer (line, buffer) {
if(_.isEmpty(buffer)) {
return line;
return buffer + ' ' + line;
function addOutstandingBufferToOutput (buffer, output) {
if(!_.isEmpty(buffer)) {
var newOutput = _.clone(output);
tag: "p",
content: buffer
return newOutput;
} else {
return output;
function parseMarkdown (lines) {
var buffer = "";
var result = _.reduce(lines, function (output, line) {
var newData = parse(line);
if(!_.isEmpty(newData)) {
var newOutput = addOutstandingBufferToOutput(buffer, output);
buffer = "";
return newOutput;
} else {
buffer = appendLineToBuffer(line, buffer);
return output;
}, []);
return addOutstandingBufferToOutput(buffer, result).join("\n");
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